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桂林电子科技大学 2015 年研究生统一入学考试试题
科目代码:211 科目名称:翻译硕士英语
I. Vocabulary and Grammar (30’)
Multiple Choice Questions
Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.
Choose the answer that best fits the blank or best paraphrases the underlined word or words to
complete each statement. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.
1. This little girl is very much attached ______ her father.
A. to B. for C. with D. on
2. His face is ______ me, but I can’t recall his name.
A. familiar on B. familiar to C. familiar at D. familiar with
3. The troops advanced ______ because the area had been mined by the enemy.
A. careful B. cautious C. carefully D. cautiously
4. Since theconference was held on Chinese ______, security was no problem.
A. earth B. dirt C. mud D. soil
5. The financial ______ of the company for the last half year were very satisfactory.
A. effect B. outcome C. results D. consequences
6. The lady had to remain nameless for diplomatic ______.
A. why B. cause C. source D. reason
7. He had a unique way of putting _____ thoughts into simple words.
A. simple B. simplistic C. complex D. complicated
8. She was unhappy because her request was ______.
A. turned in B. turned down C. turned on D. turned up
9. The local authorities tried to ______ the accident.
A. reduce B. diminish C. dwindle D. minimize
10. We ______ the responsibility placed on us.
A. sense B. feel C. are conscious of D. are aware of
11. Broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reporter.
A. penniless B. barge C. twinge D. façade
12. It’s no go.
A. useless B. not bad C. bad D. useful
13. Well now, there’s no call for being hasty.
A. useless B. sloth C. need D. revere
14. Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of _______ of their bones.
A. shift B. fragility C. resiliency D. flexibility
15. Starvation and disease over much of Asia and Europe in the 1950s wereTruman’s _______ as
A. inheritance B. confidence C. grievance D. existence
16. Sue is a woman of ______ who has never abandoned her principles for the sake of winning a
A. honesty B. integrity C. reputation D. modesty
17. The trial jury met again after an adjournment of twoweeks.
A. a continuation B. a suspension C.an accomplishment D.a commencement
18. Some ethnic groups of people in this area still practice the customs of their fathers.
A. formulator B. advocate C. ancestors D. plagiarizer
19. The wild and rampant spread of Ebola forced a vigorous war against the disease.
A. powerful B. lengthy C. prolonged D. pretentious


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