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  1.古之学者为己,今之学者为人。In old days men studied for the sake of self-improvement; nowadays men study in order to impress other people。

  hard to deal with. If you are friendly with them, they get out of hand, and if you keep your distance, they resent it. 译文!!!

  2.吾十有五而志乎学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲不逾矩。At fifteen I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I had planted my feet upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from perplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right。

  3.君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠。A ruler in employing his ministers should be guided solely by the prescriptions of ritual. Ministers in serving their ruler, solely by devotion to his cause. 译文??

  4.敏而好学,不耻下问。Be diligent and so fond of learning, but ashamed to pick up knowledge even from the inferiors.  (英文略加改编)

  5.知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。To prefer it is better than only to know it. To delight in it is better than merely to prefer it 。

  6.知者乐山,仁者乐水。知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。The wise man delights in water, the Good man delights in mountains. For the wise move; but the Good stay still. The wise are happy; but the Good, secure。

  7.君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。A true gentleman is calm and at ease; the Small man is fretful and ill at ease。

  8.战战兢兢,如临深渊,如履薄冰。In fear and trembling, With caution and care, As though on the brink of a chasm, As though treading thin ice。

  9.仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧。He that is really Good can never be unhappy. He that is really wise can never be perplexed. He that is really brave is never afraid。

  10.可与共学,未可与适道;可与适道,未可与立;可与立,未可与权。There are some whom one can join in study but whom one cannot join in progress along the Way; others whom one can join in progress along the Way, but beside whom one cannot take one’s stand; and others again beside whom one can take one’s stand, but whom one cannot join in counsel。

  11.己所不欲,勿施于人。在帮无怨,在家无怨。Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then there will be no feelings of opposition to you, whether it is the affairs of a State that you are handling or the affairs of a Family。

  12.君子成人之美,不成人之恶。小人反是。The gentleman calls attentions to the good point in others; he does not attention to their defects. The small man does just the reverse of this. 译文?

  13.君子以文会友,以友辅仁。The gentleman by his culture collects friends about him, and through these friends promotes Goodness。

  14.无欲速,无见小利。欲速则不达,见小利则大事不成。Do not try to hurry things. Ignore minor considerations. If you hurry things, your personality will not come into play. If you let yourself be distracted by minor considerations, nothing important will ever get finished。

  15.仁者必有勇,勇者不必有仁。A Good Man will certainly also posses courage; but a brave man is not necessarily Good。

  16.贫而无怨难,富而无骄易。 To be poor and not resent it is far harder than to be rich, yet not presumptuous。

  17.君子上达,小人下达。The gentleman can influence those who are above him; the small man can only influence those who are below him。

  18.不患人之不己知,患其不能也。A gentleman does not grieve that people do not recognize his merits; he grieves at his own incapacities。

  19.不怨天,不尤人,下学而上达。知我者其天呼!I do not accuse Heaven, nor do I lay the blame on men.  But the studies of men below are felt on high, and perhaps after all I am known; not here, but in Heaven!

  20.可与言而不与之言,失人;不可与言而与之言,失言;知者不失人,亦不失言。Not to talk to one who could be talked to, is to waste a man. To talk to those who cannot be talked to, is to waste one’s words. He who is truly wise never wastes a man; but on the other hand, he never wastes his words. 

  21.工欲善其事,必先利其器。A craftsman, if he means to do good work, must first sharpen his tools。

  22.学也,禄在其中。君子忧道不忧贫。Learning may incidentally lead to high pay. But a gentleman’s anxieties concern the progress of the Way; he has not anxiety concerning poverty。

  23.事君,敬其事而后其食。 In serving one’s prince, one should be: Intent upon the task, Not bent upon the pay。

  24.君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言。There are three things that a gentleman fears: he fears the will of Heaven, he fears great men, he fears the words of the Divine Sages。

  25.生而知之者,上也。学而知之者,次也。困而学之,又其次也。困而不学,民斯为下也。 Highest are those who are born wise. Next are those who become wise by learning. After them come those who have to toil painfully in order to acquire learning.  Finally, to the lowest class of the common people belong those who toil painfully without ever managing to learn. 译文?

  26.隐居以求其志。It is by dwelling in seclusion that they seek the fulfillment of their aims。

  27.唯有上智与下愚不移。It is only the very wisest and the very stupidest who cannot change。

  28.君子有三变:望之俨然,即之也温,听其言也厉。A gentleman has three varying aspects: seen from afar, he looks severe, when approached he is found to be mild, when heard speaking he turns out to be incisive. 


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