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  一、 导师:王学东,浙江大学博士,教授,温州医学院环境科学系主任,中国农业生态环境保护协会理事。自2000年至今已在国内外刊物上发表论文60余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文42篇。现担任《农业环境科学学报》编委及Ecotoxic. Environ. Saf.,Chemosphere,J. Sep. Sci.,Anal. Chim. Acta,J. Chromator. A,Inter. J. Environ. Anal. Chem。等国内外期刊的长期稿件评审专家。

  二、 研究平台:1)温州医学院环境与公共卫生学院;2)温州医学院水域科学与环境生态研究所;3)温州市水域科学与环境生态重点实验室(温州医学院);4)温州医学院分析测试中心

  三、 研究方向:环境分析化学、药物分析、卫生理化检验等

  四、 研究课题:1)国家自然科学基金(30370273,藻类在水环境有毒有机污染物转化过程中的作用和机理);2)教育部科学技术研究重点项目“水环境难降解有机污染物的植物修复研究”;3)湖北省自然科学基金(2006ABA182,典型污染物在水体沉积物中的迁移、降解转化及对鱼类的毒理学效应);4)湖北省科技攻关项目(2007AA301C26,反硝化真菌-细菌固定化脱氮技术的研究与应用);5)浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(Z20080266,新型持久性有机污染物多溴二苯醚环境风险的评价);6)浙江省科技厅重大科技专项社会发展项目(编号:2008C03001-2,全氟辛酸的环境污染、人群负荷与健康风险);7)温州市国际合作项目(编号:H20080063,PBDEs污染水环境中谷胱甘肽作为生物标志物的研究);8) 浙江省分析测试基金(编号:2009F70045, 分散液液微萃取与固相萃取联用技术在污水处理末端PPCPs超痕量分析中的应用研究)

  五、 研究手段与仪器设备:1)色谱分析(美国安捷论的高效液相、气相色谱、气相/质谱联用、高效毛细管电泳、微波萃取/消解仪等);2)水体富营养化分析(AA3流动注射仪、全自动TOC/TN、分光光度法等);3)分子生物学(PCR、流式细胞仪、荧光显微镜;凝胶成像,20几种细胞品系等);4)行为分析系统(法国View Point Zebralab);5)超低温冷冻系列仪器(英国Plant程序冷冻仪、英国产生物冷冻台、美国计算机辅助精子动力分析仪CASA);6)基本生物学研究设备(如带高级CCD的Nikon荧光显微镜、荧光解剖镜、荧光倒置显微镜、PCR、高速离心机、凝胶电脉等)。

  六、 近两年发表SCI收录论文(附录二)。

  七、 招收人数、条件与待遇:1)总分必须过国家线;2)一旦录取,均为全额公费;3)学生每月生活补助600元;4)本校有勤工俭学项目,每小时10元;5)被录取的学生每人可获得200元的面试车船费补贴,于9月份报到时用车船票报销;6)学生已发表若干篇高质量SCI论文,且学生均署名第一作者;7)学校设立多类学生奖学金,比如,06级研究生章颖慧获得省级优秀毕业生、生物药械豪森药业奖学金;07级研究生张玮获得省级优秀毕业生、光华奖学金;07级研究生黄海花获得校级优秀毕业生、07级马瑞花获光华奖学金等。

  八、 优先考虑的报考方向:1)化学:如分析化学、环境化学、无机化学等;2)中药学及药学:如中药学、药物制剂、药学等。

  九、 有意调剂者请联系如下人员:


  手机15088553689  邮箱 liuhuanqiang228@sina.com


  手机15068236673  邮箱 zou_yujie@126.com



  1  Xiujuan Liu, Jia hu, Changjiang Huang, Huili Wang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in aquatic animal tissue using cleanup by freezing-dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with GC-MS. Journal of Separation Science 2009, 32, 4213-4219

  2  Jia Hu, Yanyan Li, Wei Zhang, Huili Wang, Changjiang Huang, Minghua Zhang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by gas chromatography-electron capture detection for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in fish. Journal of Separation Science 2009,32, 2103-2108

  3  Xinna Zhao, Xiujuan Liu, Zhixu Zhao, Changjiang Huang, Minghua Zhang, Huili Wang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者), Homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vegetables. Journal of Separation Science 2009,32,2051-2507

