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  本学科由建筑学院、建筑研究所、建筑历史遗产保护研究院、CAAD国家专业实验室、SEU-UNESCO GIS中心等构成,并与校城市规划设计研究院、建筑设计研究院形成产学研一体的体制。80年来,建筑学院已为国家培养了近3000名高级建设人才,其中院士6名,建筑工程设计大师10名。
  1. 学科建设
  2. 学术队伍
  本学科拥有3 名院士、1 6 名博士生导师、2名教育部“长江学者”特聘教授(全国同类学科中仅有)、1名“国家杰出青年基金”获得者,3人入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,5人入选省人才培养计划。
  3. 科学研究
  4. 人才培养
  5. 国际学术交流
  School Introduction
  The School of Architecture of Southeast University (which was renamed National Central University in1920-1950, Nanjing Institute of Technology in 1950-1988) was founded in 1927, it is the cradle of modern architecture education in China. Famous Chinese architectural education pioneers, including Professor Liu Futai, Bao Ding, Lu Shusen, etc , have been as director here successively. Famous Chinese architects, such as Professor Yang Tingbao, Liu Dunzhen and Tong Jun had been teaching here for a long time. Among them, Yang Tingbao was ever the chairman of Architectural Society of China, vice-chairman of International Union of Architects. SEU-ARCH is constituted by School of Architecture, Research Institute of Architecture, Research Institute of Architectural Heritage Protection, the State Specialized Laboratory of CAAD, SEU-UNESCO Geography Information System (GIS) Center , with the Research Institute of Urban Planning and Design, and the Research Institute of Architecture Design to form a system of studying and researching. In 80 years, the School of Architecture has taught and trained nearly 3000 senior architects, including 6 academicians, and 10 Famous Designers of Architecture and Construction.
  1. Subject Development
  SEU-ARCH is the national first-class discipline and specialties for doctor degree. In 2001, “Architectural Design and Theory”, “Architectural History and Theory” were both commented as national key subjects. In 2007, SEU-ARCH was commented as a national key subject of the first-class disciplines. SEU-ARCH established “Regional Architecture and Urban Design”, “Construction Technology Integration in the Area Where the Summer is Hot and the Winter is Cold” and “Application of Digital Technology”, the three major scientific and technological innovation platforms, forming a scientific and rational arrangement in the subjects and a subject situation which complemented each other’s advantages and jointly developed.
  2. Faculties
  SEU-ARCH has 3 academicians,16 doctoral students’ supervisors, 2 Distinguished Professors of “CHANG JIANG Scholars” of the Ministry of Education, 1 winner of “The National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, 3 scholars in the “Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University” of the Ministry of Education, 5 scholars in the “Human Resource Development Project” in the province. Now there is a young and energetic faculties team with the reasonable age structure , broad vision, and the courage to open up, in which the academicians, CHANGJIANG Scholars, and other middle-aged and young academic leaders and scholars have been the mainstay. And the school has cultivated a lot of new scholars who have a great influence on the academic fields.
  3. Research Achievements
  The main research subjects include: regional architecture, urban planning and design, modern urban design theory and methods, theory and related technology of urban spatial patterns transition in the context of high-speed urbanization, application digital technology in urban architecture, Chinese and foreign architectural theory and heritage conservation, theory and related technology of town environment plan, etc. Since 2005, SEU-ARCH has assumed and completed various projects of the Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),5 projects of the National Science and Technology Support Program from “11th Five-Year Plan” supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, won 2 Silver Awards and 1 Bronze Medal of the National Award for Excellent Design, 8 first prizes and 8 second prizes of the Award of Ministry of Construction and Jiangsu Province for Excellent Planning and Architect Design. Two scholars won the Chinese Architectural Education Award, two scholars won the special prizes of the Chinese Architectural Education Award. Furthermore, the teachers in the school have won the Chinese Architecture Design Award, the Young Architects Award, the Outstanding Book Award, the awards for domestic and overseas planning and design competition. The amount of projects, at the national and provincial and ministerial level, is in a leading position in similar subjects in the country. In 2005-2007, 54 monographs, textbooks and translated works have been published, 34 dissertations have been published on highest level academic journals of the same specialties, and 82 on other core journals.
  4. Education
  SEU-ARCH has 2 National Level Excellent Courses: “Architecture Design” and “History of Chinese Architecture”, 1 excellent course in the province, “Urban Planning”. Two specialties for doctors were newly added, including “Landscape Architecture” and “Heritage Conservation and Management” in 2004. In the national architecture design competitions, the School is always among the best, including the only grand prize of International Exhibition of Architectural works of Students and Young Architects in the first Chinese Architecture Biennale in Beijing.
  5. Academic Exchanges
  6 international academic conferences with wide academic influence have been held here. The School has established academic relationship with architecture schools from the United States, UK, France, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, South Korea, Australia, Singapore and other countries, and has maintained regular contacts with UNESCO and other international organizations. Also, the School has
  established united teaching system with architecture schools of internationally renowned universities, and carried out a number of important international and domestic scientific research and cooperation projects.
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