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2016 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目: 621 英语水平测试
Part I Reading Comprehension (40 points)
Directions: In this part there are 5 passages, each with some questions or incomplete statements.
Read them carefully and then choose from the four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D to
answer the questions or complete the statements. Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Passage 1
Historians of the American civil war find themselves in the same unenviable position as
Shakespeare scholars: so thoroughly have their fields of study been explored that finding a nearly
virgin comer is all but impossible. But Don Doyle has broken new ground in enlightening and
compellingly written book, The Cause of All Nations. More than any previous study, it tells the story
of how America’s civil war was perceived, debated and reacted to abroad, and how that reaction
shaped the course of the war at home.
At the war’s outset, however, things were not so simple. Southern diplomats framed their
struggle in accordance with liberal principles of self-determination. They judged the conflict, Mr.
Doyle notes, to be “one arising naturally between industrial and agricultural societies, not freedom
and slavery as the North believed.” The North’s response, meanwhile, was uncompromising,
legalistic and violent. America’s secretary of state threatened to “wrap the whole world in flames”,
promising total war on any state that dared aid the South.
Most histories of the civil war turn inward at the end and examine the war’s consequences and
legacy for America. Mr. Doyle turns outward to show how important America’s civil war was to the
rest of the wor1d: liberty and democracy defeated slavery and the landed gentry.
The Union’s victory had wider impacts. In Spain, Queen Isabella, fearing American naval
power, ended the attempted re-colonization of Santo Domingo. Ulysses Grant, a civil-war general,
turned his military attention to Mexico, where Napoleon III had installed an Austrian, Maximilian, as
emperor. When the threat of an alliance between France and the South was smashed, Napoleon
withdrew his support and in 1867 Maximilian was executed by Mexican troops. Across the ocean,
Britain’s republicans marched to victory that same year. Democracy had not just survived, but
After Lincoln’s death, a French newspaper wrote that he “represented the cause of democracy
in the largest and the most universal understanding of the word. That cause is our cause, as much as
it is that of the United States.” In honor of the Union’s victory a French artist crafted a statue out of
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copper sheeting, a figure representing freedom, tall and proud, holding a torch high. The Statue of
Liberty stands today in New York harbor, the copper now green with age, her gaze fixed across the
Atlantic on Europe.
1. Shakespeare is mentioned in the first paragraph to illustrate that __________.
A. the civil war has been studied as extensively as possible
B. the civil war and Shakespeare’s works are known worldwide
C. new discoveries are easy concerning the cause of the civil war
D. historians of the civil war should learn from Shakespeare
2. The book entitled The Cause of All Nations is focused on __________.
A. the consequences of the civil war for America
B. the impact of the civil war on other countries
C. the political difference between the North and South
D. factors that caused the outbreak of the civil war
3. The North regarded the civil war as a war __________.
A. between the government and people B. between salves and slave-owners
C. between freedom and slavery D. between industrial and agricultural states
4. Paragraph Four is mainly concerned with __________.
A. the effect of incidents abroad on the civil war
B. numerous conflicts between European countries
C. contributions of Europeans to the Union’s victory
D. effects of the Union’s victory on other countries
Passage 2
Milankovitch proposed in the early twentieth century that the ice ages were caused by
variations in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. For some time this theory was considered untestable,
largely because there was no sufficiently precise chronology of the ice ages with which the orbital
variations could be matched.
To establish such a chronology it is necessary to determine the relative amounts of land ice that
existed at various times in the Earth’s past. A recent discovery makes such a determination possible:
relative land-ice volume for a given period can be deduced from the ratio of two oxygen isotopes, 16
and 18, found in ocean sediments. Almost all the oxygen in water is oxygen 16, but a few molecules
out of every thousand incorporate the heavier isotope 18. When an ice age begins, the continental ice
sheets grow, steadily reducing the amount of water evaporated from the ocean that will eventually
return to it. Because heavier isotopes tend to be left behind when water evaporates from the ocean
surfaces, the remaining ocean water becomes progressively enriched in oxygen 18. The degree of
enrichment can be determined by analyzing ocean sediments of the period, because these sediments
are composed of calcium carbonate shells of marine organisms, shells that were constructed with
oxygen atoms drawn from the surrounding ocean. The higher the ratio of oxygen 18 to oxygen 16 in
a sedimentary specimen, the more land ice there was when the sediment was laid down.
