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  1、 阻断钩虫等土源性线虫病最佳方案的研究 获卫生部/WHO二次项目资助,分三个阶段:①短期内控制流行的方案研究(1986-1988年);②巩固监测方案的研究(1989-1992年);③远期效果观察(1993-2000年),论文在国际SCI杂志发表。
  2、 青蒿琥酯预防日本血吸虫病优化方案的研究 国家“九五”攻关,JRMC项目(1996-2000) 本研究率先为预防血吸虫病提供了一种高效、安全的口服药物,是血吸虫病预防药物研究的一项重大突破,并已应用于日本血吸虫病的预防。
  3、 世界银行贷款浙江省血吸虫病控制项目(1992-2002) 项目在21个血防项目县(市、区)开展工作,完成了疾病控制、疾病监测、质量控制、健康教育、技术培训、应用科研、信息管理等工作,编写了《浙江省血吸虫病控制项目终期评估报告》。
  4、 利用辐射技术控制食物源寄生虫感染性的研究 世界粮农组织/国际原子能利用机构(FAO/IAEA)的国际协作项目(1987-1992)。
  5、 寄生虫螺类宿主分类与演化的研究 国家自然科学基金(1990-1993),美国费城自然科学院合作项目(1994-2002),论文在国际SCI杂志发表。
  6、 血吸虫病预防药物及快速免疫断技术应用的研究 卫生部/WHO双年度项目(2002-2003)
  7、 控制肠道寄生虫病新药物的推广应用 卫生部/WHO双年度项目(2004-2005)
  “中心”1984-2006年共在国内外专业性期刊发表了有关土源性线虫、血吸虫、丝虫、弓形虫等寄生虫学或寄生虫病的学术论文535篇,其中国外期刊发表20篇;主编了《肠道寄生虫病防治手册》(1996),参加了《中国寄生虫文献提要》(人民卫生出版社,1990)、《The pomatiopsidae of Human China》(美国费城自然科学出版,1990)、《寄生虫病免疫学及免疫诊断》(江苏科技出版社,1991)、《中国弓形虫病》(亚洲医药出版社,2000)、《人体寄生虫学》(人民卫生出版社,2005)、《实用医学寄生虫学》(人民卫生出版社,2005)等12本专著的编写;获得国家发明专利1项,获新药证书1项,获国家级、省(部)厅级科技成果奖39项,这些项目的科研水平达到了国际先进、国内领先水平。其中5个有代表性的获奖成果如下:
  1、 “中国阻断淋巴丝虫病传播的策略及技术措施的研究”(参加)获得2000年国家科技进步一等奖;
  2、 “青蒿琥酯预防血吸虫病优化方案和推广应用的研究”获2003年国家科学技术进步二等奖;
  3、 “伊维菌素治疗肠道寄生虫病的研究”获2003年度中华医学科技奖三等奖。
  4、 “钴-60r射线控制弓形虫、华支睾吸虫等食物源性寄生感染性研究”获1992年中国预防医学科学院科技奖;
5、 “农业人口钩虫等土源性线虫病防治方案的研究” 获1998年浙江省科技进步三等奖。
  培养寄生虫学硕士研究生11名,联合培养博士生2名,继续培养在读硕士研究生3名,在读博士生3人。经WHO/TDR批准,选送多名科技人员赴澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究所、澳大利亚James Cook大学、美国哈佛大学、美国耶鲁大学、日本名古屋市立大学等进修寄生虫分子生物学,回国之后在科研工作中发挥着骨干作用,提高了“中心”的研究水平。
“中心”积极开展国际合作项目的研究,与美国费城自然科学院、澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究所、日本名古屋市立大学等建立了合作关系,促进了科研水平的提高。“中心”积极邀请国外学者访问,共接待了来自美国、澳大利亚、日本、加拿大、朝鲜、丹麦、马来西亚、韩国等国家的81位专家、教授来“中心”参观访问,其中包括美国费城自然院软体动物部主任Dr.Davis、丹麦血吸虫研究所血吸虫学专家Dr.Kristensen、美国哈佛大学Dr.Donald Ham、美国耶鲁大学Peter John Hawdon、韩国国立汉城大学Dr. Jong-Yil Chai、日本名古屋市立大学医学部Dr.Nobuo Ohta等。同时“中心”多名成员曾赴波兰波兹南布、泰国玛希图大学热带病学院、墨西哥大学动学系等进行短期访问和学术交流。
  “中心”组织或主持了多次全国和全省的学术交流会,如主持“中国线虫学学术研讨会”(海南,1990;广西,1993)、、“青蒿琥酯预防日本血吸虫病推广应用研讨会(桂林2003)”“全国土源性线虫病防治方案研讨会”( 杭州,2000)、“伊维菌素治疗肠道寄生虫推广应用研讨会(浙江2004)”“浙江省医学寄生虫学学术交流会(1989、1990、1996、1998、2000、2002、2006)”,在血吸虫、疟疾、土源性线虫、丝虫、肺吸虫、弓形虫等寄生虫病的免疫学、病原学、临床及防治对策等方面进行广泛的学术交流。
  WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on Helminthiasis
  General Conditions
   Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Zhejiang Academy of Medical Science was designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on Helminthiasis ( “Centre” for short afterwards) by the MOPH and WHO Regional Office for the western Pacific(WPRO/WHO) in 1984. The main task of the “Centre” is to carry out the research and prevention works on helminthiasis, especially on soil-transmitted parasitic diseases and schistosomiasis.
