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  e.g. You cannot eat your cake but have it.(it代替前面的cake)

  Although we cannot see it, there is air all around us. (it代替后面的air)

  They say he has left town, but I don’t believe it. (it代替前面They…town分句中的情况)


  e.g. Yesterday we saw a big tree. It was fully twenty metres high. (it代替前面的tree)

  The baby cried because it was hungry. (it代替前面的baby)


  e.g. ---- Someone is knocking at the door, Peter.---- Who is it?---- It’s me.

  ---- Who are singing?---- It is the children.

  ---- The light is still on in the lab. It must be the third-year students doing the experiment.


  e.g. ---- Do you still have the bicycle?---- No, I have sold it.

  ---- Is this knife yours?---- No. It is Xiao Zhang’s. Mine is the one on the desk.


  e.g. The climate of South China is mild(温和的); I like it very much.(it指the climate of South China)

  The climate of South China is much better than that of Japan.(that指the climate)



  It is fine (rainy, windy, etc.).

  It is noon.

  It is a half hour’s walk to the factory.

  What does it matter?


  用以帮助改变句子结构,使句子的某一成分受到强调。“It is (was) + 所强调的成分 + that (who) + 其它成分。”在这个句型中,it本身没有词义。


  为了使句子平衡,常采用形式主语(或宾语)it ,而把真正的主语(或宾语)置于句子后面。通常引导词it与它所代替的句子成分中间要夹有某些词。

  e.g. It takes half an hour to go there on foot.(It与to go there on foot之间夹有takes half an hour四个词)

  We thought it strange that Mr Smith did not come last night. (it与that从句中间夹有 strange)


  e.g. You may depend on it that they will support you.(因为介词on之后一般不直接接that引导的宾语从句。注意:it不是多余的,不能当作错句)


  1. My bike is missing. I can’t find ____ anywhere.

  A. oneB. onesC. itD. that

  2. ---- Who’s that?---- ____ Professor Li.

  A. That’sB. It’sC. He’sD. This’s

  3. ---- Have you ever seen a whale alive?---- Yes, I’ve seen ____.

  A. that B. itC. suchD. one

  4. The color of my coat is different from ____ of yours.

  A. thisB. thatC. itD. one

  5. ____ will do you good to do some exercise every morning.

  A. ItB. ThereC. ThoseD. You

  6. We think ____ our duty to pay taxes to our government.

  A. thatB. thisC. itsD. it

  7. The climate of Shanghai is better than ____ of Nanjing.

  A. thatB. itC. whichD. what

  8. ____ four years since I joined the Army.

  A. There wasB. There isC. It wasD. It has been

  9. How long ____ to finish the work?

  A. you’ll takeB. you’ll take itC. will it take youD. will take you

  10. Mary speaks in a low voice; ____ is difficult to know what she is saying.

  A. itB. thatC. soD. she

  11. So ____ that no fish can live in it.

  A. shallow is the lake B. the lake is shallow

  C. shallow the lake is D. is the lake shallow


  1-5 CBDBA 6-11 DADC A


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