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试题名称:翻译实践与写作 共 2 页/第1页
安 徽 大 学
2007 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学试题
试题名称:综合(翻译与写作) 试题代码:318
I.I.I. TranslateTranslateTranslate thethethe followingfollowingfollowing passagepassagepassage intointointo ChineseChineseChinese (50(50(50%)))
The English in fact, are strongly gifted with the rural feeling. They possess a quick sensibility to the
beauties of nature, and keen relish for the pleasures and employments of the country. This passion seems
inherent in them. Even the inhabitants of cities, born and brought up among brick walls and bustling
streets, enter with facility into rural habits, and evince a tact for rural occupation. The merchant has his
snug retreat in the vicinity of the metropolis, where he often displays as much pride and zeal in the
cultivation of his flower-garden, and the maturing of his fruits, as he does in the conduct of his business,
and the success of a commercial enterprise. Even those less fortunate individuals who are doomed to pass
their lives in the midst of din and traffic,contrive to have something that shall remind them of the green
aspect of nature.In the most dark and dingy quarters of the city, the drawing-room window resembles
frequently a bank of flowers;every spot capable of vegetation has its grass-plot and flower-bed; and
every square its mimic park,laid out with picturesque taste,and gleaming with refreshing verdure.
IIIIII.RenderRenderRender thethethe followingfollowingfollowing intointointo English(50English(50English(50%)))
Directions:For this part,yon are required to write a three-part composition of about 300 words on the
following topic.In the first part of your writing,yon should state your thesis,and in the second part yon
should support your argument with appropriate details.In the last part yon should bring what yon have
written to a natural conclusion or summary.Your response should be presented on the Answer Sheet.
PracticalPracticalPractical CourseCourseCourse vs. TraditionalTraditionalTraditional CoursesCoursesCourses
At present it is hard for college graduates to find jobs. Many people claim that college teachers should
give priority to practical courses 1ike computer science and business over such traditional ones as
literature and 11istory. What is your opinion?
安 徽 大 学
2007 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学试题
试题名称:综合(翻译与写作) 试题代码:318
I.I.I. TranslateTranslateTranslate thethethe followingfollowingfollowing passagepassagepassage intointointo ChineseChineseChinese (50(50(50%)))
The English in fact, are strongly gifted with the rural feeling. They possess a quick sensibility to the
beauties of nature, and keen relish for the pleasures and employments of the country. This passion seems
inherent in them. Even the inhabitants of cities, born and brought up among brick walls and bustling
streets, enter with facility into rural habits, and evince a tact for rural occupation. The merchant has his
snug retreat in the vicinity of the metropolis, where he often displays as much pride and zeal in the
cultivation of his flower-garden, and the maturing of his fruits, as he does in the conduct of his business,
and the success of a commercial enterprise. Even those less fortunate individuals who are doomed to pass
their lives in the midst of din and traffic,contrive to have something that shall remind them of the green
aspect of nature.In the most dark and dingy quarters of the city, the drawing-room window resembles
frequently a bank of flowers;every spot capable of vegetation has its grass-plot and flower-bed; and
every square its mimic park,laid out with picturesque taste,and gleaming with refreshing verdure.


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