  Leaders of WHO, state and provincial government have been paying great attention and support to the “Centre”, especially Hiroshi Nakajima, the former Regional Director, WPRO/WHO and Chen Minzhang, the former Minisiter of MOPH visited “Centre” and gave directions on its working. Professor Mao Shou-bai and Zhao Wei-xian, famous parasitologist in China, once were consultants of the “Centre”. They had been giving effective directions and supports to the Centre’s work. Professor Song Chang-cun, the former head of the Institute, had been the director of the “Centre” during 1984 to 2002, Professor Wen Li-yong, the head of the Institute, is the director of the “Centre” from 2002. The Institute now has 26 research workers, among them there were 7 senior researchers, 11 medium level researchers, working on the studies of schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted intestinal nematode, filariasis, paragonimiasis, toxoplasmasis and Medical Entomology. The Institute has 4 departments, namely Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Pharmacology, Immunobiochemistry.
  Terms of Reference of the Centre
  (1) To carry out further studies on technical measures for interrupting transmission of hookworm disease and schemes on controlling roundworm and whipworm infection, and to formulate a systematic exposition for a nation control program and to furnish method as the ultimate goal;
  (2) To conduct further studies on the applicability of approved vermifuges for treating intestinal nematodiasis in mass chemotherapy;
  (3) To develop diagnostic tools for use in epidemiological survey of hookworm disease and other soil-transmitted parasitic diseases and to improve the methodology for evaluation of control work;
  (4) To carry out further studies on drugs for schistosomiasis prevention and diagnostic techniques;
  (5) To carry out further studies on epidemiology and diagnostic technique of food borne trematodiasis and other parasitic diseases;
  (6) To collaborate with WHO in conducting training course and to compile teaching material for a training course concerning intestinal Helminthiasis.
  Contact us
  Director of the Centre: Professor Wen Li-yong
  Secretary of the Centre: Associate Professor Lu Shao-hong
  Address: Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences.
  182 Tian Mu Shan Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang (310013) The People’s Republic of China.
  Tel: (86)571 88215601 FAX:(86)571 88215608
  E-mail Address: ipdzjnet@mail.hz.zj.cn
  I. Work performed in relation to the terms of reference or supported by WPRO/WHO
  1. Research projects
  Since the Centre’s designation, the “Centre” has developed and carried out 206 research projects cooperated with or supported by international organizations, National key Task Projects, international collaborating projects, National Natural Science Foundation, Provincial Natural Science foundation, 7 key projects among them are listed below:
  (1) “Studies on optimum scheme to control the spread of soil-transmitted nematodiasis” This project was the item supported by WHO/MOPH twice, having three sub-subprojects: ①Studies on optimal measures to control the disease in a short time(1986-2000); ②Studies on the strategy to consolidate and monitor the disease(1989-1992). ③Long-term observation on the effect of soil-transmitted nematodiasis control(1999-2000) Research paper was published in international journal.
