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  机构设置: 首都师范大学外国语学院是以培养复合型、专业型和涉外型外语人才为主要任务的教学研究型学院。下设英语教育系、英语语言文学系、俄语系、日语系、德语系、法语系、西班牙语系,校级研究机构有外国语言学与应用语言学研究所、语言哲学研究所、外国文学研究中心,院级研究机构有教师发展研究中心、翻译研究中心。中国俄语教学研究会和该会学刊设在本院。我院于2009年获批北京市(多语种)实验教学范中心。
  硕士博士学位点及学科建设: 学院具有俄语语言文学博士学位授予权和外国语言文学一级学科硕士学位授予权,设有外国语言文学博士后流动站。现有五个语种的六个学术学位硕士点(英语语言文学、外国语言学与应用语言学、俄语语言文学、法语语言文学、德语语言文学、日语语言文学)和两个专业硕士学位点(英语笔译和英语教育)。首都师范大学外国语学院是北京市外国语言文学一级学科重点建设单位,也是俄语语言文学二级重点学科单位。
  本科教学质量:我院六个语种的专业考级通过率均远远高于国内外语类院校的平均水平。英语专业(英语教育、英语语言文学)在教育部英语专业评估中获得优秀成绩, 是北京市特色专业;俄语专业的办学水平在国内居于前列,是北京市特色专业;西班牙语专业是国家级特色专业;法语、德语、日语各专业均有半个世纪的办学历史,不仅在北京市属高校中处于最前列,在国内也享有良好的声誉。半个世纪以来,首都师范大学外国语学院为国家培养了大批高素质外语人才,他们已成为北京市外交、外贸、教育、科研、新闻出版等领域的栋梁之才。
  师资队伍: 学院拥有一支教学经验丰富、治学严谨的高学历师资队伍,在近150名专任教师中,具有副教授以上职称的占50%,英语专业教师具有硕士或博士学位的占96%,俄语专业教师具有博士学位的占65%,具有硕士学位的占100%,其他专业教师具有硕士以上学位的占85-95%,外院大部分教师有在国外学习或工作的经历。各语系还长期聘任外籍专家和国内知名学者授课。我院目前有6名专家担任教育部专业教学指导委员会等专业组织的委员, 有8人担任全国性学术团体的理事、副会长或会长。
  办学规模: 学院现有1500多名本科生、300多名研究生、150多名教育硕士和近800名各类继续教育生(包括高级研修班、研究生课程班和专升本班),外语专业的办学规模在国内综合大学中名列前茅,为北京市各行各业培养了大量合格的外语专业本科生和研究生。外语学院文理兼收,每年招收新生300人以上。学院从2005年开始择优录取教育部授权的全国15所外语学校的优秀毕业生和重点高中的高分生。优秀生可推荐继续攻读硕士学位。学院在完成本科和研究生常规教学任务之外,还开设了英语商贸辅修专业,学生修满规定学分,可以获得本、专合一的毕业证书。
  国际交流: 学院与英、美、法、俄、德、日、西等国的30余所高等院校建立了合作关系,国际交流活动频繁。近年来还积极探索国际合作教育模式,各语系不仅开始接收外国留学生,而且每年派出部分本科生和研究生到国外学习,有不少合作项目还提供奖学金。首都师范大学外国语学院在国际文化交流和高等外语教育中所起到的作用得到了相关国家驻华使馆的高度重视和大力支持。
  办学条件: 学院位于西三环花园桥和紫竹桥之间的北校区,所处的教学区内有设施先进的外语楼、文科楼、国际文化大厦、文科图书馆、体育馆、运动场等。外语楼内有国内一流的教学硬件设施,如卫星接收设备、多功能学术报告厅、计算机多媒体教室、语音实验室、教师阅览室、学生阅览中心、网络资源中心、视听中心、笔译实践中心、同传教室、微格教室、、数字录音棚、外国语言文学资料馆等。办学条件在国内一流。
  发展前景: 在”十一五”发展时期,外国语学院将进一步加强学科建设,推进教学改革,以全新的办学和育人理念、浓厚的学术和教学氛围、优良的工作和学习环境,吸引优秀学者,吸引国内外学子,共绘首师大外院的宏伟蓝图。
  The Foreign Languages College at Capital Normal University is a teaching and research college aimed at cultivating general and professional foreign language skills. Its departments include English EducationEnglish Language and LiteratureRussianJapaneseGermanFrenchand SpanishThe College houses research institutes at both the university-level — the Foreign Language Studies and Applied Language Research Institute, the Research Institute for the Philosophy of Languagethe Foreign Literature Research Center — and also the college-level, such as the Teacher Development Research Center and the Translation Research CenterThe China-Russia Education Research Society and its official publication also have offices in the College. The College was approved as a Beijing Experimental Teaching Center (Multiple Languages) in 2009
  Postgraduate studies and curricular development: The Foreign Languages College at Capital Normal University supports advanced research through its post-doctoral Foreign Language and Literature Studies Center, and offers a doctoral degree in Russianalong with a First Class Master’s degree in Foreign Language and Literature StudiesThere is curently a total of six Master’s degree programs in five different languagesa Master’s in Spanish is in the process of being establishedThe College also offers professional programs in English Education and the Master’s in Translation and Interpretation (MTI). The Foreign Languages College at Capital Normal University has been designated by the Beijing government as a First-Tier Center for the development of curriculum in foreign language and literature, and as a Second-Tier Center for curricular development in Russian literature. Six second-class curricula are included within the Foreign Language and Literature first-class rubric: EnglishRussianFrenchGermanSpanishand Japanese literature studiesThese in turn support four research platformsForeign Language StudiesForeign LiteratureTranslation and Intercultural Researchand Language Application Studies
  Quality of undergraduate instruction: The professional examination pass-rate of six languages offered at the College far exceeds the average rate of other foreign language colleges in the country. The College’s English (English Education, English Language and Literatureprogram has won excellent ranking in the Ministry of Education English professional evaluations and has been designated a Beijing Special ProgramThe Russian program meets leading national academic standards and has been similarly designatedwhile the Spanish program has special program status at the national levelThe university-level special programs in French, Germanand Japanese have the longest history as academic programs in ChinaNot only are they leaders among other similar programs offered in Beijingbut they enjoy superlative national reputation as wellFor the past half centurythe Foreign Languages College at Capital Normal University has cultivated excellent foreign language skills that have contributed significantly to such fields as diplomacyinternational commerceeducationresearchnewsand general publication
