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二十五、北京航空航天大学 1991 年招收硕士研究生考试试题
Supply the correct answers to fill the blanks below:
I. British History and Culture (60%, two points each)
1. The tribes who conquered Britain between the 5th and 7th centuries are called
2. The British aristocracy consists of a number of people who have heriditary titles of nobility.
The titles are Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount, and .
3. In Great Britain, the political party in power holds more than half of the seats in the House of
Commons, and therefore has considerable security, although it knows that within years
it must face a new general election in which it may be defeated.
4. All the government ministers are appointed by the Queen, but she makes the appointments
entirely on the advice of the .
5. Until about 1920 the two main parties were the Conservatives and the . It was only
after the First World War that the Labour Party became the second main party.
6. About 50 bills are passed through Parliament each year. Most bills are introduced by the
Government. Every bill brought in by the Government has been approved first by .
7. Rugby football is usually called rugger, while the association football is called .
8. Public schools, in spite of their names, are secondary schools.
9. The British Broadcasting Corporation is financed by payments made by all who possess .
10. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland does not include the southern
part of Ireland, which is an independent republic and not even a member of .
11. The tribes who inhabited Britain before the Roman occupation were the . Most of
them were driven to the north and the south-west by the arrival of Roman soldiers.
12. Not 10ng after the departure of the Romans, Britain was disturbed by the invasion of the
Picts. Being unable to resist them, the Britons called in the aid of certain Germanic tribes,
mainly who had been in the habit of visiting their coasts. The Germans gladly
came; and they liked the country so much that they were loath to go away again.
13. Richard I, called Coeur-de-Lion, spent most of his reign outside England. The famous
legendary hero, lived about this time.
14. is a native of London, esp. of the working class born in the East End, speaking a
characteristic dialect of English. Traditionally he/she must be born within the sound of Bow
Bells. Tile name also refers to the dialect of London.
15. In 1215 King John of England was forced to sign the by his nobles, which, over the
centuries, became the foundation of English political rights.
16. The sovereign who ruled Britain for sixty four years in the late 19th century was
17. Condition Of The Working Class In England In 1844 was written by _______.
18. The French army under Napoleon was decisively defeated at Waterloo by the Allied Armies
under which ended Napoleon's career.
19. The Anglo-Norman minstrels wrote many romances based on Celtic legends, especially on
those concerning King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The stories describe the
king's-Round Table; his knights and their search for the .
20. completed ms education as a physician and surgeon, but he turned to the writing
of novels, short stories, and plays. Of Human Bondage, his best known novel, appeared in
1915. His short stories, noted for their technical expertise, lucidity, and emotional restraint,
are collected in Orientations, The Casuarina Tree, The Mixture as Before, and Creatures of
21. wrote some of England's important fiction during the 1920's and 1930's. Her
novels, which include To The Lighthouse and The Waves, experimented with stream of
consciousness and with the form of the novel.
22. James Joyce's is a long book, written in many languages, with many layers of


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