  (2) “Studies on optimum scheme for prevention of schistosomiasis japonica with artesunate.” National Key Task Project in 9th “Five Year Plan /JRMC(1996-2000). The study revealed that the artesunate is a safe, high-effective drug for prevention of schistosomiasis and carried out large-scale use of it.
3) “Project of World Bank loan for schistosomiasis control in Zhejiang Province.” The project of World Bank loan for schistosomiasis control was carried out in 21 project counties. Main tasks (disease control, disease surveillance, quality control, health education, technical training, applied scientific research and information management) were implemented from 1992 to 2002. A“Final Evaluating Report on the Project of World Bank Loan for Schistosomiasis Control in Zhejiang Province”was compiled and was passed by the working conference of final evaluation report on project of World Bank loan for schistosomiasis control in Zhejiang Province and received favorable comment from the departments concerned of the higher authorities.
  (4) “Studies on the use of Irradiation to control infectivity of Food-borne Parasites”  FAO/IAEA (1987-1992)
  (5) “Evolution and taxonomy of snail hosts of parasites” National Natural Science Foundation(1990-1993), Collaborated with Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences U.S.A.( 1988-2002). Research papers were published in international journal.
  (6) “Studies on prophylactic drug and practical use of rapid immunodiagnostic technique for schistosomiasis japonica” MOPH/WHO(2002-2003)
  (7) “Expansion and application of new drug to control intestinal parasitic diseases” MOPH /WHO(2004-2005)
  2. Papers published and awarded projects:
  There have been totally 535 pieces of valuable papers published by the personnel of the “Centre” concerning schistosoma, food-borne nematodes, filarial, toxoplasma and other parasitic diseases. Personnel in the “Centre” supervised and took part in the editing of many monographs ,etc; The center edited the handbook of “Prevention and Control of Intestinal Parasitic Diseases”, and published in 1996. Professor Song Chang-cun is the chief editor. The “Centre’ took part in the editing of the 12 monographs, such as;
  “The pomatiopsidae of Human China” (Philadelphia Natural Science Publishing House,U.S.A.1990)
  “References Abstracts of Human Parasitic Diseases in China” (People’s Hygiene Publishing House, Beijing, 1990)
  “Immune of Parasitic Infections and Immunodiagnostic Techniques” (Jiangsu Scientific and Technological Publishing House, 1991)
  “Parasitology of human” (People’s Hygiene Publishing House, Beijing, 2005)
  “Practical Medical Parasitology” (People’s Hygiene Publishing House, Beijing, 2005)
  There was one state potent and one new drug certification approved. Total 39 projects were awarded Science and Technology Prize by national or provincial government. These scientific achievements of the projects reach the advanced level in China and international. The five key achievements listed as following:
  (1) “Studies on tactics and technical measures to interrupt the spreading of lymphatic filariasis in China”(joint project) awarded First grade National Prize for creativity in science and technology in 2000.
  (2) “The studies on prophylactic effect of artesunate on Schistosomiasis japonica” won a second award for national creativity in science and technology in 2003.
  (3) “Studies on the effect of ivermectin against intestinal nematode infections” won a third grade national award for creativity in medical technology in 2003.
  (4) “Studies on the use of Cobalt-60 irradiation to control infectivity of food-borne parasites―Toxoplasma gondii, Clonorchis sinensis and Paragonimus westernmost” won a national award for creativity in medical technology in 1992.
  (5) “Studies on the scheme for the control on hookworm and other soil-transmmited intestinal nematode infections in farmer ” won a third grade provincial award for creativity in science and technology in 1998.
  II. Education and Training
  1. Conduct training workshop and syposium
  Co-sponsored by the Ministry of Public Health of PRC and WHO, “Centre” conducted 43 national and provincial training workshops on prevention and control of parasitic diseases, including:
  “Workshop on prevention and control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis, 1985”
  “A national training course on prevention and control of intestinal parasitic diseases, 1991”
   “A National Training Course on Control for Food-borne Parasitic Zoonoses, 1993”,
  “A National Training Course on the New Rapid Diagnostic Techniques for Schistosomiasis 2003”
  “Emergency measure and control of schistosomiasis japonica, 2004”
  There were total 1441 participants from districts and cities (counties) over the country and province attended the workshop. The center compiled large number of teaching materials for the workshops. There were lectures, laboratory demonstrations, exchange of experience and discussion, watching videotapes along with field visit. The top specialist domestic and abroad had been invited to give the lectures to the classes. Through training, the professional capability of students was strengthened. They have played an important role in promoting the control work of these diseases.
