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( Phrases and Sentences Used to Start an Essay )
1.With the(rapidly)growing popularity of(computers/private cars/Jazz/football
/basket ball/golf/tennis/classical music/pianos/American rock'n'roll/disco/frozen
food/fast food/coca cola/coffee/telephones/mobile phones/house interior decoration/
horticulture/going abroad to study/traveling/beauty salons/insurance/credit cards/
second job/supermarkets/pets)inChina,the quality of our lives have been considerably

2. With the(rapid)growth of(our economy/population/private enterprises/light
industry/housing industry,)many problems such as(water shortages, traffic jams and
industrial pollution/waste of energy, lack of professionals and chaotic management)are
beginning to surface .

3. With the development of(science and technology/market economy,/electronics
industry/women liberation movement/high education)more and more people come to
realize that ...

4. Currently, there is a widespread concern over(illegal publication/drug abuse/
alcohol abuse/drunk driving/high school dropouts/teenage pregnancy/corruption of civil
servants/state owned companies in deficit/unemployment/high criminal rate/high
inflation rate/sexual discrimination/smoking/children with a single parent/traffic
accidents/fake products/pornography/disregard of public properties/grain production/
environmental pollution/acid rains/wildlife extinction/children abuse/food shortage/
water shortage/excessive use of chemical fertilizers/traffic jam/rapid urbanization/
overpopulation/tax frauds/fire hazards around us/waste of food/waste of energy/
negative influence of western cultures/violence/decrease of farmland).

5. Currently, there is a serious concern that(many state owned companies are in
deficit.../quite a few Chinese cities face the problems of water shortages, industrial
pollution and waste of energy).

6. The government is/We are seriously concerned with(overpopulation/high
inflation rate/drug abuse.)

7. In the last two decades/In the past tell years, millions of(private
enterprises/supermarkets/beauty salons/fast food restaurants/garages/private
schools)have mushroomed all over China.

8. In recent years, many Chinese families have owned(cars/telephones/video

9. Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion about... is under way in China. Some
people believe that .... whereas others argue that...

10. There are some reasons for owning(private cars/personal computers). To begin
with .... Next .... Last .... There are, on the other hand, many reasons against
it. First .... Second .... Finally ....

11. There are many advantages and :disadvantages in(owning a car)

12. Now an increasing number of people come to realize that..

13. There is no doubt that...

14. There are some basic differences between(the large and small enterprises)
In the small enterprise you .... In the large enterprise you...

15. There are various/at least three ways/possible techniques/problems/methods)to
do something.

16. Smoking/Alcoholic beverage should be banned from college campuses for two
reasons. The first reason is that... The second reason is that... (On the one hand
.... On the other hand .... )

17. The possible solutions of(the energy crisis/water shortages/these social
problems)depend an three factors...

18. Thetwo major reasons responsible for(the rapid economic growth/the widespread
of fake products)are ...

19. Different people have different attitudes towards ... Some are in favor of ...
while others are against ...

20. When it comes to(private cars/trade protection/abortion/human right/
urbanization/market economy/recycling/banning fireworks etc,)most people believe that
...; but other people argue that...

(Phrases and Sentences Used to End an Essay)

1. It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to

2. To conclude, we can see that(the best way/the possible solution)is...

3. In short,(shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields and environmental
pollution)are the major problems to be solved to(increase grain production.)

4. In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should make great
efforts to ....

5. In a word, there are three suggestions we must follow, only in this way can we
(achieve a great success).

6. It is time for us to take an active part in...

7. Let us work hand in hand to(solve these social problems.)

8. It goes without saying that ....

9. I wont to(be a teacher/do sth)not only because... but also because...

10. Who is to say that(you will not be the victim of fake products again and again/
our scientists may not provide a better theory)


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