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  How can we meet the needs of today without diminishing the capacity of future generations to meet theirs? Sustainable development implies a broad view of human welfare, a long term perspective about social development. Write an essay which should cover:  

    1) describing the set of drawings below,  

    2) stating its main idea, and  

    3) giving your comment.  

  You should write about 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)  



  The images above are both meaningful and instructive: this man's hard work is not only for his own benefit, but also for the benefit of future generations.   

  The pictures serve to remind us that the existence of our current happiness and valuable national heritage is due to the struggles of our predecessors.   

  We, in turn, should also work hard in order to guarantee the comfort and safety of generations to come. Sustainable development has become a topic of heated debate in recent years. While it is justifiable to satisfy current demands, we cannot neglect the needs of our descendants in the process. Our children also depend on Earth's natural resources and we should not deprive them of such necessities.   

  Unfortunately, many people only think of their shortterm, personal interests. An entire forest might be clearcut, in the interest of making a profit, without a single tree planted in its place. This inconsiderate attitude towards the welfare of our descendants, as well the indifference to the outcome of such reckless actions, can only turn Earth into a cold and lifeless planet. People must be taught to appreciate Earth as not only their home, but also the home of our children and grandchildren, as well as all other plants and animals.  

  While making great efforts to increase our current quality of life, we must simultaneously consider how our actions will affect future lives.   







  As can be seen from the drawings, the father has planted a small tree thatgrows into a big one and is left to his son to enjoy. Years later, his son sits under the big tree enjoying its shade. 

  In social development, we should not over utilize our natural resources, as in the case of forests. A reasonable use of forests and reforestation are the best choices in the long run. Human beings should plan ahead when it comes to social development. Even though trees are in short demand today, we must still keep   

  the deforestation under control, for we do not want to eliminate all of our forests, which are essential to our existence. Reforestation is another wise practice. We may not fully benefit from planting trees for the time being, but we must continue doing so, since it will benefit later generations.   

  From the point of view of sustainable development, we have the responsibility to ensure that future generations have enough natural resources to use and arenot penalized for the shortsightedness of present day decision makers. In otherwords, we should not use up our natural resources just to meet our own present day needs, while ignoring the future of our planet.  






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