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   The College of Veterinary Medicine(CVM)is an excellent school among the twenty seven colleges of the Yangzhou University. It has five secondary disciplines, among which the Preventive Veterinary Medicine is the National and Provincial Key Discipline, the Clinical and Basic Veterinary Medicine is the Provincial Key Discipline. Due to its high academic reputation with over twenty research directions of characteristics, the State Government has selected CVM as the Station for Postdoctor Circulation. In addition, the College has three secondary disciplines(Preventive, Clinical and Basic Veterinary Medicine)holding the right for conferring PhD Degree and six secondary disciplines(Preventive, Clinical and BasicVeterinary Medicine, Microbiology, Zoology and Professional Veterinary Medicine)for MS Degree. CVM also has the Key Open Lab of Animal Infectious Diseases of the Agricultural Ministry, the Key Open Lab of Preventive Veterinary Medicine of Jiangsu Province, the Lab of the Agricultural Ministry for Special Toxicity Detection of New Animal Pharmaceuticals, and Model Base for Training Applied Graduates. Besides, CVM has three specialized subjects, including Veterinary Medicine, Quarantine and Inspection of Animal Products, and Laboratory Animals, among which the Veterinary Medicine is the Brand-name Discipline of the Jiangsu Province. According to recent National survey by the Center for Degrees and Graduate Education of the Education Ministry, Veterinary Medicine of our College ranks forth on the list of the primary disciplines of Veterinary Medicine and at the top of the Graduate Potential Development.
  CVM at present has 1011 full-time students, including 552 undergraduate, 399 graduate and 60 PhD students. There are 83 members of staff in the CVM, including 1 academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 15 professors, 17 associate professors and assistant staff, among whom 8 PhD supervisors, 32 MS supervisors, 5 special government allowance holders, 3 young or mid-aged scientists with special contributions. The College also employs adjunct professors as MS and PhD supervisors. Among young teachers, some are academic leaders of “Qing Lan Project”and “333 Project”,and the others are Outstanding Young Teachers or Researchers in the Jiangsu Province.
  The College has a consistent focus on and high reputation in scientific research. Since implementation of the seventh “Five-Year Project”,over 100 research achievements have won awards from the National, Departmental or Provincial Governments, including World-first isolation of gosling plague virus and development of effective vaccines against the disease, generation of cloned goats from somatic cells of transgenic animals(collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Developmental Science), and development of attenuated vaccines against infectious bursa disease in chickens. Over last few years, CVM has won over 40 grants from different sources, including 863 and 973 Hi-tech Projects .
  Both integration of research into teaching and quick transfer of research achievements into industries are unique characteristics of our College. Recently, the College has obtained certificates and production permissions of seven new animal pharmaceuticals. Three more genetically engineered products, including recombinant vaccine against Marek’s disease in chickens, are at the stages of safety evaluation and pilot-experiment.
  With its high-qualified Faculty equipped with advanced facilities, plus long history, good tradition and fine academic atmosphere, the College has laid a solid foundation for high talent cultivation. For two successive years of 2002 and 2003, two PhD theses from our College are on the list of “the National One Hundred Excellent PhD Theses”. Over the last three years, employment rates of our undergraduate were up to 100%. Among our graduates, some have become academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, famous professors or experts in universities, and managers or model workers in large enterprises with substantial contributions to the Nation and society.
  CVM holds it as her mission to build first-class disciplines, to cultivate fist-class graduates, and to provide first-class social service. We warmly welcome you to join us, at the highly reputable college located in the center of the beautiful Yangzhou city, to reach your dream.


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