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杭州师范大学马克汉姆海外学院(以下简称“海外学院” )系由杭州师范大学和马克汉姆国际教育集团共同创办的高等教育机构。
   海外学院位于中国七大古都之一的历史文化名城杭州。杭州风光绮丽,气候宜人,是中国“最佳旅游城市” 、“最具幸福感的城市”,也是浙江省首府,政治、经济、教育和文化中心,交通便捷,北距上海不足一小时车程。
   浙江经济发达,一向具有重视教育的优良传统,为满足莘莘学子日益增长的出国留学需要,海外学院依据杭州师范大学已经并将继续与国外多所大学签订“学分转移和学分互认” 协议,即学生先在海外学院按照协议双方商定的要求和规定,学习1-3年,成绩合格者取得杭州师范大学相应的学分,再转移到国外签约大学,并获承认,尔后,继续在该校攻读大学本科所余课程,以获得该校授予学士学位。
   海外学院大力推进教育国际化,在教学理念、教学内容、教学方法、考试和计分方法等方面,努力与国际接轨;与此同时,海外学院还开设目的地国概况、特别是高等教育情况讲座,期冀实现“微缝衔接” ,顺利过渡。
  Co-established by Hangzhou Normal University (HNU ) and Markham International Education Center (MIEC), Hangzhou Normal University Markham Overseas College (HNUMOC) is an institution of Higher Education.
  HNUMOC is located in Hangzhou, one of the seven ancient capitals of China and a celebrated City with Historical Culture. Hangzhou, with a charming and gentle scene and delightful weather, is the one of the best tourist cities in China, and the Capital City of Zhejiang Province, the provincial center of politics, economics, education and culture, possessing convenient communications, some 150 km south of Shanghai.
  With a developed economy, Zhejiang has been attaching enormous importance to education. To satisfy the increasing needs of the students, wishing to pursue advanced studies abroad, HNU, in the light of the “agreement of credit transference & recognition” signed with the foreign universities sends every year 200 or so students abroad to continue their education,i. e. students usually spend 1-3 years at HNU , taking the courses co-decided by HNU and the foreign signatory universities and taught by the faculty from HNU and foreign teachers according to the requirements by the accepting schools, and gives corresponding credits to be transferred to and recognized by the receiving universities, at which the students will continue their study and finish the rest of the undergraduate courses to win eventually bachelors degree from the universities.
  In addition, HNUMOC offers preparatory courses to the postgraduate candidates, who mainly study the target language and 1-2 postgraduate courses co-decided by HNU and overseas signatory institutions to obtain corresponding credits, and then they spend the 2nd year at the receiving schools taking the rest of the postgraduate course and be awarded master degree when they meet the requirements of the universities.
  HNUMOC tries to gear to international standards on educational conception, teaching requirements, contents, teaching methods, way of exam and marking. Meanwhile, HNUMOC provides lectures on the general survey of the target countries, so as to help link up the 2 separated stages, one at HNUMOC, the other at the accepting institutions.


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