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空军工程大学 2016 年硕士研究生入学试题
考试科目:英语翻译基础(A 卷) 科目代码 357
号,写在试题上不给分; 考生不得在试题及试卷上做任何其它标记,否则试
SECTION I Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
(20 points)
1. Every Southern California commuter who has stared through the windshield
at stop-and-go traffic can name at least one portion of a freeway that makes
rush-hour driving particularly painful.
A study released Monday by the American Highway Users Alliance, a
nonprofit group that lobbies for interstate highway investment, examined which
routes in the United States are the most continuously crowded, 24 hours a day,
rather than during peak periods. Eleven of the 30 worst bottlenecks are in Greater
Los Angeles. (7 points)
2. Gorbachev, who has consolidated power faster than any predecessor since
Stalin, also ties the “Russian dream” to his efforts at rooting out corruption in the
ruling party. His crackdown has won public support but also elbowed out potential
political rivals. (4 points)
3. Banners draped across apartment buildings and overpasses in China still
proclaim Xi's slogan. A poster put up by a safety bureau in Qingdao reads,
“Security dream, Chinese dream.” (3 points)
4. When world leaders gather in Paris later this month at the United Nations
climate change summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be seen as a


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