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  46题 有人说,测量任何学校的价值是扩大和提高经验的影响,这种影响是最初动机的一部分

  47题 只有逐渐注意机构的副产品,并且逐渐增多,它才能初人民认为是机构产品的一个直接因素。

  48题 在我们的联系中忽视我们的行为与他们的处置意向的效果是容易的,但是与成年人交易是不容易的

  49题 因为我们与他们主要的生意能够使他们分享我们禁不住考虑的日常生活,不管我们是否获得这种能力的决心

  50题  我们引领辨别,在广泛的教育过程中,我们已经充分考虑到教育的一种形式是机构和学校


  The drawing vividly depicts that in a circular area which can be divided into some sub-sections, there is one person in each, working or playing on a computer. Nowadays many people, especially, young fellows are tracing such fashion of life and working style. What is conveyed in the drawing is realistic and most meaningful.

  There are reasons accounting for this fashion. Firstly, with the rapid development of society, advances in office equipments have been made, which has led to the improvement of the working means of many people. Therefore, many people are required to expertise in the operation of computers. Some, even, have become addicted to the internet. Secondly, Internet enmeshes the world so that people assume they can gain various information on it, without stepping out of their rooms. Thirdly, some people even don’t want to waste their valuable time so that they turn to Internet to gain what they want.

  Frankly speaking, this social phenomenon is another double-edged sword. It has both positive and negative impacts on the whole society. It is universally accepted Internet offers many benefits to humans. Some young men, on the opposite, spend most of their time in front of computers, which would lead them into poor health. Moreover, it is harmful to the establishment of people’s ability to communicate with others.

  To draw a conclusion, we don’t deny that people should take advantage of Internet, but in a sensible way. And also parents should give proper advice to their children to form a proper outlook of surfing on Internet.


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