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北 京 外 国 语 大 学
2005 年 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试
基 础 英 语 试 卷
Please write all the answers on the answer sheets.
Time Limit:3 hours
I. Reading Comprehension
This section contains two passages. Read each passage and then answer the questions given
at the end of it. Your answers must be in English.
Passage O ne
Critics and supporters of the U nited N ations have sometimes seemed worlds apart. B ut since
last year, almost all of them, whether multilateralist or unilateralist. A merican or European, have
come to agree that the organisation is in crisis. This week, a blue-ribbon panel commissioned by
the body’s secretary-general. Kofi A nnan. released its report on what to do about it.
The U N ’s sorry state became most obvious with the Iraq war. Those favouring the War were
furious that after a decade of Security Council resolutions, including the last-chance Resolution
1441 threatening “serious consequences” if Iraq did not prove its disarmament, the UN could not
agree to act. A nti— war types were just as frustrated that the world body failed to stop the War. But
Iraq was not the U N ’ s only problem. It has done little to stop humanitarian disasters, such as the
ongoing horror in Sudan. And it has done nothing to stop Iran ’s and N orth Korea’s pursuit of
nuclear weapons.
Recognising the danger of irrelevance. M r A nnan last year told a 16-member panel,
composed mainly of former government ministers and heads of government, to suggest changes.
These fall broadly into two categories: the institutional and the cultural. The former has got most
of the headlines— particularly a call for changing the structure of the Security Council. But
changes in the U N ’s working practices are crucial. too.
Everyone agrees that the Security Council is an unrepresentative relic: of its 15 seats. five are
occupied by permanent, veto— wielding members(A merica, Russia, China, Britain and France)and
ten go to countries that rotate every two years and have no veto. But that the council’s
composition is a throwback to the world order immediately after the Second World War has been
agreed on for decades, without any success in changing it. Japan and G ermany: the second. and
third. biggest contributors to the UN budget, believe they are entitled to permanent seats. So does
India, the world’s second— most— populous country, and Brazil, Latin A merica’s biggest. Unlike
in previous efforts, these four have finally banded together to press their case .And they are joined
in spirit by the A fricans, who want two seats for their continent.
But each aspirant has opponents. China mistrusts Japan. Italy opposes a permanent seat for
G ermany, which would make Italy the only biggish European power without one.(It instead
proposes a single seat for the European U nion, a non-starter since this would require Britain and
France to give up theirs. and regional institutions cannot be U N members under the current U N
Charter.)Spanish-speaking M exico and A rgentina do not think Portuguese-speaking Brazil should
represent Latin A merica, and Pakistan strongly opposes its rival India ’s bid. A s for potential
A frican seats, Egypt claims one as the representative of the M uslim and A rab world. That would
leave N igeria, the continent’s most populous country, and South A frica, which is richer and a more
stable democracy, fighting for the other.
The panel has proposed tw o alternatives. The first would give six countries(none is named


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