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中国人民大学 2003 年研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:基础英语 英文写作 英汉互译
考试时间:1 月 19 日上午
Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Written Expressions (10 points)
Directions: Write in the blank the letter of the item which best completes each sentence.
1. Even assuming that Earth is in a desperate battle of survival through a crisis of still-rising
population and energy reserves, there should still continue to be technological advance in
those directions that don’t depend on wasteful bulk-use of energy.
A. lessening B. minimizing C. dwindling D. dwelling
2. Later, parents urge high schools to adopt more grading system, worried that the
children’s self-esteem will plummet when they find that the“satisfactory”of earlier years has now
become a “C”or a“D”.
A. lenient B. prerequisite C. prominent D. subsequent
3. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women’s status in society will ___
through the current law system in Japan.
A. permeate B. prevail C. group D. tangle
4. Diamonds have little value and their price depends almost entirely on their
A. subtle B. permanent C. intrinsic D. intrigue
5. These areas rely on agriculture almost , having few mineral resources and a
minimum of industrial development.
A. desperately B. incredibly C. exclusively D. deliberately
6. This may be because of a view that there is a genuine change in trend or because of the
dangerous propensity to short-term experience to the future.
A. scrutinize B. exhortate C. deteriorate D. extrapolate
7. In later years, I helped my two sons find work in Ford plants so they could gain the
appreciation for plant life and develop a sincere conviction by hard work, to complete
their college educations.
A. engendered B. verified C. endowed D. provoked
8. New sources of energy must found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in
any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and energy we have had in the
times past.
9. Lack of public transportation in the suburbs has caused a terrible for poor people
who live there, they must either buy a car or depend on fiends for transportation.
A. turbulence B. predicament C. prevalence D. resilience
10. We form many of our opinions from our favorite book. The author whom we prefer is our
most teacher, we look at the world through his eyes.
A. efficient B. capable C. repudiate D. potent
II. Error Correction(20 points)
Directions: In this passage there are altogether 10 mistakes. Try to detect the mistakes and write


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