As an indicator of shifts in the Earth’s climate, the isotope record has two advantages. First, it is
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a global record: there is remarkably little variation in isotope ratios in sedimentary specimens taken
from different continental locations. Second, it is a more continuous record than that taken from
rocks on land. Because of these advantages, sedimentary evidence can be dated with sufficient
accuracy by radiometric methods to establish a precise chronology of the ice ages. The dated isotope
record shows that the fluctuations in global ice volume over the past several hundred thousand years
have a pattern: an ice age occurs roughly once every 100,000 years. These data have established a
strong connection between variations in the Earth’s orbit and the periodicity of the ice ages.
However, it is important to note that other factors, such as volcanic particulates or variations in
the amount of sunlight received by the Earth, could potentially have affected the climate. The
advantage of the Milankovitch theory is that it is testable; changes in the Earth’s orbit can be
calculated and dated by applying Newton’s laws of gravity to progressively earlier configurations of
the bodies in the solar system. Yet the lack of information about other possible factors affecting
global climate does not make them unimportant.
5. In the passage, the author is primarily interested in __________.
A. suggesting an alternative to an outdated research method
B. presenting a theory and describing a new method to test that theory
C. introducing a new research method that calls an accepted theory into question
D. emphasizing the instability of data gathered from the application of a new scientific method
6. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements
about the Milankovitch theory?
A. It is not a plausible explanation for the ice ages, although it has opened up promising
possibilities for future research.
B. It is too limited to provide a plausible explanation for the ice ages, despite recent research
C. It is one plausible explanation, though not the only one, for the ice ages.
D. It cannot be tested and confirmed until further research on volcanic activity is done.
7. It can be inferred from the passage that the isotope record taken from ocean sediments would be
less useful to researchers if which of the following were true?
A. It indicated that climate shifts did not occur every 100,000 years.
B. It stretched back for only a million years.
C. It indicated that lighter isotopes of oxygen predominated at certain times.
D. It had far more gaps in its sequence than the record taken from rocks on land.
8. It can be inferred from the passage that precipitation formed from evaporated ocean water has
A. less oxygen 18 than does ocean water
B. the same isotopic ratio as ocean water
C. less oxygen 18 than has the ice contained in continental ice sheets
D. more oxygen 16 than has precipitation formed from fresh water
9. It can be inferred from the passage that calcium carbonate shells __________.
A. reflect the isotopic composition of the water at the time the shells were formed
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B. contain radioactive material that can be used to determine a sediment’s isotopic composition
C. are less common in sediments formed during an ice age
D. are found only in areas that were once covered by land ice
Passage 3
No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. “Is this what you
intended to accomplish with your careers?” Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executives last
week, “You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?”
At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul-searching
that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 1990. It’s a self-examination that
has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility, creative freedom and the corporate bottom
At the core of this debate is Chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve Ross
in 1992. On the financial front, Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce the
company’s mountainous debt, which will increase to $ 17.3 billion after two new cable deals close.
He has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company, but investors are
waiting impatiently.
The flap over rap is not making life any easier for him. Levin has consistently defended the
company’s rap music on the grounds of expression. In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire for
releasing Ice-T’s violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as lawful expression of street
culture, which deserves an outlet. “The test of any democratic society”, he wrote in a Wall Street
Journal column, “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of
thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may
sometimes be. We won’t retreat in the face of any threats.”
Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was
backing off his hard-line stand, at least to some extent. During the discussion of rock singing verses
at last month’s stockholders’ meeting. Levin asserted that music is not the cause of society’s ills and
even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students.
But he talked as well about the balanced struggle between creative freedom and social responsibility,
and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and
labeling of potentially objectionable music. The 15-member Time Warner board is generally
supportive of Levin and his corporate strategy. But insiders say several of them have shown their
concerns in this matter. “Some of us have known for many, many years that the freedoms under the
First Amendment are not totally unlimited,” says Luce. “I think it is perhaps the case that some
people associated with the company have only recently come to realize this.”