  2. Professional personnel Training
  The “Centre” lays stress on training of professional personnel, going on to train and enroll postgraduates specialized in parasitology. There have been 11 persons gained master’s degree and 2 gained doctor’s degree. There are 3 working on their master degree and 3 on the doctor degree respectively at present. By the approval of WHO/TDR, some staff has been dispatched to the foreign country for advanced study in the field of molecular biology of parasites such as Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia; James Cook University, Australia; Harvard University, USA, Yale University, USA; Nagoya City University, Japan. They consist of mainstay of the scientific and technological contingents in the research work of the “Centre”, promoting the development of the “Centre”.
  Ⅲ. Cooperation of the Centre
  1. Cooperation with WHO
  Approved by MOPH and WHO, the “Centre” got the funds for 1992-1993,1994-1995, 2000-2001, 2002-2003, 2004-2005 cooperative projects and obtained financial aid of 282,000 US dollars. The center has accomplished the task of cooperative projects such as; “Improved control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis”,“Studies on new rapid diagnositic techniques for schistosomiasis and application of artesunate as prophylaxis”, “Expansion and application of new drug to control intestinal parasitic diseases”. “Centre” also obtained the funds from WHO/TDR and WHO/WPRO for research projects, mainly on the prevention and control of principal parasites in China, promoting the research level of the academic standing. The head of “Centre” participated in all the Seminars for Directors of WHO Collaborating Centre in China held by WHO and MOPH, and implemented the task of assigned in the meeting.
   “Centre” obtained the academic materials and information from WHO, WHO/TDR and WHO/PDP, strengthening the scientific information and academic exchange in China and international. “Centre” summarized the works annually and submitted annual report to WHO in time.
  2. Other cooperation of the “Centre”
  “Centre” has developed international collaborative works actively with Australia, U.S.A., Korean and Japan, etc. 81 foreign experts on parasitology have been invited and paid the visit to the “Centre”, among them, Dr. G. M. Davis, director of the conchological department, Philadelphia Academy of Natural sciences, U.S.A; Dr. Kristensen, Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory; Dr. Donald Ham, Department of Tropical Health, Harvard School of Public Health, U.S.A.; Dr. Peter John Howdon of yale University U.S.A.; Dr. Jong-Yi Chai from the National Seoul University, Korean; Dr. Nobuo Ohta from Nagoya City University. Also, the Centre has dispatched scholars abroad for short time visiting and academic exchange. Destination includes: Poznan Poland; the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand; the Faculty of Medical Veterinary and Zoology, Mexico University; the National Seoul University.etc.
  Ⅳ. Academic exchange
  “Centre” attended international symposium actively, presented 25 research papers. Some international meetings listed as below: “the 33rd SEAMEO-TROPMED Regional Seminar” (Thailand,1990); “International Symposium on Schistosomiasis” (Beijing,1992; Wuxi,1998); “Fourteenth International symposium on Tropical Medicine and Malaria” (Japan,1996); “Ninth international symposium on parasitology”(Japan, 1998); “17th International conferece of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology”(Denmark,1999); “7th International Symposium on Schistosomiasis”(Brazil,1999); “The 3rd international symposium on food-borne water-borne amphixenosis” (Thailand, 2000); “the 10th international conference of parasistolgy ”(Canada,2002); “the 7th round-the-Pacific Ocean conference on infectious diseases” (Shanghai,2002); “Reagional network of Asian schistosomiasis” (Laos, 2003); “U.S.-Japan conference of medical academic exchange”(Japan,2004); “the international conference of Schistosomiasis”(Philippines, 2006).