  4  Lingyan Fu, Xiujuan Liu, Jia Hu, Xinna Zhao, Huili Wang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Application of dispersive liquid-liquid  microextraction for the analysis of triazophos and  carbaryl pesticides in water and fruit juice samples. Analytica Chimica Acta 2009, 632, 289-295

  5  Xiujuan Liu, Jianwang Li, Zhixu Zhao, Wei Zhang, Kuangfei Lin, Changjiang Huang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Solid-phase extraction combined with dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the determination for polybrominated diphenyl ethers in different environmental matrices. Journal of Chromatography A 2009, 1216, 2220-2226

  6  Huili Wang, Shuxia Xu, Chengxia Tan, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Anaerobic biodegradation of hexazinone in four sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009, 164, 806-811

  7  Huili Wang, Yanyan Li, Yujie Lu, Changjiang Huang, Minghua Zhang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Influence of bovine manure on dissipation of hexazinone in soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2009, 72, 93-98

  8  Lingyan Fu, Xiujuan Liu, Jia Hu, Xinna Zhao, Huili Wang, Changjiang Huang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Determination of Two Pesticides in Soils by Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Combined with LC-Fluorescence Detection. Chromatographia 2009, 70, 1697- 1701

  9  Xuedong Wang, Lingyan Fu, Guohui Wei, Jia Hu, Xinna Zhao, Xiujuan Liu, Yanyan Li (通讯作者). Determination of four aromatic amines in water samples using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with HPLC. Journal of Separation Science 2008, 31, 2932-2938

  10  Yanyan Li, Jia Hu, Xiujuan Liu, Lingyan Fu, Xiaojun Zhang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by reversed phase HPLC for the determination of decabrominated diphenyl ether in natural water. Journal of Separation Science 2008, 31, 2371- 2376

  11  Xuedong Wang, Xinna Zhao, Xiujuan Liu, Yanyan Li, Lingyan Fu, Jia Hu, Changjiang Huang (通讯作者). Homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction combined with gas chromatography-electron capture detector for the determination of three pesticide residues in soils. Analytica Chimica Acta

  2008, 620, 162-169

  12  Yanyan Li, Guohui Wei, Jia Hu, Xiujuan Liu, Xinna Zhao, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatography for the determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers at trace levels in landfill leachate and environmental water samples. Analytica Chimica Acta 2008, 615, 96-103

  13  Guohui Wei, Yanyan Li, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with high- performance liquid chromatography for the determination of methomyl in natural waters. Journal of Separation Science 2007, 30, 3262-3267

  14  Xiujuan Liu, Xiaowen Chen, Shao Yang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Comparison of continuous-flow microextraction and static liquid-phase microextraction for the determination of p-toluidine in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Separation Science 2007, 30, 2506-2512

  15  Yanyan Li, Guohui Wei, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Determination of decabromodiphenyl ether in water samples by single-drop microextraction and RP-HPLC. Journal of Separation Science 2007, 30, 2698-2702

  16  Xuedong Wang, Xiujuan Liu, Huili Wang, Qiaoxiang Dong (第一作者). Utilization and degradation of imazaquin by a naturally occurring isolate of Arthrobacter crystallopoietes. Chemosphere 2007,67, 2156-2162

  17  Xiujuan Liu, Xuedong Wang, Xiaowen Chen, Shao Yang (通讯作者). LC Determination of 4-Bromoaniline in Green Algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii After Continuous-Flow Microextraction. Chromatographia 2007, 65, 447-451

  18  Xinna Zhao, Lingyan Fu, Jia Hu, Jianwang Li, Huili Wang, Changjiang Huang, Xuedong Wang (通讯作者). Analysis of PAHs in Water and Fruit Juice Samples by DLLME Combined with LC-Fluorescence Detection. Chromatographia 2009, 69, 1385- 1389

  19  Xuedong Wang, Huili Wang, Chengxia Tan (通讯作者). Degradation and metabolism of hexazinone by two isolated bacterial strains from soil. Chemosphere 2005, 61, 1468- 1474

  20  Xuedong Wang, Sumei Zhou, Huili Wang & Shao Yang (通讯作者). Biodegradation of hexazinone by two isolated bacterial strains (WFX-1 and WFX-2). Biodegradation 2006,17, 331-339


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