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江 西 财 经 大 学
2007 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
( B 卷)
专 业:英语语言文学
Part I Exam in the society and culture of major English–speaking countries
I. Fill in the blanks. (0.5‟X30 = 15‟)
1. The doctrine of the “divine right of kings” held that the sovereign derived his authority
from ______ , not from _____________.
2. The UK is divided into ________ constituencies with each of them represented by a
member in ____________.
3. In the 5th century AD it is said a great leader__________ appeared, united the British, and
with his magical sword, ___________, drove the Saxons back.
4. New Zealand is keen to take environmental responsibility. New Zealand was declared
____________. There are no __________________ in New Zealand.
5. The largest school in New Zealand is the _________________, which provides
__________________ for students who live in isolated places or who cannot attend school for
medical or other reasons.
6. In 1829 Ellen Turner published his proposals for the development of the colonies of
Australia. His proposals is called __________________________ in order to avoid a basic
problem of “__________________”.
7. ________________________ television channel began broadcasting in 1980. It
currently broadcasts in _________________ and provides a variety of programs in English
that cover a much wider field of overseas stories than other channels.
8. The Supreme Court has the function of determining Congressional legislative or
executive action that violates ______________________. This power is called
______________________ .
9. Canada „s political system was greatly influenced by the two major forces:
___________ and ________ .
10. Aid became an important component of Canadian foreign policy, and both Pearson and
Trudeau pressed hard for international organization like __________________ and
______________________ to make humanitarian development assistance the priority of aid
11. Canada‟s motto is the country stretches “_______________”, with the Pacific Ocean on
the west coast and ___________________ on the east coast.
12. The two of the taxes: _______________ and _____________ were imposed on North
American colonies by the British government on the eve of the American Revolution.


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