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2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
本试题共 9 页,第 1 页
试题编号: 326 试题名称: 基础英语
Part I Reading Comprehension (65 points in all)
Directions: Read the following 7 passages and answer the questions after each one. For the first 4
passages, you are expected to answer each of the questions (defined by one question mark) in one
simple sentence (with one predicate verb) or phrase. For the last 3 passages, answer the follow-up
questions as briefly as possible. You will be penalized for wordy answers or exceeding the limit.
Passage One
Our two pet donkeys were reliable watchmen, and their hearing was as sharp as their eyesight. I
have seen them many a time look up from the grass they were eating and stare hard into the distance
with ears raised; and in a minute or so I would see someone coming down the road towards the
beach or observe a figure moving in a field a long way away.
When something unusual happened, Fred, the younger animal, would make so much noise that
he could be heard in the next village and beyond. Obviously this could be embarrassing when the
weather was still, for not everyone enjoys the sound of a donkey in full cry.
At night both donkeys were usually silent. They were undisturbed by the wild animals hunting
in the fields after dark. They remained sleepily relaxed. Yet I was sure that they would always raise
the alarm if there was a stranger about, or some activity which puzzled them. One clear August night,
for instance, I was woken up around three in the morning by Fred making a great deal of noise. It
was a very quiet night and I immediately thought of all the people in the neighborhood who might
also have been awakened by him. It was a terrible noise, and it went on and on, and so I realized that
something very unusual was bothering him. Then he stopped—and I heard voices.
On still nights we often heard the voices of the crews of fishing boats passing across the bay,
sometimes speaking in French, but they soon faded away into the distance. On this night they did not
fade away. And as I lay in bed realizing that they had gone on for far too long to belong to a moving
boat, I knew that I had to get up and investigate.
I pulled on some clothes, went outside, and shone my torch into the field by the cottage where I
had put the donkeys. The light shone on Fred who was standing with his head facing towards the sea,
ears upright like a V sign, showing such an intense interest in what was mysteriously happening that
I felt like saying to him, ―here, take the torch, go and find outwhat it’s all about.‖
1. Why were the writer’s two donkeys good at keeping watch? (2 points)
2. When thewriter was woken up at 3:00 a.m., what did he do? (2 points)
3. When he went outside what did he do? (2 points)
4. What had alarmed the donkeys that particular August night? (2 points)
Passage Two


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