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 46、The guarantee committee has foreseen the employee spending his life safely in the cafe. 担保委员会已预见到了雇员在咖啡馆里安度一生了。

  47、The manager has the courage to fill the garage with pages of image for storage. 经理有勇气用图片把车库填满,作为储备。

  48、My pledge is the savage's badge of knowledge know the hedge.我的承诺就是野人们从篱笆那得来的知识徽章。

  49、Lao Sha lodges in a ridge with a bowl of porridge on a wedge of the ridge.老沙盖房在屋脊楔子上的冰和里,手中拿着一碗粥。

  50、Range of arivilege obligations was arranged with great challenges.特别责成权的范围在排列时遇到挑战。

  51、The revenging savages have charged into the lounge and took away all the sponges. Their emergence has discharged all forgery of gauged refuge and this has then urged the officers to enlarge the hinge of the door. 一群复仇的野人冲入休息室,抢走了全部的海绵,他们的出现使所有伪造的精确量过的避难处被解除了,迫使有关官员加大了门的铰链。

  52、A mistake in staking can overtake you like an earthquake.下注的一个错误能象地震一样压倒你。

  53、The joker was choked by a stroke of smoke for his undue provoking. 说笑话的人因他的**被一阵烟梗住了。

  54、The pale scale on sale probably has a stale tale. 减价出售的天平很可能有一个陈旧的故事。

  55、An agreeable fable comes from a noticeable cable which has been supposed to reliable and remarkable for an available variable. The message has enabled the questionable to the reasonable, unreasonable capable, considerable unbearable and preferable innumerable.一个宜人的故事从一条被认为是可靠且可观的重要电缆传给了一个可获得的变量。这一消息使可疑的东西变得有理由,无理的东西变得有能力,可观的东西变得不可忍受,而可取的东西则变得无可计数了。

  56、Some indispensable vegetables has been ratably portable and stable in a feeble babble. 有些不可或缺的蔬菜在虚弱的水池中变得非常轻便且稳定。

  57、Bible incredibly complete,not negligible,terribly feasible,though not visible,responsibly sensible and flexible as well.圣经是令人难以置信地完备,不可忽略,极易实行,虽眼不能见,却也负责地使人明智,灵活操作。

  58、It's a miracle to see a noble tumble humbly before the cheap spectacles of the poor uncles of farmers. 能看见一个贵族卑贱地在一群农民的伯伯跟前打滚真是一个奇迹。

  59、Stumbled by soluble marble saddle,I saw a bundle of rifles with the struggling of a triangle eagle,which was raged by some rifles. 我被一个可溶大理石做的马鞍绊倒后,随着一只被琐了激怒的三角形老鹰的挣扎,我看到了一捆步枪。

  60、The hills of reconciliation have bear compiled by the versatile man with a hostile tackle in the fertile wrinkles. 调解的档案已由一个多才之人用敌国的器械在一个肥沃的皱纹里编辑完毕。


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