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2012 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题
科目代码及名称: 618 英语基础 适用专业:英语语言文学
A 卷
Part I Reading Comprehension 30% (3 marks for each answer)
Passage One
A World We Have Not Known
By Henry A. Kissinger
To suggest that a newly elected administration raise its sights to the kind of world the next
millennium will bring may appear as a rude interruption to the near-blissful tranquility that tends
to settle in after our national elections. Events, however, develop their own mometurn, which, if
not mastered, becomes increasingly difficult to manage. This is a particular challenge for
inherently lame-duck second-term administrations, which are always in danger of losing the
capacity for implementing long-range decisions well before the end of their tenure. The key
choices must be made early in the administration, especially since the period of international
calm that characterized the first Clinton term is dawing to a close.
Never before have so many structural changes in the international system occurred
simultaneously. Some elements are now global---for example, economics and
communications---while politics remains confined to the nation-state or is reduced to ethnic
units. To make a long-term difference, the re-elected Clinton administration must envision the
world it seeks to achieve. Only in that way will it he able to establish criteria for judging where it
is heading
Let me focus on three areas likely to present the greatest challenges in the next century: Asia,
the Persian Gulf, and the transatlantic region encompassing the NATO countries and the territory
of the former Soviet bloc.
In Asia, China will emerge as an incipient superpower. When it reaches the per capita income
of South Korea (about a third of ours), its GNP will be double that of the United States. Such an
economic colossus is bound to have a major impact. China's vast market, reinforced by its
growing military power, will, in the hands of skillful and determined leaders, provide avehicle
for growing political influence.
But that does not mean that China will necessarily aim for hegemony. Or that American policy
第 1 页,共 8 页


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