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友情提示:本站提供全国400多所高等院校招收硕士、博士研究生入学考试历年考研真题、考博真题、答案,部分学校更新至2012年,2013年;均提供收费下载。 下载流程: 考研真题 点击“考研试卷””下载; 考博真题 点击“考博试卷库” 下载 

Section I: Structure and Vocabulary (20 points)

Part A (5 points)

1. [D]2. [B]3. [A]4. [C]5. [A]

6. [D]7. [B]8. [D]9. [C]10. [A]

Part B (5 points)

11. [D] were12. [D] saving

13. [C] family-run14. [C] environmental

15. [B] that16. [A] in

17. [C] to make18. [D] skinned

19. [B] great20. [D] unless

Part C (10 points)

21. [A]22. [D]23. [C]24. [B]25. [A]

26. [C]27. [A]28. [B]29. [D]30. [C]

31. [C]32. [B]33. [D]34. [C]35. [C]

36. [B]37. [A]38. [B]39. [D]40. [B]

Section II: Cloze Test (10 points)

41. [D]42. [A]43. [B]44. [A]45. [B]

46. [C]47. [D]48. [C]49. [A]50. [D]

Section III: Reading Comprehension (40 points)

51. [B]52. [C]53. [A]54. [D]55. [A]

56. [C]57. [D]58. [B]59. [B]60. [D]

61. [C]62. [A]63. [B]64. [C]65. [D]

66. [A]67. [A]68. [B]69. [D]70. [A]

Section IV: English-Chinese Translation (15 points)






Section V: Writing (15 points)


The two graphs tell us something about population growth and wildlife extinction in the U.S. From 1800, the American population has been growing all the time. In the 100 years from 1600 to 1700, the number of wildlife species remained almost stable, with the next 200 years witnessing a growing trend in wildlife extinction. It can be easily seen that the more the human beings, the fewer the animal species.

There may be several reasons for this effect. First, as human population expands, more and more wild animals are hunted for food. Second, due to all kinds of pollution and the damage of ecosystem caused by man, some animals have nowhere to live. Third, some animals are of great medical value, they become the targets for making money.

It is time we took some measures to stop this disturbing trend. On one hand, government should pass some laws and regulations to prevent people from killing more wild animals and forbid further damage to our environment. On the other hand, we should cultivate the awareness that animals are our friends and their extinction poses a threat rather than brings benefits to us. Only when human beings live in harmony with all kinds of animals can we really build a beautiful and healthy world.

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