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华东理工大学 2004 年硕士研究生入学考试试卷
1 英译汉
2 汉译英
The territory area of China is approximately equal to that of Canada or America. Its 1.1 billion
population takes the proportion of 22% of that of the whole world.
China is very young, with 60% of its citizens under 25. China is also very old. With an influential
history which is accumulated through thousands of years, China is proud of its ancient and
prosperous civilization and is stimulated to enter the new era of technology. The time is changing
the world as well as China.
The history of China is not a single history, but consists of many histories, as China is made of
many ethnic groups—a total of 56 ethnic groups. However, China is an inseparable and integral
What a great and unique country.
Part of China is plain, which is convenient for tourism and thus has many sight scenes. Here locate
the most affluent, prosperous as well as advanced metropolis: Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing, shanghai,
Guangzhou, etc. The seemed limitless fertile alluvial plain actually takes only less than 15% of the
total territory. The area of China’s arable lands is only 7% of that of the world. With so few lands,
China supports 1/4 of the global population. What a marvelous achievement!
3 汉译英
If you ask him where he got his egg, he answered it’s collected from somewhere. The fact itself is
not so honorable. He even planned to put the egg among those laid by his neighbor’s hen for
incubation. Obviously, his purpose is to grab a little hen after those eggs are hatched. We can see
this is the very first step of gaining a fortune as well as a dirty deal of stealing and cheating.
Then, his dream goes on. A hen could lay more eggs and hatch them into chicken, and he could
sell them to buy a cow. The cow would give birth to calves, then he could sell them and become a


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