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2013 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题
科目代码及名称: 621 英语基础 适用专业:英语语言文学
(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) A 卷
Part One Blank-filling 20%
For each of the blanks in the following passage you are allowed to fill in only one word.
Professor Bill Morse was my instructor for a seminar in John Milton during the first _1_-of my
sophomore year at Holy Cross. Truth be told, I had no business _2_ the upper-level class, and my presence
there was largely due to a registrar mishap, _3_ for some reason, Bill let me stay. I was scared that first day
when he told us to _4_ our chairs in a circle. You can’t hide in a circle. And _5_ I looked around for someone
who lived in my dorm, I quickly _6_ I was outranked here. The fact that I was allowed to stay, _7_ the
ranking, inspired me. Perhaps Bill saw _8_ in me during those first few classes. Or perhaps he noticed all the
Post-it _9_ and hi-lighting I had done in my Milton handbook. Regardless, his confidence in me was inspiring.
I spent most of my days preparing for that weekly _10_. I read the assigned reading. I read the _11_ reading. I
read supporting texts and notable opinions. And then I began to _12_ my own. I was the first to enter the circle
each week and the last to leave _13_.
My friends dreaded dinners in Kimball dining hall with me that year, because I would often ask them
what they thought of the _14_ of Eve and what it meant to them when she crouched by the river’s _15_ to see
her own _16_ I asked them if they thought the theory of the dialectic could be applied to our own trivial lives,
and if they felt more passionate _17_ life when they thought about it within the _18_ of dying. These questions
proved to be table-clearing topics, and it’s quite surprising that I ended that semester with any friends at all.
But I couldn’t _19_ my enthusiasm. Professor Morse had triggered something in me. He had _20_ an
independence of thought that I hadn’t yet found in myself.
Part Two Reading Comprehension 40%
When Wenzhou Sneezes
Wenzhou is known for making shoes, buttons, eyeglasses, electric switches, water valves and
70% of the world's cigarette lighters. But its most famous product is entrepreneurs. (1)Hemmed
in by mountains and with little arable land, this city on China's southeastern coast has relied on
trade for centuries. Even in the Maoist era, when capitalism came under sustained and violent
attack, private enterprise was never entirely extinguished there. So after China began market
reforms in the late 1970s, Wenzhou flourished. "The Wenzhou Model" of small, low-cost
manufacturing operations was widely copied in China. Wenzhou now has some 140,000
第 1 页,共 5 页


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