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  陈国强 教授,博士生导师2
  陈晔光 教授、博士生导师3
  陈应华 博士教授,长江特聘教授4
  高海啸 博士教授 博士生导师5
  高宁 博士生导师7
  龚海鹏 副教授,博士生导师7
  李蓬 博士,教授 清华大学生命科学学院副院长8
  刘栋 教授9
  刘进元 博士教授 博士生导师 中国农业生物化学与分子生物学分会副理事长10
  刘玉乐 博士教授,百人教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,博士生导师12
  罗弘 博士 教授 博士生导师13
  罗永章 博士教授,博士生导师,长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者14
  雷建林 博士教授 博士生导师15
  孟安明 博士教授,博士生导师,长江特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者中科院院士16
  潘俊敏 博士 教授,博士生导师18
  潘宪明 博士 教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者19
  施一公 博士 教授,博士生导师,长江讲座教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者20
  隋森芳 博士 教授 博士生导师21
  陶庆华 博士 教授,博士生导师23
  王新泉 博士 教授  博士生导师25
  吴庆余 教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者,首届国家教学名师奖获得者27
  吴 畏 教授,博士生导师28
  谢道昕 博士教授,博士生导师,教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者29
  闫永彬 博士,副研究员,博士生导师31
  俞立 博士 教授 博士生导师32
  杨茂君 博士 教授 博士生导师33
  张大鹏 博士 教授 博士生导师34
  张荣庆 博士 教授 博士生导师35
  周 兵 博士 教授 博士生导师国家杰出青年基金获得者36
  程京 教授,博士生导师38
  王钊 博士,药理学与毒理学教授,博士生导师40
  张林琦 教授、博士生导师、长江特聘教授、国家杰出青年基金获得者41
  祁海 博士,特别研究员42
  刘国松 教授,博士生导师44
  孙方霖 教授,博士生导师,长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者45
  常智杰 教授,博士生导师46
  杜力军 博士,教授,博士生导师47
  邢婉丽 研究员,博士生导师48
  颜宁  教授、博士生导师49
  吴励 教授,博士生导师50
  李海涛 博士,特别研究员51
  张敬仁 博士,特别研究员53
  陈国强 教授,博士生导师
  1.Chen GQ. A Polyhydroxyalkanoates Based Bio- and Materials Industry. Chem Soc Rev 2009, DOI:10.1039/b812677c
  2.Zhang XJ, Luo RC, Wang Z, Deng Y and Chen GQ. Applications of (R)-3-hydroxyalkanoate Methyl Esters Derived from Microbial Polyhydroxyalkanoates as Novel Biofuel. Biomacromolecules 10 (2009) 707–711
  3.Cai L, Yuan MQ, Liu F, Jian J and Chen GQ. Enhanced Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates by PHA depolymerase knockout mutant of Pseudomonas putida KT2442. Bioresource Technol. 100 (2009) 2265-2270
  4.Zou XH, Li HM, Wang S, Leski M, Yao YC, Yang XD, Huang QJ and Chen GQ. The Effect of 3-Hydroxybutyrate Methyl Ester on Learning and Memory in Mice. Biomaterials 30 (2009) 1532–1541
  5.Shen XW, Yang Y, Jian J, Wu Q and Chen GQ. Production and Characterization of Homopolymer poly(3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHV) Accumulated by Wild type and Recombinant Aeromonas hydrophila Strain 4AK4. Bioresource Technol 100 (2009) 4296–4299
  6.Chung A, Liu Q, Ouyang SP, Wu Q and Chen GQ. Microbial production of 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid by pha-operon and fadBA knockout mutant of Pseudomonas putida KT2442 harboring tesB gene. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 83 (2009) 513 – 519
  7.Wang ZH, Wu HN, Chen J, Zhang J and Chen GQ. A novel self-cleaving phasin tag for purification of recombinant proteins based on hydrophobic nanoparticles. Lab on a Chip 8 (2008) 1957-62
  8.Chen GQ, Wu Q. Microbial Production and Applications of Chiral Hydroxyalkanoates. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 67 (2005) 592 – 599
  9.Chen GQ and Wu Q. Polyhydroxyalkanoates as Tissue Engineering Materials. Biomaterials 26 (2005) 6565–6578
  10.Zheng Z, Gong Q, Liu T, Deng Y, Chen JC and Chen GQ. Thioesterase II of Escherichia coli plays an important role in 3-hydroxydecanoic acid production. Appl Environ Microbiol 70 (2004): 3807-3813
  E-mail: chengq@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
  陈晔光 教授、博士生导师
  1988-1990,就读于Fordham University,获细胞生物学硕士学位。
  1991-1996,就读于美国Albert Einstein College of Medicine,获Ph.D.学位
  1996-2000, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center/Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
  2000-2002, Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside.
  1.Zuo W, Chen YG# 2009 Specific activation of MAPK by TGF-β receptors in lipid rafts is required for epithelial cell plasticity. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 20:1020-1029.
  2.Gao X, Wen J, Zhang L, Li X, Ning Y, Meng A, Chen YG#. 2008 Dapper1 is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein that negatively modulates Wnt signaling in the nucleus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283:35679-35688.
  3.Zhao X, Nicholls JM, Chen YG# 2008 SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein interacts with Smad3 and modulates TGF-β signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283:3272-3280.
  4.Wang Q, Huang Z, Xue H, Jin C, Ju XL, Han JD, Chen YG# 2008 MicroRNA miR-24 inhibits erythropoiesis by targeting activin type I receptor ALK4. Blood, 111:588-595.
  5.Lin Z, Gao C, Ning Y, He X, Wu W, Chen YG# 2008 The pseudoreceptor BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor positively modulates Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283:33053-33058.