10. Senator Robert Dole criticized Time Warner for __________.
A. its raising of the corporate stock price B. its emphasis on creative freedom
C. its neglect of social responsibility D. its self-examination of soul
11. In face of the recent attacks on the company, the chairman __________.
A. stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expression
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B. softened his tone and adopted some new policy
C. changed his attitude and yielded to objection
D. received more support from the 15-member board
12. The best title for this passage could be __________.
A. A Debate on Moral Decline B. A Company under Fire
C. A Lawful Outlet of Street Culture D. A Form of Creative Freedom
Passage 4
Industrial production managers coordinate the resources and activities required to produce
millions of goods every year in the United States. Although their duties vary from plant to plant,
industrial production managers share many of the same major responsibilities. These responsibilities
include production scheduling, staffing, procurement and maintenance of equipment, equality
control, inventory control, and the coordination of production activities with those of other
The primary mission of industrial production managers is planning the production schedule
within budgetary limitations and time constraints. They do this by analyzing the plant’s personnel
and capital resources to select the best way of meeting the production quota. Industrial production
managers determine, often using mathematical formulas, which machines will be used, whether new
machines need to be purchased, whether overtime of extra shifts are necessary, and what the
sequence of production will be. They monitor the production run to make sure that it stays on
schedule and correct any problems that may arise.
Industrial production managers also must monitor product standards. When quality drops below
the established standard, they must determine why standards are not being maintained and how to
improve the product. If the problem relates to the quality of work performed in the plant, the
manager may implement better training programs, reorganize the manufacturing process, or institute
employee suggestion or involvement programs. If the cause is substandard materials, the manager
works with the purchasing department to improve the quality of the product’s components.
Because the work of many departments is interrelated, managers work closely with heads of
other departments such as sales, procurement, and logistics to plan and implement company goals,
policies, and procedures. For example, the production manager works with the procurement
department to ensure that plant inventories are maintained at their optimal level. This is vital to a
firm’s operation because maintaining the inventory of materials necessary for production ties up the
firm’s financial resources, yet insufficient quantities cause delays in production. A breakdown in
communications between the production manager and the purchasing department can cause
slowdowns and a failure to meet production schedules. Just-in-time production techniques have
reduced inventory levels, making constant communication among the manager, suppliers, and
purchasing departments even more important. Computers play an integral part in this coordination.
They also are used to provide up-to-date information on inventory, the status of work in progress,
and quality standards.
Production managers usually report to the plant manager or the vice president for
manufacturing, and may act as liaison between executives and first-line supervisors. In many plants,
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one production manager is responsible for all aspects of production. In large plants with several
operations—there are managers in charge of each operation, such as machining, assembly, or
13. The passage is mainly about __________.
A. the role of an industrial production manager
B. the procedures for industrial production
C. the ways to raise working efficiency and productivity
D. the importance of coordination in production activities
14. To meet the production quota, it is of vital importance that __________.
A. the optimal staffing and budgeting arrangement be made
B. every machine be utilized to its fullest capability
C. problems be corrected at once whenever they arise
D. work shifts be arranged to yield the highest productivity
15. Which of the following aspects is the focus of the fourth paragraph?
A. The necessity to obtain the latest information. B. Coordination of production activities.
C. Quality control. D. Inventory control.
16. What is the role of computers in the production process?
A. They control the techniques of production.
B. They monitor the progress and status of work.
C. They transmit directions from the management to employees.
D. They keep each department well-informed.
Passage 5
Linguists have understood for decades that language and thought are closely related. Humans
construct reality using thought and express these thoughts through the use of language. Edward Sapir
and his student Benjamin Whorf are credited with developing the most relevant explanation
outlining the relationship between thought and language, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. The
hypothesis consists of two parts, linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism. Supporters of
linguistic relativity assume that culture is shaped by language. Terwilliger defines linguistic
determinism as the process by which “the functions of one’s mind are determined by the nature of
the language which one speaks.” In simpler terms, the thoughts that we construct are based upon the
language that we speak and the words that we use. In its strongest sense, linguistic determinism can
be interpreted as meaning that language determines thought. In its weakest sense, language partially
influences thought. Whorf was careful to avoid authoritative statements which would permanently
commit him to particular position.
Because of the broad nature of his statements, it is difficult to distinguish exactly to what extent
Whorf believes that language determines thought. Heated debate among modern linguists
demonstrates that disagreement exists about the accuracy and correctness of Whorf’s studies and of
the actual level of influence of language on thought processes.
