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  学院现有教职工76人,其中,中国工程院院士1人,教授24人,副教授(副研究员)19人。有博士生导师26人,硕士生导师47人(校外兼职14人),甘肃省省属高校跨世纪学科带头人3人,甘肃省“333科技人才工程”、“555创新人才工程” 一、二层次人选11人,甘肃省领军人才第一层次人选3人、第二层次人选1人,客座教授6人。
  地 址:甘肃省兰州市安宁区迎门村1号(甘肃农业大学草业学院)
  邮 编:730070
  电 话:+86-0931-7631227(草业学院办公室)
  传 真:+86-0931-7631227
       College of Pratacultural Science
   The teaching and research in the field of grassland science in the college was launched in 1950, and began to enroll graduates and undergraduates from 1953 and 1964 respectively. In 1972, the first Department of Grassland Science in China was set up, and in 1984, the first Ph. D program of Grassland Science in China was set up. In 1992, the first pratacultural college in China was established. The postdoctoral station on the class-one subject of Animal Husbandry Science was set up in 2001. In 2003, the Department of Plant Protection merged into the college. pratacultural science.
   The college is made up of 6 departments and 5 labs. There are 1 national key subject, 2 provincial key subjects, 1 postdoctoral station,3 doctor degree programs and 6 master degree programs in the college. The college possesses Key Laboratory of Grassland Ecosystem (Gansu Agricultural University) of Education Ministry, Sino-U.S. Centers for Grazingland Ecosystem Sustainability, Pratacultural Engineering Laboratory of Gansu Province, Institute of Turf Science, and 6 research and teaching practice bases (Tianzhu Alpine Grassland Experimental Station, Huangyangzhen Forage Experimental Station, Golf Course Training and Practicing Station, etc.). Totally 3 bachelor programs are offered (pratacultural science, turf management and plant protection). The national journal, Grassland and Turf, is edited and published in the college.
   There are 76 staff in the college, including 24 professors, 19 associate professors, 20 lecturers, among them there is an academician of China Academy of Engineering (CAE), 24 Ph. D supervisors, 47 master supervisors (14 of them are part-time).
   The numerous key theories affecting pratacultural development were launched by the scientists in the college and the great contribution was made by the college. Since 1995, more than 20 scientific achievements were awarded by the government. In which, 2 of first class provincial scientific progress award, 11 of second class award. 8 new forage cultivars were bred. More than 23 technical books have been published.
   Totally 5231 bachelors, 687 masters and 114 Ph. D students from 21 nationalities have graduated from the college, many of them are the outstanding in their fields. Up to now, there are 1406 students, including 57 Ph. D, 117 masters and 1232 undergraduates,
   The college has established cooperation with international organizations, including IAEA, FAO, WB, GEF, ICIMODM, etc, and also keeps long term cooperation with foreign organizations from Australian, Newzland, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, United States.


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