  6.Ma J, Wang Q, Fei T, Han JD, Chen YG# 2007 MCP-1 mediates TGF-β-induced angiogenesis by stimulating vascular smooth muscle cell migration. Blood, 109:987-994.
  7.Zhang S, Fei T, Zhang L, Zhang R, Chen F, Ning Y, Han Y, Feng XH, Meng A, Chen YG# 2007 Smad7 antagonizes TGF-β signaling in the nucleus by interfering with functional Smad-DNA complex formation. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 27:4488-4499.
  8.Chen YG#, Wang Z, Ma J, Zhang L, Lu Z 2007 Endofin, a FYVE domain protein, interacts with Smad4 and facilitates TGF-β signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282:9688-9695.
  9.Gu Y, Jin P, Zhang L, Zhao X, Gao X, Ning Y, Meng A, Chen YG# 2006 Functional analysis of mutations in the kinase domain of the TGF-β receptor ALK1 reveals different mechanisms for induction of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Blood, 107:1951-1954.
  10.Zhang L, Gao X, Wen J, Ning Y, Chen YG# 2006 Dapper 1 antagonizes Wnt signaling by promoting Dishevelled degradation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 381:8607–8612.
  11.Zhang, L., Zhou, H., Su, Y., Sun, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Ning, Y., Chen, YG# and Meng, A# 2004 Zebrafish Dpr2 inhibits mesoderm induction by promoting degradation of Nodal receptors. Science, 306:114-117
  12.Lu, Z., Murray, J. T., Luo, W., Li, H., Wu, X., Xu, H., Backer, J. M. and Chen, Y.G# 2002 Transforming growth factor-β activates Smad2 in the absence of receptor endocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277:29363-29368.
  13.Wu G*, Chen YG*, Ozdamar B, Gyuricza C, Chong PA, Wrana JL, Massagué J, Shi Y. 2000 Structural basis of Smad2 recognition by the Smad Anchor for Receptor Activation. Science. 287:92-97.
  14.Onichtchouk, D*, Chen, YG*, Dosch, R., Gawantka, V., Delius, H., Massagué, J. and Nierhs, C. 1999 Silencing of TGF-β signaling by the pseudoreceptor BAMBI. Nature, 401:480-485.
  北京市清华大学生命科学学院,分子细胞学实验室  100084
  电 话:010-62784794;传 真:010-62794376
  陈应华 博士教授,长江特聘教授
  1977-1982 武汉大学学士(病毒学)
  1983-1989 德国慕尼黑大学博士(免疫学)
  1990-1991 德国慕尼黑大学免疫学研究所工作
  1991-1996 奥地利因斯布鲁克大学正式工作职位(课题组长)
  1996-至今 回国工作 清华大学教授
  1.Lu L, Zhu Y, Huang JH, Chen X, Yang HW, Jiang SB, Chen YH. Surface exposure of the HIV-1 Env cytoplasmic tail LLP2 domain during the membrane fusion process - Interaction with gp41 fusion core. Journal of Biological Chemistry.2008, 283(24):16723-16731.
  2.Huang JH, Qi Z, Wu F, Kotula L, Jiang SB, Chen YH. Interaction of HIV-1 gp41 core with NPF motif in Epsin - Implication in endocytosis of HIV. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008, 283(22):14994-15002.
  3.Li J, Chen X, Jiang SB, Chen YH. Deletion of fusion peptide or mutation-induced disruption of the HIV-1 gp41 core structure resulting in increased antigenicity and immunogenicity of 4E10 epitope. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2008,376: 60-64.
  4.Lu L, Zhu Y, Diao JC, Wang ZG, Chen YH. V3CTL epitope density in a single recombinant molecule antigen differentially affects the number and activity of primary and memory CD8(+) T cells. Vaccine.2008, 28(6):845-852.
  5.Huang JH, Lu L, Lu H, Chen X, Jiang S, Chen YH. Identification of the HIV-1 gp41 core-binding motif in the scaffolding domain of caveolin-1. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2007, 282: 6143–6152. 
  6.Huang JH, Yang HW, Liu S, Jiang S, Chen YH. The mechanism by which molecules containing the HIV-1 gp41 core-binding motif HXXNPF inhibit HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated syncytium-formation. Biochemical Journal.2007, 403: 565-571
  7.J.H. Huang, Z.Q. Liu, S. Liu, S.Jiang, Y.H. Chen. Identification of the HIV-1 gp41 core-binding motif-HXXNPF. FEBS Letters. 2006, 580:4807-4814
  8.Wanli Liu, Ying-Hua Chen. High epitope density in single protein molecule significantly enhanced antigenicity as well as immunogenicity: a novel strategy for modern vaccine development and a preliminary investigation about B cell discrimination of monomeric proteins. European Journal of Immunology. 2005, 35:505-14.
  9.Wanli Liu, Peng Zou, Jian Ding, Yun Lu, Ying-Hua Chen. Sequence comparison of the extracellular domain of M2 protein between human and avian influenza a virus provides new information for bivalent influenza vaccine design. Microbes Infect. 2005, 7:171-177
  10.Dong XN, Chen X, Chen Y, Ablimit A, Ye Z, Wu Y, Ying-Hua Chen. Short Communication: HIV Type 1 Phenotype, Tropism, and Sequence Patterns: Association and Preference. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2005, 21:234-8
  高海啸 博士教授 博士生导师
  2000-2006, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,Wadsworth Center,Albany, New York, Research Associate
  2006-2008, Health Research Inc,Wadsworth Center, Albany, New York, Research Scientist
  2008-至今 清华大学生命科学学院教授, “百人计划”引进人才
  基于冷冻电子显微学(cryo-electron microscopy)的生物大分子复合体结构和功能的研究
  三维重构(three-dimensional reconstruction)核心算法和图像分析研究
  1.Shaikh,T.R., Gao, H, Baxter, W.T., Asturias, F.J., Boisset, N., Leith, A., Frank, J. (2008) SPIDER image processing for single-particle reconstruction of biological macromolecules from electron micrographs. Nat. Protoc. 3,1941-1974.