The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis essentially consists of two distinct statements connecting the
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relation of thought and language. Whorf believes that humans may be able to think only about
objects, processes, and conditions that have language associated with them. The Sapir-Whorf
Hypothesis also explains the relationship between different languages (French, English, German,
Chinese, and so on) and thought. Whorf demonstrated that culture is largely determined by language.
Different cultures perceive the world in different ways. Culturally essential objects, conditions and
processes usually are defined by a plethora of words, while things that cultures perceive as
unimportant are usually assigned one or two words. Whorf developed this theory while studying the
Hopi Indian tribe. Whorf was amazed that the Hopi language has no words for past, present, and
future. The Hopi have only one word for flying objects. A dragonfly, an airplane, and a pilot are
defined using the same word. Whorf questioned whether or not the Hopi view the world differently
than western peoples. After further interpretation and analysis he concluded that the Hopi have a
sense for the continuum of time despite having no words to specifically describe past, present, and
It is commonly believed that the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis possesses some truth, but the extent
to which it is applicable to all situations is questioned. Linguists generally support a “strong” or a
“weak” interpretation. Linguists who study the hypothesis tend to cite examples that support their
beliefs but are unable or unwilling to refute the opposing arguments. Examples exist that strengthen
the arguments of everyone who studies the hypothesis. Nobody has gained significant ground in
proving or refuting the hypothesis because the definitions of Sapir and Whorf are very vague and
incomplete, leaving room for a significant amount of interpretation.
17. Advocates of linguistic determinism insist that __________.
A. language and thought are intimately related to each other
B. culture is shaped by language through which it expresses itself
C. the realities constructed through different languages are different
D. both the culture and the mind determine the language to be used
18 Whorf himself tends to hold that __________.
A. thoughts are based on language B. language determines thought
C. language partially influences thought D. culture is shaped by language
19. According to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, if a culture has more expression for certain concepts,
it shows that __________.
A. the culture is very much advanced and civilized
B. these concepts are more important than others
C. other concepts will be perceived as unimportant
D. these expressions developed earlier in the language
20. Which of the following criticism is often made of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
A. It has no empirical evidence in its favor.
B. It is formulated on the basis of only one case study.
C. Its applicability has been greatly exaggerated.
D. No convincing examples can be found to support its claim.
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Part II Structure and Vocabulary (20 points)
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.
Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
21. A(n) _________ at the Library Company is a designed fund that is invested to produce income
to make possible the donor’s wishes.
A. endowment B. investment C. provision D. reimbursement
22. Fortunately, the new government backed off and now _________ joins the international
consensus against infant mortality.
A. garishly B. gradually C. grudgingly D. gruesomely
23. It is part of the method in the madness that military dictators employ to terrorize and
_________ the civil population.
A. strain B. stale C. subdue D. stagger
24. There you will find men treating women with just the same respect formerly _________ only to
religious dignitaries or to great nobles.
A. acceded B. accelerated C. accreted D. accorded
25. One of the things _________ parents worry about most is that you will end up not achieving
A. intelligent B. pushy C. advisable D. industrious
26. The improvements are being done to _________ to new federal regulations governing security
around nuclear generating facilities.
A. conform B. consistent C. coordinate D. comply
27. A visitor to a museum today would notice _________ changes in the way museums are
A. precarious B. conspicuous C. rigorous D. insidious
28. Until recently the country’s economy has been _________ from recession by its reserves of raw
A. isolated B. insulated C. illuminated D. instigated
29. Some astronomers spend their whole life studying certain stars since each galaxy contains
_________ of stars.
A. myriads B. volumes C. stacks D. rafts
30. Statistics have shown that violent crime is only one of the _________ afflicting modern society.
A. ailments B. infirmities C. disturbances D. maladies
31. After the tornado had hit the coastal regions, the rescue team started their work immediately
and they first tried to _________ the areas in most urgent need of help.
A. smear B. fortify C. mobilze D. pinpoint
32. Owning to his malpractice in the official position, Mike Brown has been _________ to the role
of a mere assistant last week.
A. relegated B. redeemed C. traversed D. contrived
33. It has been reported recently that many celebrities in South Korea have used _________
credentials while doing job hunting so that their reputation has been ruined.
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A. fraudulent B. distorted C. spurious D. counterfeit
34. Although I gave him many presents, I had no _________ gifts from him.
A. mutual B. reciprocal C. stereotypical D. gratuitous
35. The best and brightest bicycle riders in all the land will _________ on South Florida this
weekend to have a contest.
