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  会计学院是浙江省最大的会计专业人才培养基地,拥有学士和硕士两级学位授予权,在校生2200余人。设有财务会计系、国际会计系、财务管理系、审计系,现代会计研究所、内部控制研究所、企业社会责任研究所、法务会计研究所,以及ACCA & CGA教育中心和会计培训中心。
  学院注重国际化会计人才培养,在浙江省设立了唯一的ACCA & CGA教育中心,积极培养具有国际视野、熟悉国际会计规则的师资团队,选派多名教师赴美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国等国家访问学习。
  The School of Accounting is the largest school of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics(ZUFE), Also the largest education base for accounting professionals in Zhejiang Province,PRC. It develops both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and with the scale over 2200 students. It consists of Financial Accounting Department, International Accounting Department, Financial Management Department, Auditing Department, Modern Accounting Research Centre, Internal Control Research Centre, Corporate Social Responsibility Research Centre, Forensic Accounting Research Centre, ACCA & CGA Education Centre and Accounting Training Centre.
  The Accounting Discipline of the School has been awarded solely with the A-Level Key Discipline in Zhejiang province, and the Accounting Specialty has also been recognized as the provincial Key Specialty. The school provides students with strong grounding in both theoretical and applied aspects; its graduates are high quality, with outstanding professional achievements and are generally welcomed by the society.
  The School possesses sufficient teaching resources, with 72 full-time staff members, among them 17 are professors, 36 are associate professors and 26 are doctors or doctor students.
  Thanks to the long efforts of the faculty, the school has established its particular research areas, specifically, accounting standards, corporate finance, auditing theory and forensic accounting. It has sponsored 4 national research projects, 20 provincial research projects and over 100 other projects. More than 500 professional papers written by the faculty have been published in various journals, including the Chinese top-tier journal in accounting, such as Accounting Research, Auditing Research and so on.
  By enhancing our links with major institutions in the world, we are developing the School as a centre of excellence for accounting education and research. Some world and inland renowned accounting professors visited and lectured successively, for example, Mr. Wilson, the President of American Accounting Association, Mr. Tan Xue-lin, the President of the Association of International Accountants, Mr. Ge Jia-shu, the Professor of Xiamen University, Mr. Guo Dao-yang, the Professor of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, etc.
  The School also emphasizes international accounting programmes. It established the sole ACCA & CGA Education Centre in the province, providing requisite skills as well as a broad disciplinary reach to students pursuing international careers. Meanwhile, the School sends a number of teachers to study abroad.


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