  Faculty: The College’s faculty has excellent teaching experienceAmong its 150 professional faculty members50% have achieved the rank of assistant professor or aboveA full 96% of the English language faculty hold Master’s or Doctoral degreesAmong the Russian faculty65% hold a Ph.D. and 100% are Master’s graduatesWithin the other language departments85-95% of faculty have Doctoral Degrees. A majority of faculty members of the Foreign Languages College have studied or worked abroadLanguage departments additionally employ foreign experts and nationally renowned scholars as long-term lecturers. There are currently six experts from the College who are members of the Ministry of Education Instruction and Training Committee and other professional committeesEight are committee membersvice presidentsor presidents of national academic organizations
  Student body: The Foreign Languages College has a current enrollment of approximately 1500 undergraduate students300 Master’s students150 Master’s in Education studentsand close to 800 continuing education students from various fields (including those enrolled in senior research classes, Master’s level coursesand associate degree level classes). In sizethe Foreign Language College is a leader among other comprehensive universities in the countryThe College has contributed significantly to Beijing by cultivating numerous foreign language undergraduate and Master’s studentsThe Foreign Languages College accepts students from the arts and sciences with an annual new student enrollment exceeding 300The College has begun to accepton a selective and priority basishigh-achieving graduates nationwide from 15 foreign language colleges endorsed by the Ministry of Education, along with high-achieving graduates from renowned secondary schools. Graduates with excellent academic records are advised to further their studies in Master’s programsIn addition to conventional instruction for the undergraduate and Master’s programsthe College also offers a Commercial and Business English supplementary programAfter completing the necessary creditsstudents are granted a combined undergraduate and professional degree certificate
  International exchange: The College has established close exchange relationships with over 30 tertiary educational institutions in the United KingdomUSAFranceRussiaGermanyJapanSpainand elsewhereIn recent yearsthe College has been actively exploring opportunities for cooperation in international educationLanguage departments have not only begun to enroll foreign studentsbut have sent undergraduate and Master’s students to study abroadA majority of cooperative programs offer scholarshipsThe College’s efforts in promoting international cultural exchange and tertiary foreign language education have gained significant attention and support from foreign embassies in China
  Academic facilities: The Foreign Languages College at Capital Normal University College is located on the North Campus of Capital Normal Universitysituated between Huayuan Bridge and ZiZhu Bridge on the West Third Ring RoadFacilities include the high-tech Foreign Languages College, Arts CollegeInternational Culture Buildingand Arts Libraryalong with the Athletic Center and sports fieldsThe Foreign Languages College is equipped with up-to-date educational hardware and resources that include satellite receivers, a multi-purpose auditorium, multimedia computer laboratoryacoustics laboratoryfaculty reading roomstudent reading centernetwork resources centeraudio visual centerwritten translation practice centersingle language interpretation classroommicro-teaching classroom, digital recording studioand foreign language literature information libraryThe College’s academic facilities are first class nationwide
  Future development: Under the Eleventh Five Year Planthe Foreign Languages College will continue to strengthen and improve academically while moving ahead on educational reformsThrough new instructional methodsa strong teaching and learning atmosphereand an excellent work and study environmentthe College will attract outstanding scholars from home and abroad to work together and further its mission at Capital Normal University


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