  2.Frank, J., Gao, H., Sengupta, J., Gao, N., and Taylor, D. (2007) The process of mRNA-tRNA translocation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA). 104,19671-19678.
  3.Gao, H., Zhou, Z., Rawat, U., Huang, C., Bouakaz, L., Wang, C., Cheng, Z., Liu, Y., Zavialov, A., Gursky,R., Sanyal, S., Ehrenberg, M., Frank, J., and Song, H. (2007) RF3 induces ribosomal conformational changes responsible for dissociation of class-I release factors. Cell 129, 929-941.
  4.Scheres, S., Gao, H., Valle, M., Herman, G.T., Eggermont, P.P.B., Frank, J., and Carazo, J.M. (2007) Disentangling conformational states of macromolecules in three-dimensional cryo-EM through likelihood optimization. Nat. Methods 4, 27-29.
  5.Fu J, Gao H, Frank J. (2007) Unsupervised classification of single particles by cluster tracking in multi-dimensional space. J.Struct. Biol. 157,226-239.
  6.Rawat U, Gao H, Zavialov A, Gursky R, Ehrenberg M, Frank J.(2006) Interactions of the release factor RF1 with the ribosome as revealed by cryo-EM. J. Mol. Biol. 357,1144-1153.
  7.Gao, H., Juri Ayub, M., Levin, M.J., and Frank, J. (2005) Structure of the 80S ribosome from Trypanosoma cruzi reveals novel rRNA components. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA). 102, 10206-10211.
  8.Gao, H., and Frank, J. (2005) Molding atomic structures into intermediate-resolution cryo-EM density maps of ribosomal complexes using real-space refinement. Structure 13, 401-406.
  9.Gao, H., Valle, M., Ehrenberg, M., and Frank, J. (2004) Dynamics of EF-G interaction with the ribosome explored by classification of a heterogeneous cryo-EM dataset. J. Struct. Biol. 147, 283-290.
  10.Gao, H., Sengupta, J., Valle, M., Korostelev, A., Eswar, N., Stagg, S.M., van Roey, P., Harvey, S.C., Agrawal, R.K., Sali, A., Chapman, M.S., and Frank, J. (2003) Study of the structural dynamics of the E. coli 70S ribosome using real-space refinement. Cell 113, 789-801.
  11.Gao, H., Spahn, C.M.T., Grassucci, R.A., and Frank, J. (2002) An assay for local quality in cryo-electron micrographs of single particles. Ultramicroscopy 93, 169-178.
  高宁 博士生导师
  2000 学士 北京大学生物化学及分子生物学系
  2006 博士 纽约州立大学Albany分校生物医学
  2006-2008 博士后 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Wadsworth Center, and Columbia University Medical Center
  2008年底 副教授 清华大学生命科学学院结构生物学中心
  1.Gao N, Zavialov AV, Li W, Sengupta J, Valle M, Gursky RP, Ehrenberg M and Frank J. (2005) Mechanism for the disassembly of the posttermination complex inferred from cryo-EM studies. Molecular Cell, 18:663-674. 
  2.Gao N and Frank J. (2006) A library of RNA bridges (News and Views). Nature Chemical Biology, 2:231-232.
  3.Frank J, Gao H, Sengupta J, Gao N and Taylor D. (2007) The Process of mRNA-tRNA Translocation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104:19671-19678.
  4.Gao N, Zavialov AV, Ehrenberg M, Frank J. (2007) Specific interaction between EF-G and RRF and its implication for GTP-dependent ribosome splitting into subunits. Journal of Molecular Biology, 374:1345-1358.
  龚海鹏 副教授,博士生导师
  1993-1997年学士  清华大学生物科学与技术系
  1997-2000年硕士  清华大学生物科学与技术系
  2000-2006年 博士  Johns Hopkins University, Program of Molecular Biophysics
  2006-2007年 博士后 Johns Hopkins University, Program of Molecular Biophysics
  2007-2009年 博士后 University of Chicago, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  2009年3月至今副教授 清华大学生命科学学院
  1.Gong H and Freed KF, Langevin-Debye model for non-linear electrostatic screening of solvated ions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009, 102(5): 057603.
  2.Gong H, Hocky GM, and Freed KF, Influence of nonlinear electrostatics on transfer energies between liquid phases: Charge burial is far less expensive than Born Model, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2008, 105(32): 11146-11151.
  3.Gong H and Rose GD, Assessing the solvent-dependent surface area of unfolded proteins using an ensemble model, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2008, 105(9): 3321-3326.
  4.Gong H, Shen Y, and Rose GD, Determining protein tertiary structure from backbone chemical shifts, Protein Sci. 2007, 16(8): 1515-1521.
  5.Fleming PJ, Gong H, and Rose GD, Secondary structure determines protein topology, Protein Sci. 2006, 15(8): 1829-1834.
  6.Gong H, Fleming PJ, and Rose GD, Building native protein conformation from highly approximate backbone torsion angles, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2005, 102(45): 16227-16232.
  7.Gong H, Isom DG, Srinivasan R, and Rose GD, Local secondary structure content predicts folding rates for simple, two-state proteins, J. Mol. Biol. 2003, 327(5): 1149-1154.
