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  Gold Mantis School of Architecture and Urban Environment
  Gold Mantis School of Architecture and Urban Environment of Soochow University formerly was School of Urban Science of Soochow University which was founded on May 2005. To deepen the reform of higher education and explore the new mode of school-enterprise cooperation, abiding by the principle of mutual benefit, sustainable development and common development, Soochow University and Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co., Ltd. concluded a long-term cooperation agreement to co-establish the Gold Mantis School of Architecture and Urban Environment of Soochow University (the public nature of the school was not changed, i.e. it is still the public school of Soochow University) on the basis of the original School of Urban Science of Soochow University at the end of 2007. They also agree to cofound the school board, integrate mutual resources, create preferable environment and carry out the all-around cooperation in discipline construction, talent training, scientific research, industry training, social services, etc.. Meanwhile, a series of new reforms in school running and management have been carried out, thus the school becoming the “test area” of reform of school education system. In September 2008, after the discussion and verification of the school board and the university, it was formally renamed as Gold Mantis School of Architecture and Urban Environment of Soochow University, which offered the opportunity for the rapid development of the school. Currently, it is equipped with a modern comprehensive building for teaching, laboratory and office work, with the construction area of over 15,000m2.
  At present, the school possesses four departments, two institutes and one company, i.e. Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Interior Design, Department of Horticulture, Suzhou Garden Heritage Conservation Institute, Gold Mantis Design Institute of Architecture and Urban Environment of Soochow University, Soochow University Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co., Ltd.; moreover, it has 5 undergraduate programs, namely, Architecture, Architecture (Interior Design), Urban Planning, Gardens (Urban Gardens), Horticulture (Urban Horticulture) and 2 master programs of Garden Plants and Ornamental Gardening, and Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control.
  Currently, the school is equipped with 57 faculty members, among whom there are 37 full-time teachers, 11 professors, and 15 associate professors, with 12 PhDs and 17 masters in total. Besides, there are over 10 part-time professors, 552 full-time undergraduate students and 43 postgraduate students.
  To explore the international cooperation in school-running, the school has concluded agreements on academic exchange and cooperation with many world renowned universities, such as City University of Hong Kong, Domus Academy of Italy, etc., and now it is negotiating with some American and Japanese universities for cooperation. Furthermore, Majors of Interior Designs have the opportunity of going to such foreign countries as Japan, etc. for studying and observing with the expense borne by Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co., Ltd.
  The development goal of the school is to become a design institute with a high integration degree of manufacture, academic achievements and research. In recent years, the school has been making new attempts at talent training, school-enterprise cooperation, discipline construction, etc., and has cooperated with government departments, enterprises and public institutions on the establishment of over 10 experimental practice bases and various laboratories for physical model of architecture, CAD, structure and material, luminous environment, physiological and biochemical study, sparing no efforts to nurture the advanced application-oriented talents with rich cultural deposits and design philosophy of preferable living environment.
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