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  Dear **:

  I am writing you this letter to express my gratitude first for you kindness and hospitality towards me. during my visit of sino-american cultural exchange in your country, i've learned a lot about your people's custom and speical culture. your help and guidance is so important for me。

  I'm now quite interested in american culture and hope to further know it in the future. as the world globalination developes, i think this is of great significance for both of us. the other thing is that i'd like to ask you to have a visit in china in due course. then i can have the opportunity to welcome you back and show you something about our chinese culture. hope you can come soon!

  your sincerely



  The Rapid Increaseing

  The mobilephone subscriptions above shows a striking contrast between those developing countries and developed countries. in 2001 to 2002, the condition people in two groups use mobilephone is nearly the same, maybe a little gap.But with the passage of time, more and more people in developing countries use mobile phone, while those in developed countries lag behind.until 2008, there are 4 billion mobilephone users in developing countries, 3 times more than that of 1 billion of developed countries。

  As far as I am concerned, this seemed to be interesting phenomenon, I personally owe it to 2 reasons。

  On one hand,the overall economic status in developed countries is much superior to that in developing countries in the past,which leaded to the large gap in telecommunication industry between two groups of countries. However, with the rapid increase in economy happening in the developing countries especially in China the telecommunication industry in those countries got a great bound to meet the demand of globalization. As a result the user of mobile phone which can narrow the distance between people and link the whole world together rised at a incredible speed。

  On the other hand,the extremely advanced civilization of developed countries means less potential in many aspects including in the area of private telecommuicational tools and their demande for further enlargement of such tools trend to saturation. Maybe that is the reason why the number of the user of mobile phone in the developed countries keep nearly the same,even though a little increase。

  To sum up, mobile phone is convenient for international communication and our lives and gradually become the essential stuffs. At the same time when we keep using it, we should also broaden our eyes to focus on its two contrary sides ,positive and negative,maybe the convenience for communication and the damage to environment and health. Let's take care of both sides of it and make the use of mobile phone the welfare of the human beings。


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