  E-mail: hgong@tsinghua.edu.cn
  李蓬 博士,教授 清华大学生命科学学院副院长
  北京师范大学学士,1983 - 1987
  美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校博士,1992 - 1995
  美国达拉斯德州大学西南医学中心Howard Hughes医学研究所,博士后,1996 - 1997
  1.J Ye, J Z Li, Y Liu, X Li, T Yang, X Ma, Q Li, Z Yao, P Li. Cideb, an ER and lipid droplet-associated protein, mediates VLDL lipidation and maturation by interacting with apolipoprotein B. Cell Metabolism, 9(2):177-190;2009 (通讯作者)
  2.J Qi, J Gong, T Zhao, J Zhao, P Lam, J Ye, JZ Li, J Wu, HM Zhou, and P Li. Downregulation of AMP-activated protein kinase by Cidea-mediated ubiquitination and degradation in brown adipose tissue. EMBO. J. 27(11):1537-48;2008 (通讯作者)
  3.JZ Li, J Ye, B Xue, J Qi, J Zhang, Z Zhou, Q Li, Z Wen, and P Li. Cideb regulates diet-induced obesity, liver steatosis and insulin sensitivity by controlling lipogenesis and fatty acid oxidation, Diabetes, 56(10):2523-32;2007 (通讯作者)
  4.Z Zhou, SY Toh, Z Chen, K Guo, C P. Ng, S.Ponniah, SC Lin, W. Hong, and P.Li .CIDE-A deficient mice exhibit lean phenotype and are obesity resistant. Nature Genetics 35: 49-56, 2003(通讯作者)
  5.P Li, D. Nijhawan, I.Budihardio, SM. Srinivasula, M.Ahmad, ES. Alnemri, and X.Wang, Cytochrome C and dATP-dependent formation of Apaf-1/Caspase-9 complex initiates an apoptotic protease cascade. Cell 91:478-489, 1997(第一作者)
  刘栋 教授
  美国Dow AgroSciences公司,资深研究员,1999-2005年
  清华大学,教授, 2005-现在
  1.Liu, D. Design of gene constructs for transgenic maize. In: Transgenic Maize (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 256) (2009), Humana Press, pp3-30. (Book chapter)
  2.Yuan, H.and Liu, D. Signaling components invovled in plant responses to phosphate starvation. (2008) J. Integr. Plant Biol. 50(7):849-859.
  3.Liu, D., Burton, S., Glancy, Todd., Li, S., Hampton, R., Meade, M., and Merlo, D. (2003) Insect resistance conferred by 283-kDa Photorhabdus luminescens protein TcdA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Biotechnology, 21(10):1222-8.
  4.Liu, D., Wang, R., Galli, M., and Crawford, N. (2001)Somatic and germinal excision activities of the Arabidopsis transposon Tag1 are controlled by distinct regulatory sequences within Tag1. Plant Cell, 13(8):1851-63.
  5.Liu, D., Galli, M., and Crawford, N. (2001) Engineering variegated floral patterns in tobacco plants using the Arabidopsis transposable element Tag1. Plant and Cell Physiology, 42(4):419-23. (Cover story)
  6.Liu, D., Mack, A., Wang, R., Galli, M., Belk, J., Ketpura, N., and Crawford, N. (2001) Functional dissection of the cis-acting sequences of the Arabidopsis transposable element Tag1 reveals dissimilar subterminal sequence and minimal spacing requirements for transposition. Genetics, 157 (2):817-30.
  7.Liu, D., Zhang, S., Fauqet, C., and Crawford, N. (1999) The Arabidopsis transposon Tag1 is active in rice, undergoing germinal transposition and restricted, late somatic excision.Molecular and General Genetics, 262(3):413-20.
  8.Liu, D., and Crawford, N.M. (1998)Characterization of the putative transposase mRNA of Tag1, which is ubiquitously expressed in Arabidopsis and can be induced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with dTag1 DNA. Genetics, 149: 693-701.
  9.Liu, D.,and Crawford, N.M. (1998) Characterization of the germinal and somatic activity of the Arabidopsis transposable element Tag1.Genetics, 148: 445-456.
  10.Frank, M.J., Liu, D., Tsay, Y.-F.,Ustach, C., and Crawford, N.M. (1997) Tag1 is an autonomous transposable element that shows somatic excision in both Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant Cell, 9: 1745-1756.
  北京市海淀区清华大学生命科学学院 100084
  电话: 010-62783603
  Fax: 010-62783603
  Email: liu-d@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
  刘进元 博士教授 博士生导师 中国农业生物化学与分子生物学分会副理事长
  1992-现在 清华大学教授
  1999-2000 东京大学访问教授
  1994-1995 John Innes Centre 访问教授
  1988-1991 北京大学副教授
  1983-1988 东京农工大学博士
  1978-1982 南京农业大学学士
  代表性论文(*corresponding author)
  1.Xiang-Yuan Wan and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2008) Comparative proteomic analysis reveals an intimate protein network provoked by hydrogen peroxide stress in rice seedling leaves. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 7: 1469-1488.
  2.Yi-Wei Yang, Shao-Min Bian, Yuan Yao and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2008) Comparative proteomic analysis provides new insights into the fiber elongating process in cotton. Journal of Proteome Research. 7: 4623–4637.
  3.Bo Huang, Long-Guo Jin and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2008) Identification and characterization of the novel gene GhDBP2 encoding a DRE-binding protein from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Journal of Plant Physiology 165(2):214-223.
  4.Xueping Wu, Yongsheng Cheng, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) Microwave enhanced ink staining for fast and sensitive protein quantitation in proteomic study. Journal of Proteome Research 6(1):387-391.
  5.Saleem A. Bokhari, Xiang-Yuan Wan, Yi-Wei Yang, Lu Zhou, Wan-Li Tang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) Proteomic response of rice seedling leaves to elevated CO2 levels. Journal of Proteome Research 6: 4624–4633.
  6.Ai-Min Wu, Shi-You Lü, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) Functional analysis of a cotton glucuronosyltransferase promoter in transgenic tobacco plants. Cell Research 17(2):174-183.
