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  能源学院(原采矿工程系)源于 1938 7 月北洋大学工学院、北平大学工学院、东北大学工学院和私立焦作工学院组建的国立西北工学院矿冶系(后更名为采矿系)。1957 年,该系调整到由上海整体迁至西安的交通大学。1958 9 15 日,西安科技大学的前身——西安矿业学院从西安交通大学分离出来独立办学,并隶属于原煤炭工业部,成为国内两所之一、西部地区惟一的一所矿业工程类五年制本科高等院校,采矿工程系既是学院成立时的最主要的教学单位。
  目前,能源学院拥有 1 个国家重点学科,2 个陕西省重点学科,2 个二级学科博士、硕士学位授予权点,3 个本科专业中安全工程专业为陕西省名牌专业,采矿工程专业为国家管理专业;1 个教育部重点实验室、2 个省部级重点实验室;学校矿业工程一级学科博士学位授权、博士后科研流动站及工程硕士学位授予权的主体部分挂靠在能源学院。
  学院现有专任教师62名,教授 12 人,其中博士生导师 10 人,聘请、兼职博士生导师 9 人,副教授及高级工程师 16人;教师中博士学位获得者 17 人,硕士学位获得者 38 人。在册教师中攻读博士学位者 17人,攻读硕士学位者 5人。
  学院现有博士研究生77人,硕士研究生147人,工程硕士研究生80人,共计研究生304人;采矿工程专业本科生231人,安全工程专业本科生239人,建筑环境与设备工程专业本科生 387人,共计本科生857人。学院研究生与本科生比为12.8
  School of Energy Engineering
  The School of Energy Engineering was evolved from the Department of Mining & Metallurgy later named Department of Miningof National Northwest Industrial Institutewhich was a combination of Jiaozuo Industrial CollegeBeiyang UniversityBeiping University and Northeast UniversityIt became a department of Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1957and one year later September 151958),Xi'an University of Science and Technology the former Xi'an Mining Instituewas separated from Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityAt that timeincluding Xi'an Mining Institutethere was only one mining college with the length of schooling of 5 years in the western region and two all over the countryThe Department of Mining was the most important department in the institute when it was established
  The School of Energy and Resource has taken an important status in the field of higher education and scientific research of Mining and Safety in our countryProfessor Hou yunguang is the founder of the department of mining engineeringWith professor Hou and other teachers'hard workthe School of Energy and Resource has achieved rational specialty structureexcellent teachers and advanced experimental installations
  At presentthe School has one national key academic disciplinetwo key academic disciplines of Shaanxi Provinceone key laboratory of Ministry of Education and two key laboratories of Shaanxi ProvinceThe School offers doctoral and master's degrees in Mining EngineeringSafety Technique & EngineeringIt is also composed of three undergraduate specialtiesThere are 12 professors10 doctoral supervisors9 pluralistic doctoral supervisors and 16 associate professors and senior engineers7 teachers have doctoral degree38 teachers have master's degree
  Current enrollment in the School includes 304 doctor graduate studentsmaster graduate studentsand engineering postgraduate students and 857 undergraduate students in mining engineeringsafety engineering and construction environment & equipment engineering


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