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  职称及职务:总工程师, EMS,Consultants
  §   主持开发了大型非线性有限元通用计算机程序的核心部分,包括固体,流体,热传导及各类结构单元类型,各类线性和非线性材料模型。美国及欧洲现有超过50000机械和结构工程用户使用该程序的商用软件。
  §   发展和完成了非线性计算机程序用于大型公共交通网络系统的优化设计包括公交车线路和车站的位置设计,车辆的线路分配及车辆时刻表。
  §   开发基于统计学和逆问题的数值优化方法估算或求解公交系统的乘客来源地及目的地
  §   为美国PPG玻璃公司主持开发非线性数值方法及相应的计算机程序用于分析和模拟汽车前挡风玻璃的热成型制造过程(热弹塑性儒变材料)。
  §   研发热弹塑性流晶材料模型并将该材料模型装入ANSYS 大型通用计算机程序。
  §   主持研发混凝土弹塑性带裂纹材料模型
  §   冷轧钢成型过程的稳定和敏感性分析,计算机模拟,优化设计及数值方法
  §   心血管内扩张弹簧的有限元分析和优化设计(非线性弹性记忆性材料)
  §   重型车量的有限元分析和优化设计
  §   火星机器人结构的有限元分析和优化设计 
  Red Zone Robotics Inc., 1990.
  §   有限元分析和设计在核圬染环境下的钢结构轨道系统用于机器人搬运核废料
  佛罗里达国际大学土木及环境工程系, 1993.
  §   物体的非破坏性探伤及反问题非线性分析和计算
  §   工程结构的形状优化
  卡耐基梅隆大学计算机学院机器人研究中心, 1994.
  §   火星机器人结构的有限元分析和优化设计(美国航天局科研项目)
  佛罗里达国际大学机械工程系, 1996.
  §   重型车量的有限元分析和优化设计(美国陆军科研项目)
  §   心血管内扩张弹簧的有限元分析和优化设计(Johnson and Johnson Inc. 科研项目) 
  学术论文 (学术杂志)
  1.  Fang Zhao and Xiaogang Zeng, Optimization of User and Operator Cost for Large-scale Transit Network, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 4, April 2007 April 2007.
  2.  F. Zhao and X. Zeng, Optimization of Transit Route Network, Vehicle Headway and  Timetables for Large-scale Transit Network, submit to European Journal of Operational Research, 2005, accepted.
  3.  F. Zhao and X. Zeng, Optimization of Transit Network Layout and Headway with a Combined Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Method, Journal of Engineering Optimization, Vol. 38, No 6, September 2006, pp. 701-722.
  4.  Fang Zhao and Xiaogang Zeng, Simulated AnnealingGenetic Algorithm for Transit Network Optimization, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 20, No 1, January/February 2006, pp. 57-68.
  5.  Sushil J. Louis, Fang Zhao and Xiaogang Zeng, Flaw Detection and Configuration with Genetic Algorithm in Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Applications, D. Dasgupta and Z. Michalewicz (editor), Springer-Verlag, March 1997. 
  6.  Fang Zhao and Xiaogang Zeng, "An Energy-Based Macro-Element Method via a Coupled Finite Element and Boundary Integral Formulation", Computers and Structures, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 813-824, 1995.
  7.  Xiaogang Zeng and Fang Zhao, "Integral Equation Method Via Domain Decomposition for Scattering Problems", International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 62, pp. 186-192, March 1995.
  8.  J. Bielak, R. C. MacCamy, and X. Zeng, Stable Coupling Method for Interface Scattering Problems by Combined Integral Equations and Finite Elements Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 119, pp. 374-384, 1995.
  9.  Xiaogang Zeng and Fang Zhao, "A Coupled FE and Boundary Integral Equation Method Based on Exterior Domain Decomposition for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 1047-1061, 1994.
  10. X. Zeng and J. Bielak, "Stability Assessment of a Unified Variational Boundary Integral Method Applicable to Thin Scatterers and Scatterers with Corners," Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 111, pp. 305-321, 1994.
  11. X. Zeng and J. Bielak, "Exterior Stable Domain Segmentation Integral Equation Method for Scattering Problems," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 777-792, 1994.
