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  Established in 1978, School of Physical Education and Health of Hangzhou Normal University is one of the earliest physical education schools. During these past 30 years, it has become a base for physical education, sports training, academic research and talents training of Zhejiang Province. It has enjoyed such features as comprehensive majors, excellent faculties whose professional titles are well balanced, degrees have been upgraded, research ability has also been improved and projects have been diversified. There are more and more key projects, and the teaching management has also been improved. It can recruit better students. There are more achievement in competitive sports, more international exchanges and more colorful extracurricular activities. During these past 30 years, it has more than 3,500 graduates and makes great contributions to the society.
  1. 培养目标
  1. Goals
    School of Physical Education and Health is student-oriented. It aims at equipping its students with modern physical education theory and practice, academic knowledge and skills in sports training and competition, sports management, sports fitness and exercise, and qualifying them working in organizations of physical education, sports training, sports management, other sports departments and sports clubs, sports and fitness recreational places.
  2. Faculty and Staff
   The school has a staff of 88, of which 68 are teachers, 8 are professors and 36 are associate professors, 7 has doctoral degree, 23 has master’s degree and 7 are national level referees. Among them, there is board member of World Leisure Organization, academic committee member of World Leisure Organization, member of steering committee for sports master’s degree of State Council, talents of the second tier of the “ 151 Talent Project” of Zhejiang Province.
   School of Sports and Health now has three majors: physical education, social sports and Chinese traditional sports. Physical Education major enjoys most advantages, while traditional sports major is the first one in Zhejiang Province that can recruit students according to their sports talents. It has two graduates program in sports education and training and sports sociology. There are one doctoral advisor and 14 advisors to master’s degree.
  4. Teaching Facilities
   There are sports anatomy lab, sports physiology lab, sports biochemistry lab, fitness /therapeutic and measurement lab, sports psychology lab, sports biomechanics lab, a sports rehabilitation centre, a physical fitness training centre, a computer classroom, five multimedia classrooms, one outdoor and one indoor swimming pool, a comprehensive training and competition centre (in which there are places for various kinds of balls, gymnastics, martial arts, table tennis, fitness etc.) There are also two standard 400 meter-track fields, one indoor track field, two football fields, 16 outdoor basketball courts,8 tennis courts and an indoor playground. All these fields, courts and playgrounds are equipped with advanced equipments.
  5. Academic Achievements
    Faculty of School of Physical Education and Health have undertaken about 25 projects supported by National Social Science Fund, Ministry of Education, National Scholarship, Huo Yingdong Research Fund, International Cooperation projects, Social Science Fund of General Sports Administration, and of Zhejiang Province, National Education and Research Institute etc. A series of monographs, textbooks, and translated books have been published and more than 300 papers have been published home and abroad. Altogether, there are seven awards from Zhejiang Province or related ministries. For the past three years, annual projects fund has exceeded 200,000 RMB. The research awareness has been obviously improved and the research achievements have also been increasing.


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