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姓名 吴智敏
院系 土木工程学院
办公电话 0411-84709842
电子信箱 wuzhimin@dlut.edu.cn
更新时间 2010-10-29
2009. 11-至今:大连理工大学土木工程学院结构工程研究所所长,结构实验室主任
2009. 9-至今:大连理工大学土木工程学院副院长
2009. 4-至今:大连理工大学结构工程博士学科点点长
2008.10-2009.1: 四川水利职业技术学院 支教
2007. 2-2007.5: 香港城市大学Research Fellow
2002. 12-2003. 3:Leipzig University of Applied Sciences(Germany)
2004. 4-2008.12:大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室副主任
2002. 6-2004. 11: 大连理工大学土木水利学院副院长
2004. 6-2005. 12: 大连理工大学土木水利学院结构工程研究所所长,结构实验室主任
2002. 4-至今:大连理工大学结构工程博士生导师
2001. 4-至今:大连理工大学土木水利学院教授
1996. 8-2001.3:大连理工大学土木建筑学院副教授
1997. 7-2000. 8:大连理工大学土木建筑学院结构工程研究室副主任
2000. 9-2003. 5:大连理工大学土木水利学院结构工程研究所副所长, 结构实验室主任
1993. 11-1995. 11: 大连理工大学力学博士后流动站从事博士后研究
1989. 9-1993. 10: 大连理工大学土木系攻读博士学位
1986. 9-1989. 7: 大连理工大学工程力学系攻读硕士学位
1982. 9-1986. 7: 大连工学院造船系本科
研究领域(研究课题) :
1. Zhimin Wu, Shutong Yang, Xiaozhi Hu, Jianjun Zheng. An Analytical Method for
pullout of Anchor from Anchor-Mortar-Concrete Anchorage due to Shear Failure of
Mortar. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE,2007,133(12),1352-1369
2. Zhimin Wu, Shutong Yang, Xiaozhi Hu, Jianjun Zheng, et al. Analytical Solution for
Fracture Analysis of CFRP Sheets Strengthened Cracked Concrete Beams. Journal of
Engineering Mechanics,ASCE,2010,136(10),1202-1219
3. Zhimin Wu, Shutong Yang, Yu-Fei Wu, et al. An Analytical Method for Failure of
Anchor-Grout-Concrete Anchorage due to Concrete Cone Failure and Interfacial
Debonding.Journal of Structural Engineering,ASCE,2009,135(4),356-365
4.Feng Xu, Zhimin Wu, Jianjun Zheng, Yanhua Zhao and Kang Liu. Crack Extension
Resistance Curve of Concrete Considering Variation of FPZ Length.Journal of
Materials in Civil Engineering,ASCE (Accepted)
5. Zhimin Wu, Shutong Yang, Xiaozhi Hu and Jianjun Zheng. An Analytical Model to
Predict the Fracture Toughness of Concrete for Three-Point Bending Notched
Beams. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2006,73(15),2166-2191
6. Shutong Yang, Zhimin Wu, Xiaozhi Hu, Jianjun Zheng. Theoretical Analysis on
Pullout of Anchor from Anchor-Mortar-Concrete Anchorage System. Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 2008,75(5),961-985
7. Zhimin Wu, Shutong Yang, Jianjun Zheng, et al. Analytical Solution for the Pullout
Response of FRP Rods embedded in Steel Tubes Filled with Cement Grout. Materials
& Structures,2010, 43(5),597-609
8. Zhimin Wu, Yunguo Zhang, Jianjun Zheng, et al. An experimental study on the
workability of self-compacting lightweight concrete. Construction and Building
Materials, 2009, 23(5), 2087-2092
9. Jun Peng, Zhimin Wu, Guofan Zhao. Fractal analysis of fracture in concrete.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,1997,27,135-140
10.Hua Wei, Zhimin Wu, Xia Guo, et al. Experimental Study on Partially Deteriorated
Strength Concrete Columns Confined with CFRP. Engineering Structures,2009,31
11. Hua Wei, Zhimin Wu, Peng Zhang. Axial Experiment on CFRP Confined Steel
Reinforced Concrete Columns with Partial Deteriorated Strength. Journal of
Reinforced Plastics and Composites,2010,29(6),874-882
12. Hongming Zhao, Zhimin Wu, Songgen Wang, Jianjun Zheng, Guangjie Che.
Concrete Pavement Decing with Carbon Fiber Heating Wire. Cold Regions Science
and Technology (Accepted)
13. Hongming Zhao, Songgen Wang, Zhimin Wu, Guangjie Che. Concrete Slab
Installed with Carbon Fiber Heating Wire for Bridge Deck Deicing. Journal of
Transportation Engineering,ASCE,2010,136(6), 500-509
14. Xu Shilang, Zhao Yanhua, Zhimin Wu. Study on the Average Fracture Energy for
Crack Propagation in Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,ASCE,
2006,18(6), 817-824
15. Yanhua Zhao, Shilang Xu, Zhimin Wu. On Variation of Fracture Energy Dissipation
along Evolving Fracture Process Zone in Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil
16. J.J.Zheng, F.F.Xiong, Z.M.Wu and W.L.Jin. A numerical algorithm for the ITZ area
fraction in concrete with elliptical aggregate particles. Magazine of Concrete
Research,2009,61(2), 109-117
17. J.J.Zheng, X.Z.Zhou and Z.M.Wu. A simple method for predicting the chloride
diffusivity of cement paste. Materials and Structures,2010,43(1),99-106
18. Mohamed Zakaria, Tamon Ueda, Zhimin Wu and Meng Liang. Experimental
Investigation on Shear Cracking Behavior in Reinforced Concrete Beams with Shear
Reinforcement. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology,2009,7(1),79-96
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