  12. X. Zeng and J. Bielak, Stable Symmetric Finite Element Boundary Integral Coupling Methods for FluidStructure Interface Problems, International Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 15, pp. 79-91, 1995.
  13. X. Zeng, J. Bielak, and R. C. MacCamy, Unified Symmetric Finite Element and Boundary Integral Variational Coupling Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 8, pp. 451-467, 1992.
  14. X. Zeng, J. Bielak and R. C. MacCamy, Stable Variational Coupling Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction in Semi-Infinite Media ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 114, pp. 387-396, 1992.
  15. X. Zeng, L. F. Kallivokas, and J. Bielak, Stable Localized Symmetric Integral Equation Method for Acoustic Scattering Problems Journal of Acoustics Society of America, Vol. 91 pp. 2510-2518, 1992.
  16. X. Zeng, L. F. Kallivokas, and J. Bielak, A Symmetric Variational Finite Element-Boundary Integral Equation Coupling Method in Computers & Structures, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 995-1000, 1993.
  17. Zeng, X., and S. Saigal, "An Inverse Formulation with Boundary Elements," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 835-840, December 1992.
  18. Zeng, X., and S. Saigal, "A Fourier Expansion Based Particular Integral Approach for Non-Boundary Loadings in Boundary Element Method, Communications in Applied Numerical Methods, Vol. 7, pp. 453-464, 1991.
  1.  Fang Zhao, Sushil Louis, and Xiaogang Zeng., "A Genetic Algorithm for Inverse Problems of Flaw Detection", Proceedings of the 4th Golden West International Conference on Intelligent Systems, San Francisco, CA, June 12-14, 1995.
  2.  Hopkins, D.A., S. Saigal, and X. Zeng, "Computational Micromechanics of Woven Composites," ASME AMD-118, Mechanics of Composites at Elevated and Cryogenic Temperatures, S. Singhal and C. Herakovich (editors), May 1991.
  3.  Fang Zhao, Xiaogang Zeng, and Sushil Louis, "Genetic Algorithms for Inverse Problems," Proceedings of ASCE 4th Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, June 16-18, 1997.
  4.  Fang Zhao and Xiaogang Zeng, "A Flexible Structural Analysis Method for Computer-Aided Preliminary Design", Proc. First Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, Washington, D.C., June 20-22, 1994. Also in Proc. of 1993 ASCE South Florida Section Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, September 1993.
  5.  H. Yi, X. Zeng, And J. Bielak, Symmetric Mixed BEM for Elasto-static Problems With Cracks Using Non-Singular Elements, USACM, Proceedings of the Fifth US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1999.
  1.  Xiaogang Zeng, Loukas F. Kallivokas, and Jacobo Bielak, A Symmetric Variational Finite Element-Boundary Integral Equation Coupling Method, Research Report R-92-203, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1992.
  2.  Xiaogang Zeng, Stable symmetric FEM-BEM coupling methods for fluid-structure interface problems with applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1992.
  3.  Jacobo Bielak, Richard C. MacCamy and Xiaogang Zeng, Stable coupling method for interface scattering problems, Research Report R-91-199, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1991.
  4.  Xiaogang Zeng, Jacobo Bielak, and Richard C. MacCamy, Symmetric Finite Element and Boundary Integral Variational Coupling for Fluid-Structure Interaction in Semi-Infinite Media, Research Report R-91-198, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1991.
  5.  Xiaogang Zeng, Jacobo Bielak, and Richard C. MacCamy, Unified Symmetric Finite Element and Boundary Integral Variational Coupling for Fluid-Structure Interaction,Research Report R-90-195, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1990.
  6.  Xiaogang Zeng and Jacobo Bielak, Development of 3D Finite Element for the Analysis of Tempering stresses for Viscoeelastic Materials with Structural Relaxation. Research Report R-89-180, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1989.
  7.  Xiaogang Zeng, Analysis of Beam-Columns with Non-Linear Lateral Supports, M.S. Thesis, School of Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988. 
  8.  Xiaogang Zeng, A New Incremental Analysis Method for Finite deformation Solids, M.S. Thesis, Department of Applied Mechanics, Beijing Institute of Technology, 1984.


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