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  国际学院培养 “双高”(思想素质高、专业水平高)、“两强”(跨文化交际能力强、实践创新能力强),具有国际视野,通晓国际规则,能直接参与国际合作与竞争、有社会责任感的国际化人才。所有课程均由广外专职教师或外国合作大学的教师担任,其中广外任课教师多数具有海外留学背景。学生学习达到要求(在国际学院学习期间所学课程合格、雅思成绩符合要求)者可前往与我校合作的国外大学进行学习,成绩合格者可获得国外大学学士学位。
  成立于1980年的出国人员培训部,专门从事短期外语强化培训,是教育部直属的全国11个公派出国留学人员培训部之一,也是广东省委(1999年始)及广州市委(1998年始)指定的高层次管理人才出国前英语培训单位。随着我国加入WTO及对外交往的日益增加,培训部承担着越来越多的企事业单位骨干委培和公派留学人员的培训任务。 培训部的主要任务是为出国留学人员进行外语强化培训,为他们在国外生活、学习打下坚实的外语基础,提高其外语交际能力。多年来培训部教师在短期外语强化教学以及特定目的外语教学方面做了大量的科研探索工作,取得了丰硕成果。除接受政府、企事业单位委托培训任务外,培训部还提供各类适合出国需要的语言培训。
  International College
  Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
  International College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) is one of the overseas training centers authorized by the Chinese Service Centre of Scholarly Exchange. The CSCSE is a legally registered corporate body affiliated to the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the only official organization in China that accredits foreign academic degrees. With the largest scale, the longest history, its highly standardized teaching management, and the most mature joint programs among educational institutions of its kind in China, it has become a famous brand in overseas training.
  Supported by the excellent professional teaching resources of GDUFS, International College was founded in 2004, incorporating the advantageous resources of international educational cooperation. As one of the prestigious universities in China which specializes in international studies, GDUFS is the largest of its kind in the field in China, and the first institution of foreign studies offering an MBA program. Today, the University employs a professional English teaching staff of 500, the largest group of English teachers among Chinese universities. The university’s abundant resource of teaching staff ensures high-quality learning in International College.
  GDUFS International College aims to cultivate talents who can pride themselves on one specialty with multiple skills and a global vision and a sense of innovation, so as to prepare them to become internationally-oriented personnel who can readily facilitate global cooperation and participate in international competition. All modules are taught by GDFUS teachers, most of whom have studied abroad, or teachers from the foreign partner universities. Students who reach the entry requirement (passing all the GDUFS modules and meeting the IELTS requirements) can receive education in the partner university overseas of their choice, receiving a bachelor’s degree awarded by the partner universities.
  To date, International College has established overseas training programs with institutions in the UK including Lancaster University, University of Leicester, University of Essex, University of Central Lancashire, University of Gloucestershire, University of Portsmouth, Coventry University, University of Westminster, University of Bedfordshire, Anglia Ruskin University and University of East London in UK; University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and the University of Newcastle in Australia; Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand; Harding University, George Fox University and California State University, Fresno in USA; Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Canada; Université-Catholique-de-Lyon in France; and Daejin University, Sungshin Women’s University, Hallym University and Hoseo University in South Korea. International College has established courses in Media Communication and Culture/ English Language and Culture, International Business, Business Management, Management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Tourism Management, Hotel Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Accounting & Finance, Accounting, International Finance, Economics, Communication and English, English for International Business, International Business and Culture, International Journalism, Digital Entertainment and Computing.
  The education programs, methods and teaching performance have all gained a good reputation and recognition from students, their parents, and also the partner universities and employers.
  In addition, International College offers a pre-master program with the cooperative universities in Britain allowing Junior College graduates to further study abroad for their master’s degrees.
  With our first-class teaching staff, management, environment and teaching facilities, International College of GDUFS has become a respected brand in Overseas Training. International College is providing new access to higher education for students wanting to study abroad, and give themselves the chance to have a successful career in the future.


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