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  Brief Introduction to
  College of Fine Arts of Northwest Normal University
  College of Fine Arts of Northwest Normal University originated from the Section of Manual Work of National Northwest Normal College established in 1939 and is at present one of the eighteen colleges of this university
  The November of 1949 saw the systematical conversion of the Department of Art from one of three-year-schooling into that of four-year-schooling so as to suit the new development of our national art educationIt was then one of the earliest five normal colleges that boasted the specialty of fine arts and MrLü Sibaia celebrated educator of fine arts in Chinawas appointed as its first deanLater onthe College of Fine Arts underwent several changes in its names and installmentsIn 1996the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Music were combined to form the College of Dunhuang Artsfrom which the present-day College of Fine Arts was separated in January 2006
  Over sixty yearsmore than ten masters of art like Lü SibaiChang ShuhongHong YiranLiu WengqingFang YunWang YueyunHuang ZhouChen XinghuaShang Lieping and Yang Mingzhou have worked diligently here in successionThey have accumulated a profound cultural foundation and developed a fine teaching traditionAnd they have made great efforts and contributions to the national art education in the northwest regioneven in the whole country besides Gansu Province
  This college has now six departments with seven specialties as followsthe Department of Art Designthe Department of Basic Course Teachingthe Department of Teaching Practicethe Research Centre of Dunhuang Artthe Reference RoomFurthermoreit possesses specialized fields of study such as the Education of Fine Artsthe Traditional Chinese PaintingOil PaintingBlock Printthe Design of Visual Transmissionthe Design of Environmental Artand the Design of Public ArtIt is authorized to award Master’s Degree in the study of Art and that of Fine Arts including five specialties such as the study of Traditional Chinese Paintingof Oil Paintingof Art Theoryof theories in Artistic DesignAt presentthis college has a faculty of 46 members well-experienced in teaching and well-trained in the scholarly fieldsamong whom 9 are professors15 associate professors3 are awarded doctor’s degree15 master’s degreeIt has an enrollment of some 100 postgraduates and more than 500 undergraduates
  In addition to their heavy teaching taskthis faculty has in recent years done a great deal of scientific research and created a lot of artistic worksup to now they have published 10-odd scholarly monographs and textbooksover 100 academic papersand more than 100 artistic creations in exhibition at home and abroadamongst which over 100 have been awarded prizes beyond the provincial level
  College of Fine Arts of Northwest Normal University has been pinned down by the Ministry of Education as one of the 11 bases for cultivating and training PEteachers and art teachersAccording to the figure released by the people’s Website in 2002it is now ranked as the 19th among the discipline of art amidst all the universities and 4th amidst all the normal colleges and universities respectively throughout the whole country
  Please contact us and call 86-931-7971214


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