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有中医学、基础医学、药学、化学和中西医结合5个学科的教授评审权;有1名国家名师、1名国医大师、16名全国老中医药专家学术经验继承指导教师,6名省名师、5名省专业带头人, 25名省名医;2人入选国家百千万人才工程,22人入选省百千万人才工程百人层次、52人入选千人层次;49名享受国务院特殊津贴专家、10名省315工程人才。
Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (LNUTCM), founded in 1958, is the only institution for higher learning in Liaoning Province to train and educate professionals in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Traditional Chinese Pharmacy, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Chinese Massage, Integration of TCM and Western Medicine in Clinical Practice, Senior Nursing and other related disciplines. LNUTCM consists of two campuses: one is in Shenyang and the other is in Dalian. As the main one, Shenyang campus is located in the capital of Liaoning Province, and Dalian campus is located in the beautiful seaside city —— Dalian. LNUTCM has won a series of honors and certificates successively, such as Honor of National Advanced Collective in Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Honor of Liaoning Provincial Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations,Honor of Liaoning Provincial Advanced Collective, Honor of Liaoning Provincial Advanced Unit in Spiritual Civilization Construction , May First Labor Award of Liaoning Province, Honor of Liaoning Provincial Law-governed Model University and Liaoning Provincial Safe and Civilized Campus.
During the past five decades, LNUTCM has developed its own characteristics in aspects of cultivating professionals who do well in international communication, experimental creativity and traditional Chinese medicine. LNUTCM is now the examination base of National TCM Practitioner Certification Center approved by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the national training base for TCM-Specialized English, the branch center of National Databases for Retrieval System of TCM Literature and the national center for international cooperation in TCM. LNUTCM has taken research responsibilities as well for the key technology and platform construction of TCM new medicine clinical experiment authorized by The Ministry of Science and Technology, and the national clinical trial of medicine certified by State Food and Drug Administration. It is also the education and examination center of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies in Liaoning Province and the deputy director institution for Examination and Assessment Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. LNUTCM is among the first batch of universities which are available and authorized to recruit international students as well as the students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. It is the national TCM clinical research base.
LNUTCM possesses five disciplines of Medicine, Science, Engineering, Management and Arts, including 32 undergraduate majors (or major orientations). Currently, the total enrollment exceeds 10,000 students. There are 15 colleges,, 4 directly affiliated hospitals, 2 teaching departments, 2 experimental & teaching centers, 3 research institutes, 6 research divisions, 2 libraries and 1 museum in the university.
LNUTCM has 1 state key discipline, 12 state key disciplines of TCM, 1 Liaoning provincial key discipline (including 12 second-class disciplines), 3 Liaoning provincial upgrading scheme projects, 1 top Liaoning province-level key discipline, 1 Liaoning province-level advanced and specially featured key discipline, 21 Liaoning provincial key disciplines of TCM, 3 post-doctoral programs, 3 first-class disciplines authorized to grant doctorate degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Pharmacy and Integration of TCM and Western Medicine, 16 second-class disciplines authorized to award doctorate degree, 3 first-class disciplines authorized to confer master degree and 18 second-class disciplines authorized to grant master degree.
There are 4 national featured specialty construction points, 1 national innovative experimental zone for cultivating talents, 1 state-level teaching team, 3 state-level excellent courses, 4 state-level awards for teaching achievements, 6 Liaoning province-level model (characteristic) specialties, 3 Liaoning province-level model centers for experimental teaching, 5 Liaoning provincial-level teaching teams and 22 Liaoning province-level excellent courses. LNUTCM is the chief-editor institution for more than 30 national planned textbooks and 8 provincial high-quality textbooks. It is authorized to run 19 projects of basic labs or featured and priority labs which are sponsored by both the central and local governments. Currently, LNUTCM has developed cooperative relationships with more than 80 higher education institutes and agencies from more than 20 countries, such as Europe, the United States, Eastern Asia, Southeastern Asia, etc, which has quickened the pace of opening up and international cooperation.         
LNUTCM has 1 national clinical research base of TCM, 11 A-grade research labs and 20 B-grade research labs directly under the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 15 Liaoning provincial key labs and engineering centers. It has undertaken and accomplished dozens of state-level research projects and hundreds of province-level research projects. It has published thousands of academic papers and hundreds of academic works. Annual expenditure in scientific research costs more than one hundred million yuan RMB.        
LNUTCM has 10 key clinic specialties or special diseases care centers appraised by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 20 provincial key clinical specialties. Its 4 directly affiliated hospitals are respectively named Liaoning Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Liaoning Coloproctological Hospital and Liaoning Integrated TCM and Western Medicine Hospital. It also has 5 indirectly affiliated hospitals. Moreover, it has about 40 hospitals or so for clinical teaching and practicing.
LNUTCM has the authorized rights to review and assess the qualification of professors in 5 subjects, namely, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Basic Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Integration of TCM and Western Medicine. There is 1 nationally outstanding teacher, 1 national master physician of TCM, 16 mentors for training qualified TCM doctors to carry on the experience of veteran medical experts, 6 provincially outstanding teachers, 5 faculty leaders in Liaoning Province and 25 provincially well-known TCM doctors. Among the teaching staff, there are 2 members who are nominated in the national project of "Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents", 22 in the Hundred class and 52 in the Thousand class of the provincial project of "Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents", 49 who are granted special allowance from the State Council and 10 who are enrolled in the 315 Talent Project of Liaoning Province.        
Having gone through hardships and difficulties, LNUTCM has cultivated many qualified TCM personnel. In the process of innovation and development, it has adopted a school philosophy “To Be the Best Not the Biggest”, and implemented the strategy “To Stand Based on the Key Disciplines, to Invigorate Depending on the Talents and to Develop Relying on Scientific & Technological Research”. Through comprehensively enhancing its own construction of culture, LNUTCM has shaped its own characteristics and advantages, which has played an important role in revitalizing the age-old Liaoning industrial-base and making immense contributions to inheriting and developing the cause of the traditional Chinese medicine. LNUTCM has been steadily and surely advancing with big strides towards becoming a higher-leveled TCM university of teaching and research type.


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