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2.仔细地阅读考题指令,明确了解考题要求,在原文上标出重点,如议论文中的论点 、论据;记叙文中的发展、高潮、结局等。




应考生在重读誊清稿时,有两点还应牢记:首先,你写出的概要内容必须忠实于原文,或者说精确(accurate)。概要中所有的内容和信息必须来源于原文,既不可篡改原文内容也不能包括原文未涉及到的内容。其次,概要读起来应是一完整连贯的段落。要取得这一完整连贯,就应该使用一些连接词(link-words),如‘but’,‘and’,‘however’,‘also’等连接要点;同样,也可使用诸如‘since’,‘though’,‘even if ’,‘when’,‘after’,‘before’等词。请看下面一例子:

The sentry watched a hawk that hovered overhead,looking for some unsuspecting prey to pounce upon.Then he heard the distant,muffled roar of planes,then silence.For the past week he had been told to take note of everything that happened on the hill within his range of vision,and to report anything suspicious.The hill led to an experimental factory,where new and secret weapons were tested.There was a threat of war and the factory would be invaluable to the enemy.So the approaches to it were watched day in,and day out.

He shifted his position;he felt that he had been crouching in the heather since the beginning of the time,but only a couple of hours of the day’s duty had passed.Suddenly he saw something falling from the sky like snow,only it was not snow.[He put out his hand and caught bits of that were drifting near him.They were thin strips of metal to confuse delicate instruments,so that it would not be possible to detect the landing of enemy craf.Next he heard a long,low,continuous roar from the east and saw bundles descending from the sky which looked like umbrellas opening,but which be knew to be parachutes with men hanging from them.He wanted to go at once to give the alarm,but he had to be sure that the parachutes were not his own men out on an exercise.The men were on ground now.One of them pointed in the direction of secret factory and they all began marching toward it.He had no more doubts and set off at once down the hill.He crawled slowly,sometimes on his stomach,sometimes on his side ,weaving decided that he had ample cover and started to run.But he had erred,for bullets were soon whistling past him.He drooped flat on the ground.Nobody came to search for him,so he counted up to a hundred and then began crawling again.He moved tortuously and as silently as he could to his camp at the foot of the hill.]

Describe in not more than 80 words what the sentry saw and did from the moment when the strips of metal fell from the sky until he got back to his camp.Use your own words as far as possible.Do not include anything that is not in the passage.

1.Points(Saw and Did)

1)Put out hands;caught strip metal.

2)Saw bundles.


4)Saw men on ground.

5)One pointed;all marched.

6)Went downhill.

7)Crawled—stomach,side—to stream.

8)Started running.

9)Dropped flat(why?—bullets).

10)Counted 100;crawled.

11)Silently to camp.

2.Rough Draft (Linking of Points) (写得不好的摘要)

When the sentry held out his hand to catch what was falling out of the sky ,he found that it was strips of metal.The bundles began coming down.The sentry waited until men appeared on the ground.One of them pointed and the sentry saw them march towards the factory.Crawling on his stomach and on his side,the sentry moved downhill.He began running when he came to a stream,but dropped down when he was shot at .After counting up to a hundred to himself,he began crawling silently again downhill. (95 words)

3.Fair Copy (Corrected Draft) (写锝比较的摘要)

After catching hold of metal strips falling out of the sky,the sentry saw bundles descending and,after a time,some men appeared on the ground.One of them pointed and they all began marching towards the factory.The sentry crawled downhill on his stomach and on his side.When he came to a stream,he began running but dropped down when the men shot at him.He counted up to a hundred,then silently started crawling again towards his camp. (80 words)

  • (来源:竞学网)
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