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  About School of Computer Science and Engineering
  School of Computer Science and Engineering at Northwestern Polytechnical University (CS@NWPU) is a research-based comprehensive school with a global vision to combine excellent teaching and outstanding research. Founded in 1958, the school has one of the earliest computer science majors in Chinese universities.
  School of Computer Science and Engineering has established two eminent undergraduate programmes Computer Science & Technology and E-commerce. The former has been awarded with "Shaanxi Provincial Famous College Programme" and "MOE Featured & Qualified Programme". The school also provides quality education of computer fundamentals for all undergraduate students over the university. Our school offers four qualified postgraduate programmes for both master and doctor degrees Computer Architecture, Software Theory, Computer Application and Network & Information Security. Postdoctoral researchers can continue their studies in the major of Computer Science & Technology. We have a strong team of 143 experienced academic staffs with diverse research interests and professional expertise. Of these staffs, one is Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 20 are Ph.D supervisors, 27 are professors and 28 are associate professors. Many young staffs are talents recruited abroad, e.g., from Japan, Germany and Singapore, and most key staffs have oversea experiences of studying, training and researching.
  School of Computer Science and Engineering has conducted a large number of research projects, including key projects of National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC), National "863" Projects, National Defense Pre-research Projects and National Defense Basic Research Projects. We have close collaboration with over ten oversea institutions in the areas of academic exchange and bilateral cooperative research. The school has tight cooperative links with various well-known international IT companies, such as NEC, IBM and Microsoft, in both R&D and talent cultivation. We have established cutting-edge superior research areas of special processor design, parallel and distributed computing for national defense, embedded computing and applications, intelligence information processing, data management and information storage and computer control and simulation.
  With a glorious history of 50 years, School of Computer Science and Engineering is always proactive in reaching out to society. We feel the pulse of society and are quick to respond to its needs. With solid base of research, enthusiastic staff, excellent facilities and growing recognition of the capabilities of our graduates, the school welcomes the challenges ahead, and is all geared to take larger strides in its role as a major teaching and applied research base in IT. Our long-term mission is to be acknowledged nationally and internationally as a first-class comprehensive research school with dimensions of student education, scholarly output, development of national defense and needs of society and economics.


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