  7.Shiyou Lü, Hongya Gu, Xiaojing Yuan, Xiaoming Wang, Aiming Wu, Li-Jia Qu, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) The GUS reporter-aided analysis of the promoter activities of a rice metallothionein gene reveals different regulatory regions responsible for tissue-specific and inducible expression in transgenic Arabidopsis. Transgenic Research 16:177-191.
  8.Yuan Yao, Ying Du, Lin Jiang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2007) Interaction between ACC synthase 1 and 14-3-3 proteins in Rice: a new insight. Biochemistry (Moscow) 72 (9): 1003-1007.
  9.Yuan Yao, Yi-Wei Yang and Jin-Yuan Liu* (2006) An efficient protein preparation for proteomic analysis of developing cotton fibers by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 27: 4559–4569.
  10.Xiao-Dong Yang, Chun-Juan Dong, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2006) A plant mitochondrial phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase: its precise localization and higher enzymatic activity. Plant Mol Biol 62:951-962.
  11.Bo Huang, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2006) A cotton dehydration responsive element binding protein functions as a transcriptional repressor of DRE element-mediated gene expression.Biochem Biophys Res Comm 343:1023-1031.
  12.Suxia Cui, Fang Huang, Jie Wang, Xiao Ma, Yongsheng Cheng, Jin-Yuan Liu* (2005) A proteomic analysis of cold stress responses in rice seedlings. Proteomics 5: 3162–3172
  Web: http://molgene.biosci.tsinghua.edu.cn
  刘玉乐 博士教授,百人教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,博士生导师
  1984.9-1988.7  天津南开大学生物化学专业 (学士)   
  1990.9-1992.6  北京中国科学院微生物学研究所 (硕士)  
  1994.9-1997.11  中国科学院微生物学研究所与英国苏格兰作物研究所联合培养博士
  1988.8-1998.9  北京中国科学院微生物学研究所 实习,助理,副研究员,研究员
  1995.5-1996.5  英国苏格兰作物研究所   访问学者
  1998.9-1999.8  美国德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校  博士后
  1999.9-2002.8  美国耶鲁大学     博士后
  2002.9-2006.12  美国耶鲁大学    Associate Research Scientist
  2007.1 ---至今   清华大学     教授,“百人计划”责任教授
  2007年,清华大学“百名人才引进计划” 责任教授
  1.Liu Y, Schiff M, Czymmek K, Talloczy Z., Levine B and Dinesh-kumar SP. Autophagy regulates programmed cell death during the plant innate immune response, Cell, 121(4), 567-577, 2005
  2.Burch-Smith T*, Schiff M*, Liu Y*, and Dinesh-Kumar SP, Efficient virus induced gene silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Physiology, 142(1):21-27, 2006 (*co-first author)
  3.Liu Y*, Burch-Smith T*, Schiff M, Feng S, Dinesh-Kumar SP. Molecular Chaperone Hsp90 Associates with Resistance Protein N and Its Signaling Proteins SGT1 and Rar1 to Modulate an Innate Immune Response in Plants. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(3): 2101-8, 2004 (*contributed equally)
  4.Liu Y*, Nakayama N*, Schiff M, Litt A, Irish VF and Dinesh-Kumar SP, Virus-induced silencing of a DEFICIENS ortholog in Nicotiana benthamiana, Plant Molecular Biology, 54(5), 701-711, 2004, (*contributed equally)
  5.Liu Y, Schiff M, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Functional requirement of A MAPK cascades, WRKY/MYB1 transcription factors, COI1 and CTR1 in N-mediated resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, Plant Journal 38(5), 800-809, 2004
  6.*Bilgin D, *Liu Y , Schiff M, Dinesh-Kumar S. P, P58IPK, a plant ortholog of double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR inhibitor, functions in viral pathogenesis. Developmental Cell, 4, 651-661, 2003 (*contributed equally)
  7.Xie Y, Liu Y*, Meng M, Chen L and Zhu Z*. Isolation and identification of a super strong plant promoter from cotton leaf curl Multan virus, Plant Molecular biology, Plant Molecular Biology 53(1), 1-14, 2003 (*corresponding author)
  8.Liu Y, Schiff M, Serino G, Deng X-W and Dinesh-Kumar S. P, Role of SCF ubiqutin-ligase and the COP9 signalosome in the N-mediated resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, Plant Cell 14(7), 1483-1496, 2002
  9.Liu Y, Schiff M, Marathe R. and Dinesh-kumar. Tobacco Rar1, EDS1 and NPR1/NIM1 like genes are required for N-mediated resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Plant Journal 30(4): 415-29, 2002.
  10.Liu Y, Schiff M, Dinesh-Kumar S. P. Virus-induced gene silencing in Tomato, Plant Journal 31(6), 777-786, 2002
  11.Liu Y, Robinson DJ, Harrison BD, Defective forms of cotton leaf curl virus DNA-A that have different combinations of sequence deletion, duplication, inversion and rearrangement, Journal of General Virology, 79:1501-8, 1998
  E-mail: yuleliu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
  罗弘 博士 教授 博士生导师
  1993-1997,Post-doctoral Fellow,Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
  1997-1999,Post-doctoral Fellow,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
  1999-2000,Assistant Biologist,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
  2000-2004,Assistant Professor,Texas A&M University College of Medicine
  2004-至今, 清华大学教授
  1.Luo H, Hanratty WP, and Dearolf CR. 1995. An amino acid substitution in the Drosophila HopTum-l Jak kinase causes leukemia-like hematopoietic defects. EMBO J. 14: 1412-1420.
  2.Yan RQ, Luo H, Darnell JE, and Dearolf CR. 1996. A JAK-STAT pathway regulates wing vein formation in Drosophila. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93: 5842-5847.