A. diverge B. converge C. converse D. diverse
36. On weekends my grandpa usually _________ a glass of wine.
A. subscribes to B. engages in C. encroaches on D. indulges in
37. I had lost my pen, but she _________ another one for me from somewhere.
A. conferred upon B. put forward C. conjured up D. correlated with
38. The local government _________ on spending in order to help the laid-off and the homeless out
of the plight.
A. crumbled B. cursed C. curbed D. conflated
39. His generous offer should be considered seriously instead of being _________ at.
A. disliked B. dissembled C. snapped D. sniffed
40. To understand the power of blockchain systems and the things they can do, it is important to
distinguish between three things that are commonly _________.
A. muddled up B. shot straight C. engrossed in D. shrunk from
Part III Cloze (20 points)
Directions: Fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word to complete the passage. Please write
your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Passage A:
I chose to study 41 at a small liberal-art university that doesn’t
even offer a major in electrical engineering. 42 , this was not a practical
choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that
would 43 me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my
career. I wanted to open my eyes and expand my 44 by interacting with
people who weren’t studying science or engineering. My parents, teachers
and other adults praised me for such a 45 choice. They told me I was
wise and mature beyond my 18 years, and I believed them.
I headed off college sure I was going to have an 46 over those
students who went to big engineering “factories” 47 they didn’t care if
you had values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineering;
technical genius and sensitive humanist all in one.
Now I’m not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed
into reality, as all noble ideals eventually do. After three years of struggling
to 48 math, physics and engineering courses with liberal-arts courses, I
have learned there are reasons why few engineering students try to reconcile
engineering with liberal-arts courses in college.
41. ____________
42. ____________
43. ____________
44. ____________
45. ____________
46. ____________
47. ____________
48. ____________
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The reality that has 49 my path to become the typical successful
student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don’t mix as easily as I
assumed in high school. Individually they shape a person in very different
ways; together they threaten to confuse. The struggle to 50 the two
fields of study is difficult.
49. ____________
50. ____________
Passage B:
In Latin America and the Middle East, North Americans can frequently
be psychologically stressed. 51 in a poly-chronic environment in the
markets, stores, and souks of Mediterranean and Arab countries, one is
52 by other customers all vying for the attention of a single clerk who is
trying to 53 on everyone at once. There is no recognized order as to
who is to be served next, no queue or members to indicate who has been
waiting the longest. To the North European or American, it appears that
confusion and clamor abound. In a different 54 , the same patterns can
be seen 55 in the governmental bureaucracies of Mediterranean
countries: a typical office layout for important officials frequently includes a
large reception area, outside the private suite, where small groups of people
can wait and be visited by the minister or his or her aides. These functionaries
do most of their 56 outside in this semipublic setting, moving from
group conferring with each in turn. The semiprivate transactions take less
time, giving others the 57 that they are in the presence of the minister
as well as other important people with 58 they may also want to confer.
Once one is used to this pattern, it is clear that there are advantages 59
frequently overweigh the 60 of a series of private meetings in the inner
51. ____________
52. ____________
53. ____________
54. ____________
55. ____________
56. ____________
57. ____________
58. ____________
59. ____________
60. ____________
Part IV Paraphrasing (10 points)
Directions: Paraphrase the underlined parts. Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
(61) Submission, a novel by French author Michel Houellebecq that is newly available in
English, tells the story of an Islamic political party overtaking France’s government at the ballot box
and fundamentally changing society. It became an instant best seller in Europe when it was released
on Jan. 7, the same day Muslim extremists murdered 12 people at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo,
a French satirical weekly newspaper. (62) In the months since, an already tense Europe has dealt
with a wave of migrants and refugees from Syria against a backdrop of fear of historic
transformation. In the U.S., presidential candidate Ben Carson stated that no Muslim should be
elected to the White House. (63) Houellebecq is never easy reading, but on those grounds alone,
Submission may be the most relevant book of the year.
Over the course of the novel, a fictional Muslim Brotherhood consolidates power in France by
joining with the neutered Socialists in the 2022 elections, narrowly wresting control from Marine Le
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Pen (the right-wing politician, here rendered by Houellebecq as impassioned but ineffectual). (64)
The changes the new political party enacts seem to make life only more difficult in a nation that, in
Houellebecq’s imagining, had already been teetering on the verge of collapse. Change occurs at a
bizarre remove: from the forced veiling of women to the defunding of education to the
encouragement of Jewish immigration to Israel, everyone more or less goes along.
