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  School of Management Science and Engineering
  School of Management Science and Engineering
  School of Management Science and Engineering (SMSE),which was found in December, 2006, originated from the Department of Infrastructure Economics established in 1984, which is the 4th department ever created in the CUFE. SMSE benefits from the development of such majors as investment, engineering management, project management, real estate management and management science, enjoys the comprehensive advantages of academic and research systems closely supported by CUFE.
  The school currently consists of such five departments as Investment Dept, Urban and Real Estate Management Dept, Project Management Dept, Engineering Management Dept, and Management Science Dept, as well as five research organizations including the Center for Investment and Project Management, Management Science Institute, Real Estate Institute, Urban Economy Institute and Private Equity Institute.
  SMSE focuses on the full-time education in undergraduate, master and PhD, while supplemented with the minor education, part-time master degree education, and joint education with foreign partners. Having produced quite a number of qualified personnel for economic and social development, SMSE offers five undergraduate programs in investment, real estate management, engineering management, project management and management science, as well as four master programs in management science and engineering, investment, technology economics and management, real estate together with one doctoral program in investment.
  The school has 10 professors, 15 associate professors and 25 assistant professors, totaling 40 people with 75% teaching staff. Having graduated from such leading universities as Tsinghua University, Peking University in China as well as some famous ones in Europe and Canada, the majority of the staff once went to study abroad temporarily. Over the past years, SMSE has undertaken a number of research plans issued by the National Natural Science Fund and the National Social Science Fund as well as some provincial research plans, and has published over 10 monographs with considerable economic and social benefits
  In recent years, SMSE has made efforts to promote educational and research exchanges with foreign institutions. For example, the school has established a joint graduate program with Stevens Institute of Technology, and invited a number of famous scholars to give lectures. Also, by sending out some faculty members abroad as exchange scholars or visiting scholars, the school keeps constant contacts with leading foreign universities and research institute.
  The annual employment of undergraduates has remained at above 96% for five consecutive years from 2005 to 2009. They have received excellent appraisal from employers such as banking, securities firms, investment firms, real estate developers, consulting firms and government administration. As of October, 2010, SMSE has 643 undergraduates and 120 graduate candidates, totaling 763 students. The total number of students ranks top 2 among all the schools in the university.


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