  3.Luo H, Rose P, Barber D, Hanratty WP, Lee S, Roberts TM, DAndrea AD, and Dearolf CR. 1997. Mutation in the Jak kinase JH2 domain hyperactivates Drosophila and mammalian Jak-Stat pathways. Mol. Cell. Biol. 17: 1562-1571.
  4.Luo H, Asha H, Kockel L, Parke T, Mlodzik M, and Dearolf CR. 1999. The Drosophila Jak kinase Hopscotch is required for multiple developmental Processes in the eye. Dev. Biol. 213: 432-441.
  5.Luo H and Dearolf CR. The JAK/STAT pathway and Drosophila development. 2001. BioEssays 23: 1138-1147.
  6.Luo H, Rose PE, Roberts TM, and Dearolf CR. 2002. The Hopscotch Jak kinase requires the Raf pathway to promote blood cell activation and Differentiation in Drosophila. Mol. Genet. Genomics 267: 57-63.
  1997-2000, Special Fellow, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America, $110,000
  2003-2008, Principal Investigator, Signaling Mechanisms of the Drosophila JAK/STAT Pathway, NIH R01GM67019-01, $1,280,400
  (Declined in 2004)
  北京市海淀区清华大学生命科学学院 100084
  E-mail: luohong@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
  罗永章 博士教授,博士生导师,长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者
  1985年,兰州大学化学系物理化学专业 学士
  1989年,美国田纳西州大学诺克斯维尔分校生物化学系生物化学专业 硕士
  1993年,美国加州大学伯克利分校分子与细胞生物学系生物化学专业 博士
  1. 新生血管生成调控的分子机理
  2. 肿瘤转移的分子机理
  3. 蛋白质错误折叠疾病
  1.Yujie Huang, Nan Song, Yanping Ding, Shaopeng Yuan, Xuhui Li, Hongchen Cai, Hubing Shi, Yongzhang Luo (2009). "Pulmonary vascular destabilization in the pre-metastatic phase facilitates lung metastasis" Cancer Research (In press)
  2.Nan Song, Yujie Huang, Hubing Shi, Shaopeng Yuan, Yanping Ding, Xiaomin Song, Yan Fu, Yongzhang Luo (2009) "Overexpression of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB Increases Tumour Pericyte Content via Stromal-Derived Factor-1α/CXCR4 Axis" Cancer Research 69, 6057-6064.
  3.Yan Fu, Huadong Tang, Yujie Huang, Nan Song and Yongzhang Luo (2009) "Unravel the Mysteries of Endostatin" IUBMB Life 61, 613–626.
  4.Huadong Tang, Yan Fu, Shunli Zhan, Yongzhang Luo (2009). "Alpha EC, the C-terminal extension of fibrinogen has chaperone-like activity" Biochemistry 48, 3967-3976.
  5.Shaopeng Yuan, Yan Fu, Xiaofeng Wang, Hubing Shi, Yujie Huang, Xiaomin Song, Ling Li, Nan Song, & Yongzhang Luo (2008). "Voltage dependent anion channel 1 is involved in endostatin-induced endothelial cell apoptosis" The FASEB Journal 22, 2809-2820.
  6.Hubing Shi, Yujie Huang, Hao Zhou, Xiaomin Song, Shaopeng Yuan, Yan Fu, & Yongzhang Luo (2007). "Nucleolin is a Receptor that Mediates Antiangiogenic and Anti-tumor Activity of Endostatin" Blood (Featured in Cover) 110, 2899-2906.
  7.Comment on Shi et al, page 2899, by Judah Folkman (2007).
  8."Endostatin finds a new partner: nucleolin" Blood 110, 2786-2787.
  9.Yujie Huang, Hubing Shi, Hao Zhou, Xiaomin Song, Shaopeng Yuan & Yongzhang Luo (2006). "The angiogenesis function of nucleolin is mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor and nonmuscle myosin" Blood 107, 3564-3571.
  Web: http://www.luolab.org
  雷建林 博士教授 博士生导师
  1993年武汉大学物理系物理学专业 学士
  1998年武汉大学物理系凝聚态物理专业 博士
  1998-2000 中国科学院物理所 博士后
  1999-2000 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Crystallography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  2000-2008 Research Affiliate, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health
  2008 Associate Research Scientist, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University
  2008年底清华大学生命科学学院 教授
  1.Agirrezabala, X., Lei, J., Brunelle, J., Ortiz-Meoz, R., Green, R., and Frank, J. (2008). Visualization of the Hybrid State of tRNA Binding Promoted by Spontaneous Ratcheting of the Ribosome. Molecular Cell 32, 190–197.
  2.Li, W., Agirrezabala, X., Lei, J., Bouakaz, L., Brunelle, L., Ortiz-Meoz, R., Green, R., Sanyal, S., Ehrenberg, M. and Frank, J. (2008). Recognition of aminoacyl-tRNA: a common molecular mechanism revealed by cryo-EM. The EMBO Journal 27, 3322-3331.
  3.Lei, J., and Frank, J. (2005). Automated acquisition of cryo-electron micrographs for Single particle reconstruction on an FEI Tecnai electron microscope. Journal of Structural Biology 150, 69–80.
  4.Weidner, E., Frey, F., Lei, J., Pedersen, B., Paulmann, C., and Morgenroth, W. (2004). Disordered quasicrystals: diffuse scattering in decagonal Al-Ni-Fe. J. Appl. Cryst. 37, 802-807
  5.Weidner, E., Lei, J., Frey, F., Wang, R., and Grushko, B. (2002). Diffuse scattering in decagonal Al–Ni–Fe. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 342, 156-158.
  6.Lei, J., Wang, R., Yin, J., and Duan, X. (2002). Diffuse electron scattering determination of elastic constants of Al–Pd–Mn icosahedral quasicrystal. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 342, 326-329.
