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  The Film School is a professional school established jointly by Tongji University and Shanghai Film Group Corporation. On one hand, it is benefited by the reputation, resources of film and television, advantage in professional filmmaking and apprenticeship from Shanghai Film Studio. On the other hand, it shares Tongji’s prestige in education and advantage in academic research, educational management and multi-major resources. Shanghai Film Group Corporation and Tongji University work hand-in-hand, share resources and advantages, complement each other perfectly and develop side by side. The president of Shanghai Film Group Cooperation, Ren Zhonglun, serves as the dean of the Film School.
  Shanghai is the origin of Chinese films. Film has a history of more than a century in Shanghai. The rich historical accumulation has provided it with enormous benefits in cultivating and training film talents. Rooted in Shanghai, the Film School of Tongji University gives full play to its advantage in resources and learns from Chinese and foreign film education experiences. It has established a distinctive way of running the school: achieving the perfect combination of art and technology, maintaining the balance between teaching and practice, promoting economic benefit by market operation, and producing more talents for the reform of film industry. Basing ourselves in Shanghai, we aim at serving for the whole nation, taking the lead in the film industry and reaching international standard, which is how we position ourselves.
  We’ll form our own feature in art education according to Tongji University’s style of study: being precise and practical. We will lay emphasis on students’ cultural accomplishments, grasp the latest film technology, absorb traditions in folk art, and pursue a modern and innovative way of thinking. We teach our students in the following three modes: internationalization, nationalization, and localization. Producing film talents with comprehensive knowledge and skills, especially specialists of film technology and entrepreneurs in film, is our ultimate goal. The majors we have established so far encompass acting (which includes three orientations: acting for film and television, dance and education, and dubbing for film and television,) and direction and production for radio and television (film production.).
  We have established apprenticeship programs in association with Shanghai Film Group Cooperation, Shanghai Film Translation and Production Studio, and Ballet Troupe of Liaoning. A large number of famous filmmakers, scholars, and experts of artistic theory are invited to be the administrators, artistic advisers and part-time professors of the Film School. Many supervisors recruit master degree candidates in the master’s program of the art major and the Chinese opera major.


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