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北 京 外 国 语 大 学
2004 年 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 英 语 翻 译 理 论 与 实 践 专 业 试 卷
Ⅰ . Translate the follow ing passage into C hinese, using the answ er sheet provided. (35
By M arie Winn
Because television is so wonderfully available a child amuser and child defuser, capable of
rendering a volatile three-year-old harmless at the flick of a switch, parents grow to depend upon it
in the course of their daily lives. A nd as they continue to utilize television day after day, its
importance in their children’s lives increases. From a simple source of entertainment provided by
parents when they need a break from childcare, television gradually changes into a powerful and
disruptive presence in family life. But despite their increasing resentment of television ’s intrusion
into their family life, and despite their considerable guilt at not being able to control their
children’s viewing, parents do not take steps to extricate themselves from television ’s domination.
They can no longer cope without it.
In 1948 Jack G ould, the first television critic of The N ew York Times, described the impact
of the then new medium on A merican families: “Children’s hours on television admittedly are an
insidious narcotic for the parent. With the tots fanned out on the floor in front of the receiver, a
strange if wonderful quiet seems at hand....”
O n first glance it may appear that G ould’s pen had slipped. Surely it was the strangely quiet
children who were narcotised by the television set, not the parents. But indeed he had penetrated
to the heart of the problem before the problem had fully materialized, before anyone dreamed that
children would one day spend more of their waking hours watching television than at any other
single activity. It is, in fact, the parents for whom television is an irresistible narcotic, not through
their own view ing (although frequently this, too, is the case) but at a remove, through their
children, fanned out in front of the receiver, strangely quiet. Surely there can be no more insidious
a drug than one that you must administer to others in order to achieve an effect for yourself.
Ⅱ . Translate the follow ing passage into C hinese, using the answ er sheet provided . (35 points)
A pril
By Josephine W.Johnson
The hillside is held up by clumps of flowers on hairy stems. The petals lavender and white
and pink and purple and sometimes a rare, pale blue. The same spot of earth, riddled with moss,
snail shells, oak leaves, produces this pale rainbow. They last very little longer than a rainbow, and,
returning in a day or two, one finds no flowers, only hare green pods and a crop of odd -cut leaves.
These spring pools of flowers, rising year after year in the same place, are a recurring joy that
never fails. It is one of the joys of living for years in the same place. This is not limited to wild
land, nor to large places, but few stay long enough even on one small spot, or care enough to plant


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