  7.Wang, R., Hu, C., Lei, J. (2001). Theory of diffuse scattering of quasicrystals due to fluctuations of thermalised phonons and phasons. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 225, 21-34.
  8.Lei, J., Wang, R., Hu, C., and Ding, D. (2000). Diffuse scattering from dodecagonal quasicrystals. Eur. Phys. J. B 13, 21-30.
  9.Wang, R., Hu, C., Lei, J., and Ding, D. (2000). Theoretical aspects of thermal diffuse scattering from quasicrystals. Phys. Rev. B 61, 5843-5845.
  10.Lei, J., Wang, R., Hu, C., and Ding, D., (1999). Diffuse scattering from decagonal quasicrystals. Phys. Rev. B 59, 822-828.
  11.Lei, J., Hu, C., Wang, R., and Ding, D., (1999). Diffuse scattering from octagonal quasicrystals. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11, 1211-1223.
  12.Lei, J., Wang, R., Hu, C., and Ding, D. (1998). Diffuse scattering from pentagonal quasicrystals. Phys. Lett. A 247, 343-352.
  13.Wang, J., Lei, J., and Wang, R. (1998). Diffraction pattern calculation and phase identification of hypothetical crystalline C3N4. Phys. Rev. B 58, 11890-11895.
  电话: +86-10-62797699
  传真: +86-10-62784259
  E-mail: jllei@tsinghua.edu.cn
  孟安明 博士教授,博士生导师,长江特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者 中科院院士
  现任第15届中国动物学会副理事长,中国细胞生物学会理士,Asia Pacific Developmental Biology Network (APDBN)组委会成员,Current Zoology主编,BMC Developmental Biology副主编,Journal of Cell Science、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Cell Research等杂志编委会成员;科技部“发育与生殖研究”重大科学研究计划专家组成员。
  1.Zhang Y, Li X, Qi JJ, Wang J, Liu X, Zhang H, Lin SC, Meng AM. 2009. Rock2 controls TGF-beta signaling and inhibits mesoderm induction in zebrafish embryos. Journal of Cell Science, 122:2197-207.
  2.Jia SJ, Wu D, Xing CC, Meng AM. 2009. Smad2/3 activities are required for induction and patterning of the neuroectoderm in zebrafish.Developmental Biology, 333:273-284.
  3.Zhao L, Zhao XY, Tian T, Lu QL, Skrbo-Larssen N, Wu D, Kuang Z, Zheng XF, Han YC, Yang SY, Zhang CM, Meng AM. 2008. Heart-specific isoform of tropomyosin4 is essential for heartbeat in zebrafish embryos. Cardiovascular Research, 80(2):200-208.
  4.Meng FW, Cheng X, Yang LL, Hou N, Yang X, Meng AM. 2008. Accelerated re-epithelialization in Dpr2-deficient mice is associated with enhanced response signaling. Journal of Cell Science, 121(17):2904-2912.?to TGF-beta 
  5.Jia SJ, Ren Z, Li X, Zheng Y, Meng AM. 2008. smad2 and smad3 are required for mesendoderm induction by TGF-beta/Nodal signals in zebrafish. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(4):2418-2426.
  6.Huang HZ, Lu F-I, Jia SJ, Meng S, Cao Y, Wang YQ, Ma WP, Yin K, Wen ZL, Peng JR, Thisse C, Thisse B, Meng AM. 2007. Amotl2 is essential for cell movements in zebrafish embryo and regulates c-Src translocation. Development, 134(5): 979-988.
  7.Su Y, Zhang L, Gao X, Meng FW, Wen J, Zhou H, Meng AM, Chen YG. 2007. The evolutionally conserved activity of Dapper2 in antagonizing TGFbeta signaling. The FASEB Journal, 21(3):682-90.
  8.Rui RY, Xu Z, Xiong B, Cao Y, Lin SY, Zhang M, Chan SC, Luo W, Han Y, Lu ZL, Ye ZY, Zhou HM, Han JH, Meng AM, Sheng-Cai Lin. 2007. Abeta -catenin-independent dorsalization pathway activated by Axin/JNK signaling and antagonized by Aida. Developmental Cell, 13(2):268-282.
  9.Xiong B, Rui YN, Zhang M, Shi KH, Jia SJ, Tian T, Yin K, Huang HZ, Lin SY, Zhao XG, Chen YH, Chen Y-G, Lin S-C, Meng AM. 2006. Tob1 controls dorsal development of zebrafish embryos by antagonizing maternalbeta-Catenin transcriptional activity. Developmental Cell, 11:225-238.
  10.Lin X, Duan XY, Liang Y-Y, Su Y, Wrighton KH, Long JY, Hu M, Davis CM, Wang JR, Brunicardi FCB, Shi YG, Chen Y-G, Meng AM, Feng X-H. 2006. PPM1A functions as a Smad phosphatase to terminate TGF-beta signaling. Cell, 125(5):915-928.
  11.Zhang L, Zhou H, Su Y, Sun Z, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ning Y, Chen Y-G, Meng AM. 2004. Zebrafish Dpr2 inhibits mesoderm induction by promoting lysosomal degradation of Nodal receptors. Science, 306(5693):114-117.
  12.Cao Y, Zhao J, Sun ZH, Postlethwait J, Meng AM. 2004. fgf17b, a novel member of Fgf family, helps patterning zebrafish embryos. Developmental Biology, 271(1):130-143.
  13.Penberthy WT, Zhao CT, Zhang Y, Jessen JR, Yang Z, Bricaud O, Collazo A, Meng A, Lin S. 2004. Pur alpha and Sp8 as opposing regulators of neural gata2 expression. Developmental Biology, 275(1):225-234.
