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郭教授曾在新加坡国立大学任教,在香港九龙仓有限公司获得了丰富的企业实践经验,近年在许多著名的国际顶尖学术期刊上发表过多篇论文,包括Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Advertising, Journal of International Marketing, etc.著有《亚洲服务市场营销》、《战略营销》专著。他还是广受欢迎的咨询师、演讲家和企业培训师,曾为多家知名国际企业提供培训及咨询服务。
1998    华盛顿大学        博士
1993    香港科技大学        硕士
1989    澳门大学        学士
C. Lovelock, J. Wirtz, 郭贤达,陆雄文 (2007),《服务营销(亚洲版·第2 版)》,中国人民大学出版社。(ISBN 978-7-300-08303-2)
郭贤达,蒋炯文 (2006),《战略市场营销—经理人精要指南》,北京大学出版社。(ISBN 730111124)
Keh, Hean Tat and J. Chiang (2004), Strategic Asian Marketing: An Essential Guide for Managers, Singapore: Prentice-Hall. (ISBN 981244565)
C. Lovelock, J. Wirtz, Hean Tat Keh, and X. Lu (2005), Services Marketing in Asia: Managing People, Technology and Strategy, 2nd ed., Singapore: Prentice-Hall. (ISBN 0131275372)
Refereed Journal Articles (2004 - present) :
Wang, Wenbo, Hean Tat Keh, and Lisa E. Bolton (2010), “Lay Theories of Medicine and a Healthy Lifestyle,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (1), 80-97.
Bolton, Lisa E., Hean Tat Keh, and Joseph W. Alba (2010), “How Do Price Fairness Perceptions Differ Across Culture?,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (3), 564-576.
Keh, Hean Tat and Jun Pang (2010), “Customer Reactions to Service Separation,” Journal of Marketing, 74 (2), 55-70.
Zhang, Jianjun and Hean Tat Keh (2010), “Interorganizational Exchanges in China: Organizational Forms and Governance Mechanisms,” Management and Organization Review, 6 (1), 123-147.
Keh, Hean Tat and Yi Xie (2009), “Corporate Reputation and Customer Behavioral Intentions: The Roles of Trust, Identification and Commitment,” Industrial Marketing Management, 38 (7), 732-742.
Chiu, Chi-yue, LeeAnn Mallorie, Hean Tat Keh, and Wilbert Law (2009), “Perceptions of Culture in Multicultural Space: Joint Presentation of Images from Two Cultures Increases In-Group Attribution of Culture-Typical Characteristics,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 40 (2), 282-300.
Keh, Hean Tat and Jin Sun (2008), “The Complexities of Perceived Risk in Cross-Cultural Services Marketing,” Journal of International Marketing, 16 (1), 120-146.
Eng, Li Li and Hean Tat Keh (2007), “The Effects of Advertising and Brand Value on Future Operating and Market Performance,” Journal of Advertising, 36 (4), 91-100.
Keh, Hean Tat, Thi Tuyet Mai Nguyen, and Hwei Ping Ng (2007), “The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Marketing Information on the Performance of SMEs,” Journal of Business Venturing, 22 (4), 592-611.
Chu, Singfat and Hean Tat Keh (2006), “Brand Value Creation: Analysis of the Interbrand-Business Week Brand Value Rankings,” Marketing Letters, 17 (Dec), 323-331.
Keh, Hean Tat and Yih Hwai Lee (2006), “Do Reward Programs Build Loyalty for Services? The Moderating Effect of Satisfaction on Type and Timing of Rewards,” Journal of Retailing, 82 (2), 127-136.
Keh, Hean Tat, Singfat Chu, and Jiye Xu (2006), “Efficiency, Effectiveness and Productivity of Marketing in Services,” European Journal of Operational Research, 170 (1), 265-276.
Ho, Yew Kee, Hean Tat Keh, and Jin Mei Ong (2005), “The Effects of R&D and Advertising on Firm Value: An Examination of Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Firms,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 52 (1), 3-14. [Lead Article]
国内学术期刊文章 (Refereed Journal Articles in Chinese):
宋竞,郭贤达,邹绍明 (2010),“顾客抱怨行为的前置因素及调节因素分析,”《南开管理评论》,13(2), 68-78。
郭贤达,孙瑾,吴坚,陈荣 (2009), “顾客导向和创新导向对企业绩效的影响机制研究,” 《南开管理评论》,12(3), 67-73。
张红霞,李佳喜,郭贤达 (2008), “中国城区青少年对广告价值的评价:前因和后果”,《心理学报》, 40(2), 193-200。
庞隽,郭贤达,彭泗清 (2007), “广告策略对消费者-品牌关系的影响:一项基于消费者品牌喜爱度的研究,”《营销科学学报》,3 (3), 59-73。Translated and revised as Pang, Jun, Hean Tat Keh, and Siqing Peng (2009), “Effects of Advertising Strategy on Consumer-Brand Relationships: A Brand Love Perspective,” Frontiers of Business Research in China, 3 (4), 599-620.
谢毅,郭贤达 (2007), “公司声誉、对员工的信任和顾客认同对购买意向的影响研究,”《营销科学学报》,3 (1), 1-12。
孙瑾,郭贤达 (2007), “消费者感知风险的前置因素及其后果—基于中国保险业的实证研究,”《营销科学学报》,3 (1), 39-53。
郭贤达,陈荣,谢毅 (2006), “如何在服务失败后仍然得到顾客的拥护—感知公平、顾客满意、情感承诺对行为意向的影响,”《营销科学学报》,2 (3), 74-85。
其他文章 (Other Articles):
颜至臻,郭贤达 (2006),“零售大鳄的前世今生”,《北大商业评论》,18 (1), 52-57。
1. 服务营销
2. 服务营销专题
3. 营销战略专题
4. 营销渠道专题
5. 营销研究


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