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  School of Economics
   School of Economics, as one of the biggest schools in Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU), now offers 13 majors for master’s degree and 7 majors for bachelor’s degree in as many as 7 departments including Department of Economics, Department of Trade & Economics, Department of International Economics & Trade, Department of Finance, Department of Insurance, Department of Public Finance, and Department of Statistics & Econometrics. At present, BTBU School of Economics has about 2100 undergraduate students and 350 graduate students on campus. For more than 50 years, BTBU School of Economics has fostered over 17000 undergraduates and over 1300 graduates in all. In recent years, BTBU School of Economics has sent more than 30 undergraduates to visit or study abroad in European distinguished universities. Moreover, through the international cooperative programs of “3+1” and “3+2”, students can pursue a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree abroad.
        Leaders in BTBU School of Economics
   Faculty Team
   BTBU School of Economics has a team of faculty with reasonable structure and strong competence in both teaching and scientific research. There are 101 teachers altogether, with 27 professors, 39 associate professors and 56 doctors. Among the teachers there are 4 experts who enjoy the privileged bonus from the State Council, People’s Republic of China. Quite a few middle-aged and young teachers have been chosen through public appraisal as Beijing Municipal Excellent Teachers, Beijing Municipal Key Teaching Members of the Middle-aged and Young, 100-Academic-Scholar Project of Beijing Municipal Theoretical Talents for New Century, Beijing Municipal New Century Elitist Project, Beijing Municipal Academic Leading Members, etc., and they have shown their own excellence respectively in the professional field. Besides, BTBU School of Economics has issued letter of appointment domestically and internationally to more than 10 well-known specialists and scholars for them to act as concurrent professors. For example, Professor Michael Parkin, the world-famous Canadian economist in University of Western Ontario, is honorary professor of BTBU School of Economics. In recent years, in order to further consolidate and improve the level in teaching and scientific research, BTBU School of Economics has successively dispatched teachers overseas to conduct academic visits, make communications, deliver lectures or study abroad.
       Faculty Team in BTBU School of Economics
   Discipline Development
   Through the long-standing efforts, BTBU School of Economics has formed a well-developed discipline system with good structure, outstanding advantage and prominent trait. As many as 13 disciplines such as Industry Economics, Occidental Economics, Statistics, Finance (including Insurance), International Economics & Trade, Public Finance, Regional Economy, National Economy, National Defense Economics, Econometrics, Labor Economy, Political Economics and Special History (Economic History) are entitled to confer master’s degree, among which Industry Economics is one of the master’s programs firstly approved in 1978 in China. Besides, Applied Economics which falls into the category of primary discipline is listed as Beijing Municipal Key Discipline under construction. Industry Economics which falls into the category of secondary discipline has already been Beijing Municipal Key Discipline. 
   Construction in Majors
   BTBU School of Economics has 7 majors for undergraduates including Economics, Trade & Economics, International Economics & Trade, Finance, Insurance, Public Finance, and Statistics, all of which cover most of the majors subordinate to the discipline of economics in the academic specialty directory of Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China. Finance major is National Trait Major and Beijing Municipal Brand Major under construction. Trade & Economics major began its recruitment and enrollment in 1960, with a teaching history of nearly half-a-century so far. BTBU School of Economics has gradually put great strength on the construction in majors, which has achieved a series of success, with “Portfolio Investment” listed as National Outstanding Subject, the other 2 subjects listed as Beijing Municipal Outstanding Subject, and 9 textbooks as Beijing Municipal Outstanding Textbooks.
   Scientific Research
   BTBU School of Economics has several research institutions such as Research Institute of Business Economics, Research Institute of Securities and Futures, World Economy Research Center, Industry Economy Research Center, Insurance Research Center, etc. all of which have grown to be important bases for scientific research after years of development. With the inheritance and development of fine traditions in diligence and preciseness long established in BTBU School of Economics, all the faculty and students have made abundant achievements in academic research in various professional fields of economics, with over 90 monographs published, over 1100 academic papers and over 60 projects of provincial/ministerial level. BTBU School of Economics has made contributions to China’s economic construction as well as to the innovation and development of economic theory.
      Monographs Published by Faculty in BTBU School of Economics
   Please feel free to contact School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University at:
   Add: 33 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100048, P. R. China
   Tel: (+86 10) 68985928; (+86 10) 81353303  Fax: (+86 10) 81353303
   Website: http://eco.btbu.edu.cn   E-mail: jjxy@pub.btbu.edu.cn
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