  14.Zhao J, Cao Y, Zhao CT, Postlethwait J, Meng AM. 2003. An SP1-like transcription factor Spr2 acts downstream of Fgf signaling to mediate mesoderm induction. EMBO Journal, 22(22): 6078-6088. 
  15.Zhao ZX, Cao Y, Li M, Meng AM. 2001. Injection of double-stranded RNA produces nonspecific defects in zebrafish. Developmental Biology, 229(1):215-223.
  16.Zhang LX, Hua ZC, Ren JG, Meng A. 2001. The nuclear localization signal of zebrafish terra is located within the DM domain. FEBS Letters, 503(1):25-29.
  17.Meng AM, Moore B, Tang H, Yuan BZ and Lin S. 1999. Drosophila doublesex-related gene, terra, is involved in somitogenesis in vertebrates. Development, 126:1259-1268. 
  18.Meng A, Tang H, Yuan BZ, Ong BA, Long Q, Lin S. 1999. Positive and negative cis-acting elements are required for hematopoietic expression of zebrafish GATA-1. Blood, 93(2):500-508.
  19.Meng A, Jessen J, Lin S. 1999. Transgenesis. Methods in Cell Biology, 60: 133-148.
  20.Jessen JR, Meng AM, Paw BH, Zon LI, Lin S. 1998. Modification of bacterial artificial chromosomes through chi-stimulated homologous recombination and its application in zebrafish transgenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95:5121-5126.
  21.Meng AM, Tang H, Ong BA, Farrell MJ, Lin S. 1997. Promoter analysis in living zebrafish embryos identifies a cis-acting motif required for neuronal expression of GATA-2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94:6267-6272.
  22.Long QM, Meng AM, Wang H, Jessen JR, Farrell MJ, Lin S. 1997. GATA-1 expression pattern can be recapitulated in living transgenic zebrafish using GFP reporter gene. Development, 124:4105-4111.
  潘俊敏 博士 教授,博士生导师
  河北师范大学学士, 1986
  美国西南医学中心,Research Assistant Prof., 2006
  清华大学,教授, 博士生导师,2006
  1.Piao tian, , Minna Luo, Liang Wang, Yan Guo,De Li, Peng Li, William J. Snell, Junmin Pan*. 2009. A microtubule depolymerizing kinesin functions during both flagellar disassembly and flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas. PNAS, 106, 4713-4718 (direct submission).
  2.Cao Muqing, Yu Fu, Yan Guo and Junmin Pan*. 2009. Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyceae) colony PCR. Protoplasma, 235, 107.
  3.Junmin Pan*. 2008. Cilia and ciliopathies: From Chlamydomonas and beyond. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci, 51, 479-486.
  4.Junmin Pan and William Snell. 2007. The primary cilum: Keeper of the key to cell division. Cell, 129, 1255-1257.
  5.Merchant S., …, Junmin Pan, et al., 2007. The Chlamydomonas Genome Reveals the Evolution of Key Animal and Plant Functions. Science, 318, 245-250.
  6.Wang Q. Junmin Pan, and William Snell. 2006. A new role for intraflagellar transport: Intraflagellar transport particles participate directly in signal transduction during cilium-generated signaling in Chlamydomonas. Cell, 125, 549-562
  7.Junmin Pan and William Snell. 2005. Chlamydomonas shortens its flagella by activating disassembly, stimulating IFT particles and blocking anterograde cargo loading. Developmental Cell, 9, 431-438.
  8.Junmin Pan, Q. Wang, and William Snell. 2005. Cilium-generated signaling and cilia-related disorders. Laboratory Investigation, 85, 452-463.
  9.Junmin Pan, Qian Wang and William J. Snell. 2004. An Aurora Kinase Is Essential for Flagellar Disassembly in Chlamydomonas. Developmental Cell, 6: 445-451.
  10.William J. Snell, Junmin Pan and Qian Wang. 2004. Cilia and flagella revealed: from flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas to Human obesity disorders. Cell, 117, 693-697.
  清华大学生命科学学院  100084
  潘宪明 博士 教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者
  1.Sheng X. R., Zhang H. J., Pan X. M. and Zhou J.M. (1997) Domain movement in rabbit muscle adenylate kinase might involve proline isomerization. FEBS Letters, 413, 429-432.
  2.Zhang H. J., Sheng X. R., Pan X. M.* and Zhou J.M. (1997) Activation of adenylate kinase by denaturatants is due to the increasing flexibility at its active sites. BBRC, 238, 382-386.
  3.Zhang H. J., Sheng X. R., Niu W. D., Pan X. M.* and Zhou J.M. (1998) Rabbit Muscle Adenylate Kinase: Evidence for at Least Two Native forms in Equilibrium in Aqueous Solution. J. Biol. Chem., 273, 7448-7456.
  4.Zhang H. J., Sheng X. R., Pan X. M.* and Zhou J. M. (1998) Refolding of urea-denatured adenylate kinase. Biochem. J., 333, 401-405.
  5.Sheng X. R., Li X. and Pan X. M.* (1999) An Iso-random Bi Bi mechanism for adenylate kinase. J. Biol. Chem., 274, 22238-22243.
  6.Li X. and Pan X. M.* (2001) New Method for accurate prediction of solvent accessibility from protein sequence. Proteins, structure, Function, and Genetics, 42, 1-5.
  7.Pan X. M.* (2001) Multiple linear regression for protein secondary structure prediction. Proteins, structure, Function, and Genetics. 43, 256-9
  8.Li X., Yang Han and Pan X. M.*(2001) Cysteine-25 of adenylate kinase reacts with dithiothreitol to form an adduct upon aging of the enzyme. FEBS Letters, 507 (2) 169-173.
  9.Han Y. , Li X. and Pan X. M.*(2002) Native States


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