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Foreign Languages Department of Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine was founded in March, 2004. At present there are 48 teachers in all, including 46 English teachers, a Japanese teacher and a teaching assistant. The faculty consists of 8 associate professors, 9 lecturers and 30 teachers. Among young teachers, those with M.A. degree comprise 42 percent, those who are working on M.A. degree comprise 38 percent, and one is working on an off-job Doctor’s degree. Young teachers are required to receive training and give trial lectures before taking a post. Certified teachers are assigned to visit their classes and provide detailed instruction so as to prepare them for teaching as soon as possible. An academic echelon made up of person-in-charge for the courses and young and mid-aged backbone teachers is built.
   There are three teaching and research sections under Foreign Languages Department, and they are Section of College English Teaching and Research, Section of Postgraduate English Teaching and Research, Section of Specialty English Teaching and Research.
   The department is in charge of college English and Japanese teaching of students at different levels, such as undergraduates, higher vocational college students, postgraduates, overseas students and adult students and so on. It accomplishes the teaching mission more than 14,800 class hours per year on average.
   On March 28, 2006, Foreign Languages Departments bidding for English major was approved by Ministry of Education. It has already recruited English majors in 2006 and 2007.
   With current profound teaching and research resources for advanced TCM education of the college, English specialty (traditional Chinese medicine direction), which so far has been established in only a few institutes of the whole nation, aims to cultivate inter-disciplinary talents who have a good mastery of both English Languages and TCM knowledge. During the course of internationalization and modernization of TCM, such talents are in urgent need in enterprises and institutions of TCM, hospitals of TCM and universities or colleges of TCM.
   In the past 3 years, teachers of Foreign Languages Department have published more than 40 theses altogether on publication of various levels, covering English linguistics and literature, translation theory and practice. This shows the department is in possession of solid foundation and substantial development potential in the field of English education and research.
外语系不拘一格根据能力使用、培养人才,在使用中培养。注重发挥青年教师的骨干作用和高学历优势, 同时也注重发挥老教师的传帮带作用。


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