(65) Before the election, the book’s central character, a literature professor, reflects that his
long-held hope of a calm life is now impossible, no matter which side wins: “There was no reason
that I should be spared from grief, illness, or suffering. But until now I had always hoped to leave
this world without undue violence.” (66) It’s the sort of dream only someone raised in an
industrialized nation in the latter half of the 20th century might have had. So much for that.
But (67) Houellebecq stops short of portraying violence or even resistance; the book ends with
the professor’s conversion to Islam, about which he feels little but a nihilistic comfort at having
behaved in the socially correct manner. (68) The lack of narrative fireworks is particularly jarring
given Houellebecq’s résumé, which contains more instances of provocation than it does fiction. He
was acquitted in 2002 after being charged with inciting racial hatred for calling Islam “the stupidest
religion” and has referred to himself as “probably” Islamophobic.
(69) Houellebecq’s restraint on the page, though, his schematic logic and bland refusal to
indulge panic, seems somehow realer than real life. And Submission has less to do with religion than
you might think. It examines rapid political change in general: How much of it are we meant to live
through? And does it move inevitably toward extremes? If it weren’t the Muslim Brotherhood ruling
France, after all, it would be Le Pen. She too is animated by beliefs that, if given purchase, would
change the face of Europe.
(70) Even those with concerns about Houellebecq’s subject can acknowledge the present
moment’s potential for radical change, in one direction or another. At a moment in which American
novelists seem wary of delving into politics, Houellebecq has clomped onto the world stage and
delivered a book whose brash conceit is getting far more attention than its frightened heart. It’s not
Muslims whom Houellebecq is scared of. It’s the future.
Part V Translation (50 points)
71. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.
Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can
even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. Because of this, the young man or woman
writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can
make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.
He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and,
teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old
verities and truths of the heart, the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and
doomed—love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. Until he does so, he
labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of
value, of victories without hope and, worst of all, without pity or compassion. His griefs grieve on
no universal bones, leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands.
第 12 页 共 13 页
The poet’s, or the writer’s, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man
endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and
compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past.
72. Translate the following paragraph into English.
Part VI Proofreading (10 points)
Directions: The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE
error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. Proofread the passage and correct it in the
following way:
For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the
end of the line.
For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write the word you
believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.
For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a line in the center and put the word in
the blank provide at the end of the line.
When ∧ art museum wants a new exhibit,
it never buys things in finished form and hangs
them on the wall. When a natural history museum
wants an exhibition, it must often build in
1. When∧art an
2. never
3. exhibition exhibit
In life he was celebrated for pulling off the “greatest second act” in
business history after his triumph return to Apple rescued the company from
bankruptcy and transformed our relationships with computers, music or
mobile phones. Now, four years after Steve Jobs’s death, two new films with
Oscar-laden pedigrees are subjecting his character to a similar re-evaluation,
emphasizing ruthlessness and lack of empathy underpins those visionary
achievements. Both draw on extensive interview with people at the heart of
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第 13 页 共 13 页
Jobs’s professional and personal lives. Together they are likely to
significantly alter public perceptions of a man who remains widely revered a
hero for bringing the iMac, iTunes, iPad and iPhone into the world.
The biggest film at the New York and London film festivals next month
is Steve Jobs, starring Michael Fassbender as the enigmatic, Zen-influencing
chief executive. It is written by Aaron Sorkin, writer of The West Wing and
directed by Danny Boyle, who made Slumdog Millionaire.
Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder was consulted on the film. He said
that it was a “stellar” accomplishment who got audiences closer than they had
never been to the private Steve Jobs. He said he felt that he was “seeing the
real Steve Jobs in there”, having previously criticized for earlier depictions
such as Ashton Kutcher’s ridiculed portrayal in the 2013 film Jobs.
Boyle’s film follows the relief of a searing new documentary, Steve
Jobs: The Man in the Machine, made by Alex Gibney, who won an Academy
Award for Taxi to the Dark Side, the Afghanistan conflict documentary.
77. ____________
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80. ____________
81. ____________
82. ____________


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