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北 京 外 国 语 大 学 2002 年 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 试 题
考 试 科 目 : 二 外 英 语
I. Each problem in this part consists of a sentence in which one word or phrase has been
underlined. From the four choices given. You should choose the one word or phrase which could
be substituted for the underlined word or phrase without changing the meaning of the sentence.
(20% )
1. A ll the enemy troops fled the city when they heard the news.
[A ] returned [B] commanded [C] ran away [D ] disappeared
2. We are confident that we will pass the examination.
[A ] secret [B] reluctant [C] unbelievable [D ] sure
3. Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of prices.
[A ] unusual [B] decreasing [C] sudden [D ] gradual
4. N ow that he was rich, he was not thought ignorant any more, but simply odd.
[A ] well-known [B] knowledgeable [C] wealthy [D ] poor
5. M r. Wilson came to work today in spite of his sprained ankle.
[A ] because [B] despite [C] although [D ] unless
6. H e was very reluctant to go away.
[A ] fortunate [B] repetitive [C] hesitant [D ] hopeful
7. I am sure H arry. will remember, but why not give him a ring lest he forgets?
[A ] in case of [B] unless [C] for fear that [D ] for fear
8. We added several clauses to the document.
[A ] attached [B] attracted [C] attacked [D ] attained
9. W hat I have done is conflicting the doctor’s advice
[A ] attached to [B] resistant to [C] responsible to [D ] contrary to
10. Is that cassette still obtainable?
[A ] preferable [B] considerable [C] possible [D ] available
11. I was taken care of and educated by my grandmother.
[A ] brought on [B] brought about [C] brought up [D ] brought out
12. A fundamental premise( 前 提 ) of a market economy is that all small businesses face difficult
[A ] confront [B] take [C] lose [D ] appreciate
13. Tanagers( 唐 纳 雀 ) are usually found in the forests, where they feed on insects, fruits and
[A ] hunt [B] eat [C] keep [D ] see
14. A baby’s blood has slightly more hemoglobin( 血 红 素 ) that that of an adult.
[A ] no [B] a little [C] even [D ] very much
15. The U S was a divided nation in 1850-half slave and half free.
[A ] combined [B] united [C] separated [D ] connected
16. The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest.
[A ] neglected [B] ignored [C] fired [D ] sent
17. She has been appointed to be chairman of the committee.
[A ] chosen [B] asked [C] demanded [D] requested
18. Regular exercise is vital for your health.
[A ] important [B] good [C] useful [D ] related


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