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2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
本试题共 12 页,第 1 页
试题编号:327 试题名称:基础英语
Part I Reading Comprehension (60 points)
Passage One
1. Write an outline of the main points covered in the following reading
material. (10 points)
2. What institutional constraints have been mentioned in this text? As a
language learner, what do you think of the role of the individual learner,
especially in terms of learner autonomy and learner possibility? (10
Over the last quarter of the twentieth century, the (English) language teaching
profession has undergone many changes. One interesting example of this is the role of
materials, and in particular, in the nature of course book provision. The market for
„main courses‟ has grown enormously, and the top five course book series, in Britain
alone, generate very large sales indeed. Responding to these greater rewards for
producing successful courses, the series themselves have changed dramatically. Book
now contain far more material, with „multi‟ syllabuses (Swan and Walter 1984-87) as
well as extensive accompanying material. In addition, the professionalism of the
publishing process means that those series which are published have survived a rigorous
monitoring and piloting schedule which is likely to have caused significant rejection of
unsatisfactory material and revision of almost everything which remains.
All this, of course, represents a significant advance. It is difficult not to conclude
that the materials which are now available are not simply more extensive but are also of
better quality than their predecessors. In some ways these developments have rendered
out-of-date an interesting exchange on the value of language teaching materials.
Allwright (1981) argued that commercial materials are a juggernaut which are stifling
for the individual and the mediating contributions that can be made by the teacher. In
contrast, O‟Neill (1982) argued that it is better to use professional materials than those
produced under difficult circumstances by amateurs. The debate was nicely balanced,
with each party making unanswered points, and the conclusion being a difficult one to
draw. So it is all the more striking that since then the O‟Neill position has seemed to
prevail by default. Since the time of the debate we have seen an astonishing growth in
accepted importance of a relatively small number of well produced course book series,
with the result that the position that Allwright argued so cogently has been
This, of course, leads us to consider the price that we have had to pay for such
progress. Clearly, a central factor underlying publisher behavior is to maximize profits


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