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  Directions: Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  Olympic Games are held every four years at a different site, in which athletes ____1___different nations compete against each other in a ___2____ of sports. There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the winter Olympics。

  In order to _____3____the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the international Olympic committee (IOC). After all proposals have been ____4____, the IOC votes. If one city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues with ____5____rounds, until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, ____6____the winning city time to prepare for the Games. In selecting the ____7___of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, chief among them which city has, or promises to build, the best facilities, and which organizing committee seems most likely to _____8____the Games effectively。

  The IOC also ____9___which parts of the world have not yet hosted the Games. ____10____,Tolkyo, Japan, the host of the 1964 Summer Games, and Mexico city, Mexico, the host of the 1968 summer Games , were chosen ____11____to popularize the Olympic movement In Asia and in Latin America。

  ____12_____the growing importance of television worldwide, the IOC in recent years has also taken into ____13__the host city’s time zone. ____14____the Games take place in the United States or Canada, for example, American television networks are willing to pay ____15____ higher amounts for television rights because they can broadcast popular events ____16____, in prime viewing hours。

  ____17____the Games have been awarded. It is the responsibility of the local organizing committee to finance them. This is often done with a portion of the Olympic television ____18____ and with corporate sponsorships, ticket sales, and other smaller revenue sources. In many ____19____ there is also direct government support。

  Although many cities have achieved a financial profit by hosting the Games, the Olympics can be financially ____20_____. When the revenues from the Games were less than expected, the city was left with large debts。

  1. A. in                B. for                 C. of                 D. from

  2. A. lot               B. number              C. variety             D. series

  3. A. host              B. take                C. run                D. organize

  4. A. supported          B. submitted           C. substituted          D. subordinated

  5. A. suggestive         B. successful           C. successive          D. succeeding

  6. A. letting            B. setting              C. permitting           D. allowing

  7. A. site               B. spot                C. location            D. place

  8. A. state              B. stage               C. start               D. sponsor

  9. A. thinks             B. reckons             C. considers           D. calculates

  10. A. For instance        B. As a result           C. In brief            D. On the whole

  11. A. in time            B. in part               C. in case            D. in common

  12. A. Since             B. Because              C. As for            D. Because of

  13. A. amount            B. account              C. accord            D. acclaim

  14. A. However          B. Whatever             C. Whenever         D. Wherever

  15. A. greatly            B. handsomely           C. meaningfully       D. significantly

  16. A. live              B. living                 C. alive             D. lively

  17. A. Until             B. Unless                C. Whether          D. Once

  18. A. incomes           B. interests              C. revenues          D. returns

  19. A. cases             B. conditions             C. chances           D. circumstances

  20. A. safe               B. risky                C. tempting          D. feasible

  1--5 DCABC      6--10 DABCA      11--15 BDBCD      16--20 ADCAB


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