  “Centre” conducted or hosted several national and provincial symposium, such as “National Symposium of Medical Nematode of Chinese Medical Parasitology Association(Hainan,1990); “National symposium of spreading application scheme for prevention of schistosomiasis japonica with artesunate (Guilin, 2003)” “National workshop on control scheme of soil-transmitted nematodiasis” (Hangzhou, 2000); “National symposium of spreading application scheme for ivermectin against intestinal nematode infections (Hangzhou, 2004)”“Zhejiang Scientific Exchange Meeting of Parasitology (1989,1990,1996,1998,2000,2002,2006) ”. At the meetings, representatives exchanged their experiences and discussed the control and research work on hookworm, falaria and trichuris, schistosomiasis, malaria, soil-transmitted helminthiasis, toxoplasmosis, paragonimiasis, and information on immunology, pathogen, clinical, strategy of control.
  Members of the center attended the important conferences in china on the parasitic diseases, such as: “The fifth annual academic meeting on medical parasitic diseases” (2003); “Academic meeting on control of liver fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis” (2003); “the 10th seminar of Chinese Zoological Society Board of parasitic diseases” (2005); 201 staff/time participated some 72 national academic meetings, 123 scientific papers have been present.
  Ⅴ. Self-evaluation
  Since its designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre, the Institute of Parasitic Diseases,Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences has energetically implemented the activities included in its terms of reference and has made remarkable achievements in all aspects of scientific research, disease control, training professional personnel, domestic and international academic exchanges.
  In research studies, works on prevention and control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis have been carried out over 55 years by the institute, the research work has been enhanced after the “Centre” established. The work on prevention and control of hookworm and other soil-transmitted helminsiasis has gained remarkable achievement. The effective control and consolidation schemes and surveillance methods on hookworm and enterobius infections have been developed and applied nationwide. The center edited key handbook on prevention and control of intestinal parasitic diseases, which provided efficient technical schemes for diseases control around China; In the aspect of preventing schistosomiasis, the studies revealed that artesunate could be in prophylaxis of schistosomiasis effectively. This is the first report around the world on the topic and this achievement was awarded as Second National Prize for Creativity in Science and Technology in 2003. In regard to ivermectin study, it was affirmed for the first time that ivermectin has satisfactory effect on driving out intestinal nematode, especially for roundworm and whipworm, it is a project of high technologic level and won a prize. In short, the “Centre” has been capable to carryout and accomplish significant research projects, and to gain high quality scientific and technological achievements.
  In aspect of training and bringing up qualified personnel, in order to raise the techniques and work ability of grassroots personnel who were engaged in parasitic disease control work, the “Centre” has conducted training courses for more than 40 times, more than 1400 participants from countrywide attended these classes. Also the “Center” sends experts regularly to endemic areas to direct technical work. The “Center” has become one of the key training and research centers in China. The “Centre” devoted much attention to the training of quantified personnel, 2 Doctors and 11 Masters were brought up. Several members of the “Centre” have been dispatched to foreign country for advanced study on molecular biology and other professional technique. Therefore, technologic level of the “Centre” has been raised constantly.
  With regard to technical consultation and academic exchange, the “Center” has convened and presided over several countrywide seminars, thus enjoy good reputation. Some members of the “Centre” took part in the MOPH Parasitic Diseases Advisory Committee, especially in regard to control work of Soil-transmitted nematodiasis and schistosomiasis. International academic exchange or joint project was relatively concentrated, mainly with scholars from U.S.A., Australia, Denmark, and Japan friendly and complemental relationship of cooperation has been established. Personnel of the “Centre” attended international professional meetings in USA, Japan, Brazil, Denmark, Thailand and in China actively. The “Centre” has played a key role in academic exchange. For the schistosomiasis control technical consultation work, the "center" has been carrying out works in aspects of monitoring of epidemic situation and professional training and consult for 55 counties in Zhejiang province; So far, no local new infections, acute infection patients (animal) and positive oncomelania snail occurred. The great achievement has been gained on schistosomiasis control in Zhejiang province.
  The Centre has played an important role in improving the quality of research workers and exchanging research information. In the future, the “Centre” will do its best as usual on its task, especially in the further technological innovation, also the center will enhance the cooperation with WHO and the collaborators around the world, making the significant contribution to control of parasitic diseases in China.


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