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  The School of Economics, Politics & Law has three Bachelor’s degree study programs as Finance, International economics and trade and Insurance, four Master’s degree study programs as Politics, Industrial Economics, Marxism in China and Ideological and political education. With Department of Finance, Department of International economics and trade, Section of Political theory and HuBei Circular Economy Research Center, the school has developed into an important base of humanities and economics research in Hubei University of Technology.
  A list of data will illustrate the talents advantage of school: 71 teachers, among, 11 professors, 17 associate professors, 22 master students tutors, senior teachers made up of 46.6% of all; teachers under 45 all have master degree, 26 teachers has already or will have Doctoral degree. Some of teachers have been honored as National Teacher Morality model, Hubei excellent teacher, Tran-century academic model, Hubei excellent teachers in Political Education, and Hubei University of Technology ‘Top ten ’.
  It is well known that the school has the biggest faculty-level library in our university, where collected 23000 books, 150 professional newspaper and Journals. The Finance Stimulation Lab and International trade training center have been established for students to practice Real-time simulation and in-depth study, for lecturers to enjoy the high-tech service for their teaching, research work. The under-construction Hubei Humanities Social Science Base—Hubei Circular Economy Center will play positive role in attracting talents and improving research level.
  A culture of “Solidarity, Devotion, Innovation and Harmony ”has been cultivated in a long run. All members work hard to develop their career through reform and innovation, and have made distinguished progress in teaching and researching. Theoretical Economics and Marxism philosophy were accredited as “University Excellent Course”, Corporate Finance, International Trade and etc. listed as the Emphasis Courses, Industrial Economics evaluated as emphasis subject in Hubei Province. In the latest 5 years, teachers in the school has published 20 books, 800 academic papers and taken on more than90 projects.
  The school has gradually formulated her own characteristics: “with support of the technology background of our university, emphasizing on cross-subject research, facing local economy environment and serving enterprises ” and has made outstanding achievements in fields such as Hubei industry development strategy research, organization politics, SME development, corporate finance, anti-dumping trade theory and practice, ideological and political education and research etc.
  Insisting on the policy of ‘open education’, the school has established mutual beneficial relationship with Shanghai Baolong auto company ltd. Hubei Social science academy, Hubei Development and Reform Committee, Hongkong and Macau securities (Wuhan branch), Duojia Group and 14 internship and employment bases has been built at Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hangzhou, creating good conditions for students practice.
  The school of economics, politics and law will keep going along the way, in a proper scale with own characteristics to achieve the goal of high quality education.


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