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    Food Science College of Northeast Agricultural University was established in 1958, which was the first major of animal product processing in China. In October 1988, by merging the animal product processing faculty, the horticultural product faculty and food chemistry faculty in Northeast Agricultural College, the department of food science was established. In 1998, the college of food science was established by the approval of Heilongjiang Province Education Committee. The postdoctoral station of Food Science and Engineering was set up in September 2003. The discipline was the key subject of “Ninth Five-Year Plan”, “Tenth Five-Year Plan” and “211 Project” of China.
    At present, the college now is entitled to confer doctoral degree in food science and engineering, four master degrees in agricultural product processing and storage engineering, food science, and grain and oils, plant protein engineering,and aquicultural product processing and storage engineering; and four undergraduate specialties in food science and  engineering, food quality and safety, grain engineering and dairy engineering. There are three departments in the college, including Food Science, Animal Products Processing, and Agricultural Products Storage and Processing, in addition to a meat processing plant, a dairy middle-test plant and the research institute of food science, experimental center, Food Engineering Process Experimental Center, Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Products Storage Experimental Center, Heilongjiang Province Biological Dairy Key Lab and Dairy Science Key Lab of the Ministry of Education of China,Narional R&D center for Beef Processing. The quality and level of the staffs in the college has been significantly improved. The staffs include 11 professors, 14 associate professors and 4 technicians, and among the full-time teachers, there are 29 persons who have doctor degree and 20 persons having the master degree.

    The College's mission is to contribute significantly to the development of food production and safety, human nutrition. This is accomplished through the qualification of proficient graduates, innovative research, dissemination and enrichment of knowledge and service to the community.


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